struct GNUNET_TESTBED_ControllerProc;
+ * Function called on errors with the controller.
+ *
+ * @param cls closure
+ * @param emsg error message if available; can be NULL, which does NOT mean
+ * that there was no error
+ */
+typedef void (*GNUNET_TESTBED_ControllerErrorCallback)(void *cls,
+ const char *emsg);
* Starts a controller process at the host
+ * @param system used for reserving ports if host is NULL and to determine
+ * which 'host' to set as TRUSTED ('controller') when starting testbed remotely
* @param host the host where the controller has to be started; NULL for localhost
- * @return the controller process handle
+ * @param cfg template configuration to use for the remote controller; will
+ * be modified to contain the actual host/port/unixpath used for
+ * the testbed service
+ * @param cec function called if the contoller dies unexpectedly; will not be
+ * invoked after GNUNET_TESTBED_controller_stop, if 'cec' was called,
+ * GNUNET_TESTBED_controller_stop must no longer be called; will
+ * never be called in the same task as 'GNUNET_TESTBED_controller_start'
+ * (synchronous errors will be signalled by returning NULL)
+ * @param cec_cls closure for 'cec'
+ * @return the controller process handle, NULL on errors
struct GNUNET_TESTBED_ControllerProc *
-GNUNET_TESTBED_controller_start (struct GNUNET_TESTBED_Host *host);
+GNUNET_TESTBED_controller_start (struct GNUNET_TESTING_System *system,
+ struct GNUNET_TESTBED_Host *host,
+ struct GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_Handle *cfg,
+ GNUNET_TESTBED_ControllerErrorCallback cec,
+ void *cec_cls);
const struct GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_Handle *config)
uint64_t event_mask;
+ struct GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_Handle *cdup;
cfg = config;
host = GNUNET_TESTBED_host_create (NULL, NULL, 0);
GNUNET_assert (NULL != host);
- cp = GNUNET_TESTBED_controller_start (host);
+ cdup = GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_dup (config);
+ cp = GNUNET_TESTBED_controller_start (system, host, cdup, NULL, NULL);
event_mask = 0;
event_mask |= (1L << GNUNET_TESTBED_ET_PEER_START);
event_mask |= (1L << GNUNET_TESTBED_ET_PEER_STOP);