BUILT_SOURCES += arg-nonnull.h
# The arg-nonnull.h that gets inserted into generated .h files is the same as
# build-aux/arg-nonnull.h, except that it has the copyright header cut off.
-arg-nonnull.h: $(top_srcdir)/./arg-nonnull.h
+arg-nonnull.h: $(top_srcdir)/src/include/arg-nonnull.h
$(AM_V_GEN)rm -f $@-t $@ && \
sed -n -e '/GL_ARG_NONNULL/,$$p' \
- < $(top_srcdir)/./arg-nonnull.h \
+ < $(top_srcdir)/src/include/arg-nonnull.h \
> $@-t && \
mv $@-t $@
MOSTLYCLEANFILES += arg-nonnull.h arg-nonnull.h-t
-EXTRA_DIST += $(top_srcdir)/./arg-nonnull.h
+EXTRA_DIST += $(top_srcdir)/src/include/arg-nonnull.h
## end gnulib module arg-nonnull
BUILT_SOURCES += c++defs.h
# The c++defs.h that gets inserted into generated .h files is the same as
# build-aux/c++defs.h, except that it has the copyright header cut off.
-c++defs.h: $(top_srcdir)/./c++defs.h
+c++defs.h: $(top_srcdir)/src/include/c++defs.h
$(AM_V_GEN)rm -f $@-t $@ && \
sed -n -e '/_GL_CXXDEFS/,$$p' \
- < $(top_srcdir)/./c++defs.h \
+ < $(top_srcdir)/src/include/c++defs.h \
> $@-t && \
mv $@-t $@
MOSTLYCLEANFILES += c++defs.h c++defs.h-t
-EXTRA_DIST += $(top_srcdir)/./c++defs.h
+EXTRA_DIST += $(top_srcdir)/src/include/c++defs.h
## end gnulib module c++defs
BUILT_SOURCES += warn-on-use.h
# The warn-on-use.h that gets inserted into generated .h files is the same as
# build-aux/warn-on-use.h, except that it has the copyright header cut off.
-warn-on-use.h: $(top_srcdir)/./warn-on-use.h
+warn-on-use.h: $(top_srcdir)/src/include/warn-on-use.h
$(AM_V_GEN)rm -f $@-t $@ && \
sed -n -e '/^.ifndef/,$$p' \
- < $(top_srcdir)/./warn-on-use.h \
+ < $(top_srcdir)/src/include/warn-on-use.h \
> $@-t && \
mv $@-t $@
MOSTLYCLEANFILES += warn-on-use.h warn-on-use.h-t
-EXTRA_DIST += $(top_srcdir)/./warn-on-use.h
+EXTRA_DIST += $(top_srcdir)/src/include/warn-on-use.h
## end gnulib module warn-on-use