struct GNUNET_NAMESTORE_Client * nc;
struct GNUNET_NAMESTORE_Client * next;
+ GNUNET_SERVER_notification_context_destroy (snc);
+ snc = NULL;
for (nc = client_head; nc != NULL; nc = next)
next = nc->next;
GNUNET_free (no);
+ GNUNET_SERVER_client_drop(nc->client);
GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove (client_head, client_tail, nc);
GNUNET_free (nc);
- GNUNET_SERVER_notification_context_destroy (snc);
- snc = NULL;
GNUNET_break (NULL == GNUNET_PLUGIN_unload (db_lib_name, GSN_database));
GNUNET_free (db_lib_name);
GNUNET_free (no);
+ GNUNET_SERVER_client_drop(nc->client);
GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove (client_head, client_tail, nc);
GNUNET_free (nc);
nc->client = client;
GNUNET_SERVER_notification_context_add (snc, client);
GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert(client_head, client_tail, nc);
+ GNUNET_SERVER_client_keep (client);
GNUNET_SERVER_receive_done (client, GNUNET_OK);
rid = ntohl (rp_msg->gns_header.r_id);
msg_size = ntohs (rp_msg->gns_header.header.size);
- key_len = sizeof (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKeyBinaryEncoded);
+ key_len = ntohs (rp_msg->key_len);
name_len = ntohs (rp_msg->name_len);
rd_count = ntohs (rp_msg->rd_count);
rd_ser_len = ntohs(rp_msg->rd_len);
- msg_size_exp = sizeof (struct RecordPutMessage) + key_len + name_len + rd_ser_len;
- if (msg_size != msg_size_exp)
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, "Expected message %u size but message size is %u \n", msg_size_exp, msg_size);
GNUNET_break_op (0);
GNUNET_SERVER_receive_done (client, GNUNET_OK);
+ if ((rd_count < 1) || (rd_ser_len < 1) || (name_len >=256) || (name_len == 0))
+ {
+ GNUNET_break_op (0);
+ GNUNET_SERVER_receive_done (client, GNUNET_OK);
+ return;
+ }
+ msg_size_exp = sizeof (struct RecordPutMessage) + key_len + name_len + rd_ser_len;
+ if (msg_size != msg_size_exp)
+ {
+ GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, "Expected message %u size but message size is %u \n", msg_size_exp, msg_size);
+ GNUNET_break_op (0);
+ GNUNET_SERVER_receive_done (client, GNUNET_OK);
+ return;
+ }
if ((name_len == 0) || (name_len > 256))
GNUNET_break_op (0);
GNUNET_HashCode zone_hash;
GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash (zone_key, key_len, &zone_hash);
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, "PUT ZONE HASH: `%s'\n", GNUNET_h2s_full(&zone_hash));
/* Database operation */
res = GSN_database->put_records(GSN_database->cls,
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature *
-GNUNET_NAMESTORE_create_signature (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPrivateKey *key, struct GNUNET_NAMESTORE_RecordData *rd, unsigned int rd_count)
+GNUNET_NAMESTORE_create_signature (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPrivateKey *key, const char *name, struct GNUNET_NAMESTORE_RecordData *rd, unsigned int rd_count)
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature *sig = GNUNET_malloc(sizeof (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature));
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignaturePurpose *sig_purpose;
size_t rd_ser_len;
+ size_t name_len;
+ char * name_tmp;
+ char * rd_tmp;
+ int res;
+ if (name == NULL)
+ {
+ GNUNET_break (0);
+ GNUNET_free (sig);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ name_len = strlen (name) + 1;
rd_ser_len = GNUNET_NAMESTORE_records_get_size(rd_count, rd);
char rd_ser[rd_ser_len];
GNUNET_NAMESTORE_records_serialize(rd_count, rd, rd_ser_len, rd_ser);
- sig_purpose = GNUNET_malloc(sizeof (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignaturePurpose) + rd_ser_len);
+ sig_purpose = GNUNET_malloc(sizeof (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignaturePurpose) + rd_ser_len + name_len);
- sig_purpose->size = htonl (sizeof (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignaturePurpose)+ rd_ser_len);
+ sig_purpose->size = htonl (sizeof (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignaturePurpose)+ rd_ser_len + name_len);
sig_purpose->purpose = htonl (GNUNET_SIGNATURE_PURPOSE_GNS_RECORD_SIGN);
- memcpy (&sig_purpose[1], rd_ser, rd_ser_len);
+ name_tmp = (char *) &sig_purpose[1];
+ rd_tmp = &name_tmp[name_len];
+ memcpy (name_tmp, name, name_len);
+ memcpy (rd_tmp, rd_ser, rd_ser_len);
- GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_sign (key, sig_purpose, sig);
+ res = GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_sign (key, sig_purpose, sig);
GNUNET_free (sig_purpose);
+ if (GNUNET_OK != res)
+ {
+ GNUNET_break (0);
+ GNUNET_free (sig);
+ return NULL;
+ }
return sig;
rd_new[rd_count] = *(crc->rd);
- signature_new = GNUNET_NAMESTORE_create_signature (crc->pkey, rd_new, rd_count+1);
+ signature_new = GNUNET_NAMESTORE_create_signature (crc->pkey, name, rd_new, rd_count+1);
/* Database operation */
res = GSN_database->put_records(GSN_database->cls,
struct GNUNET_NAMESTORE_Client *nc;
struct CreateRecordContext crc;
+ struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPrivateKey *pkey;
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKeyBinaryEncoded pub;
GNUNET_HashCode pubkey_hash;
size_t name_len;
GNUNET_assert (rd_count == 1);
/* Extracting and converting private key */
- struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPrivateKey *pkey = GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_decode_key((char *) pkey_tmp, key_len);
+ pkey = GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_decode_key((char *) pkey_tmp, key_len);
GNUNET_assert (pkey != NULL);
GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_key_get_public(pkey, &pub);
GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash (&pub, sizeof (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKeyBinaryEncoded), &pubkey_hash);
+struct RemoveRecordContext
+ struct GNUNET_NAMESTORE_RecordData *rd;
+ struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPrivateKey *pkey;
+ uint16_t op_res;
+static void
+handle_record_remove_it (void *cls,
+ const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKeyBinaryEncoded *zone_key,
+ struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute expire,
+ const char *name,
+ unsigned int rd_count,
+ const struct GNUNET_NAMESTORE_RecordData *rd,
+ const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature *signature)
+ struct RemoveRecordContext *rrc = cls;
+ unsigned int rd_count_new = rd_count -1;
+ struct GNUNET_NAMESTORE_RecordData rd_new[rd_count_new];
+ unsigned int c;
+ int res;
+ int found = GNUNET_NO;
+ GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, "Name `%s 'currently has %u records\n", name, rd_count);
+ if (rd_count == 0)
+ {
+ /* Could not find record to remove */
+ rrc->op_res = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Find record to remove */
+ unsigned int c2 = 0;
+ for (c = 0; c < rd_count; c++)
+ {
+ if ((rd[c].expiration.abs_value == rrc->rd->expiration.abs_value) &&
+ (rd[c].flags == rrc->rd->flags) &&
+ (rd[c].record_type == rrc->rd->record_type) &&
+ (rd[c].data_size == rrc->rd->data_size) &&
+ (0 == memcmp (rd[c].data, rrc->rd->data, rrc->rd->data_size)))
+ {
+ GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, "Found record to remove!\n", rd_count);
+ found = GNUNET_YES;
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rd_new[c2] = rd[c];
+ c2 ++;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((c2 != rd_count_new) || (found == GNUNET_NO))
+ {
+ /* Could not find record to remove */
+ rrc->op_res = 2;
+ return;
+ }
+ GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, "Name `%s' now has %u records\n", name, rd_count_new);
+ /* Create new signature */
+ struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature * new_signature;
+ new_signature = GNUNET_NAMESTORE_create_signature (rrc->pkey, name, rd_new, rd_count_new);
+ if (new_signature == NULL)
+ {
+ /* Signature failed */
+ rrc->op_res = 3;
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Put records */
+ res = GSN_database->put_records(GSN_database->cls,
+ zone_key,
+ expire,
+ name,
+ rd_count_new, rd_new,
+ new_signature);
+ GNUNET_free (new_signature);
+ if (GNUNET_OK != res)
+ {
+ /* Could put records into database */
+ rrc->op_res = 4;
+ return;
+ }
+ rrc->op_res = 0;
static void handle_record_remove (void *cls,
struct GNUNET_SERVER_Client * client,
struct GNUNET_NAMESTORE_Client *nc;
struct RecordRemoveResponseMessage rrr_msg;
- size_t name_len;
- size_t msg_size;
- size_t msg_size_exp;
+ struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPrivateKey *pkey;
+ struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKeyBinaryEncoded pub;
+ GNUNET_HashCode pubkey_hash;
+ char * pkey_tmp = NULL;
+ char * name_tmp = NULL;
+ char * rd_ser = NULL;
+ size_t key_len = 0;
+ size_t name_len = 0;
+ size_t rd_ser_len = 0;
+ size_t msg_size = 0;
+ size_t msg_size_exp = 0;
+ uint32_t rd_count;
uint32_t rid = 0;
int res = GNUNET_SYSERR;
- struct RecordRemoveMessage * rp_msg = (struct RecordRemoveMessage *) message;
- rid = ntohl (rp_msg->gns_header.r_id);
- name_len = ntohs (rp_msg->name_len);
+ struct RecordRemoveMessage * rr_msg = (struct RecordRemoveMessage *) message;
+ rid = ntohl (rr_msg->gns_header.r_id);
+ name_len = ntohs (rr_msg->name_len);
+ rd_ser_len = ntohs (rr_msg->rd_len);
+ rd_count = ntohs (rr_msg->rd_count);
+ key_len = ntohs (rr_msg->key_len);
msg_size = ntohs (message->size);
- msg_size_exp = sizeof (struct RecordRemoveMessage) + name_len + sizeof (struct GNUNET_NAMESTORE_RecordData);
+ {
+ GNUNET_break_op (0);
+ GNUNET_SERVER_receive_done (client, GNUNET_OK);
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((rd_count != 1) || (rd_ser_len < 1) || (name_len >=256) || (name_len == 0))
+ {
+ GNUNET_break_op (0);
+ GNUNET_SERVER_receive_done (client, GNUNET_OK);
+ return;
+ }
+ msg_size_exp = sizeof (struct RecordRemoveMessage) + key_len + name_len + rd_ser_len;
if (msg_size != msg_size_exp)
GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, "Expected message %u size but message size is %u \n", msg_size_exp, msg_size);
+ if ((rd_count != 1) || (rd_ser_len < 1) || (name_len >=256) || (name_len == 0))
+ {
+ GNUNET_break_op (0);
+ GNUNET_SERVER_receive_done (client, GNUNET_OK);
+ return;
+ }
+ pkey_tmp = (char *) &rr_msg[1];
+ name_tmp = &pkey_tmp[key_len];
+ rd_ser = &name_tmp[name_len];
if ((name_len == 0) || (name_len > 256))
GNUNET_SERVER_receive_done (client, GNUNET_OK);
- if (name[name_len -1] != '\0')
+ if (name_tmp[name_len -1] != '\0')
GNUNET_break_op (0);
GNUNET_SERVER_receive_done (client, GNUNET_OK);
- */
- /* DO WORK HERE */
- /* Send response */
+ /* Extracting and converting private key */
+ pkey = GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_decode_key((char *) pkey_tmp, key_len);
+ GNUNET_assert (pkey != NULL);
+ GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_key_get_public(pkey, &pub);
+ GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash (&pub, sizeof (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKeyBinaryEncoded), &pubkey_hash);
+ struct GNUNET_NAMESTORE_RecordData rd[rd_count];
+ GNUNET_NAMESTORE_records_deserialize(rd_ser_len, rd_ser, rd_count, rd);
+ GNUNET_assert (rd_count == 1);
+ struct RemoveRecordContext rrc;
+ rrc.rd = rd;
+ rrc.pkey = pkey;
+ /* Database operation */
+ res = GSN_database->iterate_records (GSN_database->cls,
+ &pubkey_hash,
+ name_tmp,
+ 0,
+ handle_record_remove_it, &rrc);
+ GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, "Removing record for name `%s': %s\n",
+ name_tmp, (rrc.op_res == 0) ? "OK" : "FAIL");
+ /* Send response */
rrr_msg.gns_header.header.type = htons (GNUNET_MESSAGE_TYPE_NAMESTORE_RECORD_REMOVE_RESPONSE);
- rrr_msg.gns_header.r_id = rp_msg->gns_header.r_id;
+ rrr_msg.gns_header.r_id = rr_msg->gns_header.r_id;
rrr_msg.gns_header.header.size = htons (sizeof (struct RecordRemoveResponseMessage));
- if (GNUNET_OK == res)
- rrr_msg.op_result = htons (GNUNET_OK);
- else
- rrr_msg.op_result = htons (GNUNET_NO);
+ rrr_msg.op_result = htons (rrc.op_res);
GNUNET_SERVER_notification_context_unicast (snc, nc->client, (const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *) &rrr_msg, GNUNET_NO);
+ GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_key_free (pkey);
GNUNET_SERVER_receive_done (client, GNUNET_OK);
/* end of gnunet-service-namestore.c */
+static void
+handle_record_remove_response (struct GNUNET_NAMESTORE_QueueEntry *qe,
+ struct RecordRemoveResponseMessage* msg,
+ size_t size)
+ GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, "Received `%s' \n",
+ struct GNUNET_NAMESTORE_Handle *h = qe->nsh;
+ int res = ntohs (msg->op_result);
+ /**
+ * result:
+ * 0 : successful
+ * 1 : No records for entry
+ * 2 : Could not find record to remove
+ * 3 : Failed to create new signature
+ * 4 : Failed to put new set of records in database
+ */
+ switch (res) {
+ case 0:
+ if (qe->cont != NULL)
+ {
+ qe->cont (qe->cont_cls, GNUNET_YES, _("Namestore removed record successfully"));
+ }
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ if (qe->cont != NULL)
+ {
+ qe->cont (qe->cont_cls, GNUNET_NO, _("No records for entry"));
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ if (qe->cont != NULL)
+ {
+ qe->cont (qe->cont_cls, GNUNET_NO, _("Could not find record to remove"));
+ }
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ if (qe->cont != NULL)
+ {
+ qe->cont (qe->cont_cls, GNUNET_SYSERR, _("Failed to create new signature"));
+ }
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ if (qe->cont != NULL)
+ {
+ qe->cont (qe->cont_cls, GNUNET_SYSERR, _("Failed to put new set of records in database"));
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ GNUNET_break_op (0);
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Operation done, remove */
+ GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove(h->op_head, h->op_tail, qe);
+ GNUNET_free (qe);
static void
manage_record_operations (struct GNUNET_NAMESTORE_QueueEntry *qe,
const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *msg,
handle_record_create_response (qe, (struct RecordCreateResponseMessage *) msg, size);
+ if (size != sizeof (struct RecordRemoveResponseMessage))
+ {
+ GNUNET_break_op (0);
+ break;
+ }
+ handle_record_remove_response (qe, (struct RecordRemoveResponseMessage *) msg, size);
+ break;
GNUNET_break_op (0);
struct GNUNET_NAMESTORE_QueueEntry *qe;
struct PendingMessage *pe;
- char * rd_tmp;
- char * name_tmp;
+ char *pkey_tmp;
+ char *rd_tmp;
+ char *name_tmp;
size_t rd_ser_len = 0;
size_t msg_size = 0;
size_t name_len = 0;
+ size_t key_len = 0;
uint32_t rid = 0;
GNUNET_assert (NULL != h);
qe->cont = cont;
qe->cont_cls = cont_cls;
qe->op_id = rid;
+ GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert_tail(h->op_head, h->op_tail, qe);
/* set msg_size*/
+ struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPrivateKeyBinaryEncoded * pkey_enc = GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_encode_key (pkey);
+ GNUNET_assert (pkey_enc != NULL);
+ key_len = ntohs (pkey_enc->len);
rd_ser_len = GNUNET_NAMESTORE_records_get_size(1, rd);
char rd_ser[rd_ser_len];
GNUNET_NAMESTORE_records_serialize(1, rd, rd_ser_len, rd_ser);
+ name_len = strlen (name) + 1;
struct RecordRemoveMessage * msg;
- msg_size = sizeof (struct RecordRemoveMessage) + name_len + rd_ser_len;
+ msg_size = sizeof (struct RecordRemoveMessage) + key_len + name_len + rd_ser_len;
/* create msg here */
pe = GNUNET_malloc(sizeof (struct PendingMessage) + msg_size);
pe->is_init = GNUNET_NO;
msg = (struct RecordRemoveMessage *) &pe[1];
- name_tmp = (char *) &msg[1];
+ pkey_tmp = (char *) &msg[1];
+ name_tmp = &pkey_tmp[key_len];
rd_tmp = &name_tmp[name_len];
msg->gns_header.header.type = htons (GNUNET_MESSAGE_TYPE_NAMESTORE_RECORD_REMOVE);
msg->gns_header.header.size = htons (msg_size);
msg->gns_header.r_id = htonl (rid);
- //msg->signature = *signature;
msg->name_len = htons (name_len);
+ msg->rd_len = htons (rd_ser_len);
+ msg->rd_count = htons (1);
+ msg->key_len = htons (key_len);
+ memcpy (pkey_tmp, pkey_enc, key_len);
memcpy (name_tmp, name, name_len);
memcpy (rd_tmp, rd_ser, rd_ser_len);
- GNUNET_free (rd_ser);
GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, "Sending `%s' message for name `%s' with size %u\n", "NAMESTORE_RECORD_REMOVE", name, msg_size);