static void hashbn(SHA_CTX *sha, const BIGNUM *bn)
size_t l = BN_num_bytes(bn);
- unsigned char *bin = alloca(l);
+ unsigned char *bin = OPENSSL_malloc(l);
hashlength(sha, l);
BN_bn2bin(bn, bin);
SHA1_Update(sha, bin, l);
+ OPENSSL_free(bin);
/* h=hash(g, g^r, g^x, name) */
STACK_OF(SSL_CIPHER) *cipherstack, *tmp_cipher_list;
const char *rule_p;
CIPHER_ORDER *co_list = NULL, *head = NULL, *tail = NULL, *curr;
- const SSL_CIPHER **ca_list = NULL;
+ SSL_CIPHER **ca_list = NULL;
* Return with error if nothing to do.
#$crypto.=" crypto/store/store.h";
$crypto.=" crypto/pqueue/pqueue.h";
$crypto.=" crypto/cms/cms.h";
+$crypto.=" crypto/jpake/jpake.h";
my $symhacks="crypto/symhacks.h";