switch (label) {
case 0x01: /* Plain Text Extension */
str = "Plain Text Extension";
-#ifdef notdef
- if (GetDataBlock(inbuf, (unsigned char*) buf, g) == 0)
- ;
- lpos = LM_to_uint(buf[0], buf[1]);
- tpos = LM_to_uint(buf[2], buf[3]);
- width = LM_to_uint(buf[4], buf[5]);
- height = LM_to_uint(buf[6], buf[7]);
- cellw = buf[8];
- cellh = buf[9];
- foreground = buf[10];
- background = buf[11];
- while (GetDataBlock(inbuf, (unsigned char*) buf, g) != 0) {
- PPM_ASSIGN(image[ypos][xpos],
- cmap[CM_RED][v],
- cmap[CM_GREEN][v],
- cmap[CM_BLUE][v]);
- ++index;
- }
- return FALSE;
case 0xff: /* Application Extension */
str = "Application Extension";
pam_end(pamh, PAM_ABORT);
-#ifdef notdef
-static int intrupt;
-static void
-catch(int sig)
- ++intrupt;
* *** Bad login logging support ***
_tt_file_netfile_results *
_tt_file_netfile_1 (_tt_file_netfile_args *args, SVCXPRT * /* transp */)
-#ifdef notdef
-printf("DEBUG: SERVER: _tt_file_netfile_1: calling _tt_file_netfile(%s)\n",
- (char *) args->file_or_netfile);
static _tt_file_netfile_results results;
static char * canonical_path;
// we have a netfilename, get the local file version...
canonical_path = _tt_file_netfile(args->file_or_netfile);
-#ifdef notdef
-printf("DEBUG: SERVER: _tt_file_netfile_1: _tt_file_netfile(%s) returned %s\n",
- args->file_or_netfile, canonical_path);
if (_tt_pointer_error(canonical_path) != TT_OK) {
results.results = TT_DB_ERR_ILLEGAL_FILE;
results.result_string = NULL;
results.tt_status = (int) _tt_pointer_error(canonical_path);
-#ifdef notdef
-printf("\t results.tt_status == %s\n",
- _tt_status_message(_tt_pointer_error(canonical_path)));
return &results;
_tt_file_netfile_results *
_tt_netfile_file_1 (_tt_file_netfile_args *args, SVCXPRT * /* transp */)
-#ifdef notdef
-printf("DEBUG: SERVER: _tt_netfile_file_1: calling _tt_netfile_file(%s)\n",
- (char *) args->file_or_netfile);
static _tt_file_netfile_results results;
static char * canonical_path;
// we have a netfilename, get the local file version...
canonical_path = _tt_netfile_file(args->file_or_netfile);
-#ifdef notdef
-printf("DEBUG: SERVER: _tt_netfile_file_1: _tt_netfile_file(%s) returned %s\n",
- args->file_or_netfile, canonical_path);
if (_tt_pointer_error(canonical_path) != TT_OK) {
results.results = TT_DB_ERR_ILLEGAL_FILE;
results.result_string = NULL;
results.tt_status = (int) _tt_pointer_error(canonical_path);
-#ifdef notdef
-printf("\t results.tt_status == %s\n",
- _tt_status_message(_tt_pointer_error(canonical_path)));
return &results;
_Tt_host_equiv_ptr eq_p = new _Tt_host_equiv;
if (eq_p->hostname_equiv(hostname, local_host) == 1) {
-#ifdef notdef
-printf("DEBUG _tt_host_file_netfile: resolving locally.\n");
// strdup already done in _tt_netfile_file()
return _tt_file_netfile(filename);
_Tt_host_equiv_ptr eq_p = new _Tt_host_equiv;
if (eq_p->hostname_equiv(hostname, local_host) == 1) {
-#ifdef notdef
-printf("DEBUG _tt_host_netfile_file: resolving locally.\n");
// strdup already done in _tt_netfile_file()
return _tt_netfile_file(netfilename);
// Now get the network path of the file.
tmp_string = _tt_local_network_path(absolute_path);
-#ifdef notdef
-printf("DEBUG set_filename: _tt_local_network_path(%s) returned %s\n",
- (char *) absolute_path, (char *) tmp_string);
_lpath = absolute_path; // what we know the file as.
// load hostname and rpath simultaneously
_canonical_path = _canonical_path.cat(_hostname).cat(_rpath).cat(_lpath);
-#ifdef notdef
-printf("DEBUG set_filename: _canonical_path == %s\n", (char *) _canonical_path);
return _canonical_path;
_canonical_path = canonical_name;
-#ifdef notdef
- printf("DEBUG parse_netfilename: _canonical_path == %s\n", (char *) _canonical_path);
tmp_string = _canonical_path.split(':', dummy);
_hostname = tmp_string.mid(h_begin, h_end - h_begin + 1);
_rpath = tmp_string.mid(r_begin, r_end - r_begin + 1);
-#ifdef notdef
- printf("DEBUG parse_netfilename: _rpath == %s\n", (char *) _rpath);
_lpath = tmp_string.mid(l_begin, l_end - l_begin + 1);
-#ifdef notdef
- printf("DEBUG parse_netfilename: _lpath == %s\n", (char *) _lpath);
return _canonical_path;
void _Tt_db_client::
SetError(enum clnt_stat cf_stat)
-#ifdef notdef
-printf("DEBUG _Tt_db_client::SetError() -- cf_stat == %d\n", cf_stat);
-#endif /* notdef */
switch (cf_stat) {
while (entries_cursor.next()) {
current_hostname = entries_cursor->getHostname();
-#ifdef notdef
-printf("DEBUG findMountEntry: hostname = %s, current_hostname = %s\n",
- (char *) hostname, (char *) current_hostname);
if (eq_p->hostname_equiv(hostname, current_hostname) == 1) {
current_partition = entries_cursor->getPartition();
current_partition_length = current_partition.len();
-#ifdef notdef
-printf("DEBUG findMountEntry: found hostname equivalence between %s and %s\n",
- (char *) hostname, (char *) current_hostname);
if (path_length >= current_partition_length) {
if (!memcmp((char *)path, (char *)current_partition,
current_partition_length)) {
entry = *entries_cursor;
-#ifdef notdef
-printf("DEBUG findMountEntry: found PATH equivalence between %s and %s\n",
- (char *) hostname, (char *) current_hostname);
_Tt_string h_prefix = host, l_prefix = localhost,
h, l, rpart_host, rpart_localhost;
-#ifdef notdef
-printf("DEBUG prefix_host: host = %s, localhost = %s\n",
- (char *) host, (char *) localhost);
while (rpart_host == rpart_localhost) {
h = h_prefix;
l = l_prefix;
rpart_localhost = l.split(j, l_prefix);
-#ifdef notdef
-printf("DEBUG prefix_host: returning %s\n", (char *) h);
return h;
// First try a simple comparison.
if (host1 == host2) {
-#ifdef notdef
-printf("DEBUG hostname_equiv: host1 == host2, returning 1\n");
return 1;
// so do just one comparison.
if (short_tmp != long_prefix) {
-#ifdef notdef
-printf("DEBUG hostname_equiv: short_tmp %s != long_prefix %s, returning 0\n",
- (char *) short_tmp, (char *) long_prefix);
return 0;
is_found = 1;
if (short_prefix != long_prefix) {
-#ifdef notdef
-printf("DEBUG hostname_equiv: short_prefix %s != long_prefix %s, returning 0\n",
- (char *) short_prefix, (char *) long_prefix);
return 0;
if (is_found != 1) {
-#ifdef notdef
-printf("DEBUG hostname_equiv: is_found != 1, returning 0\n");
return 0; // no prefix was found
if (_cache_it(sh, shorthost) == 1) {
} else {
-#ifdef notdef
-printf("DEBUG hostname_equiv: sh.is_null(): returning 0\n");
return 0;
if (_cache_it(lh, longhost) == 1) {
} else {
-#ifdef notdef
-printf("DEBUG hostname_equiv: lh.is_null(): returning 0\n");
return 0;
// This will probably never happen but why
// not be careful?
if (sh->addr_length != lh->addr_length) {
-#ifdef notdef
-printf("DEBUG hostname_equiv: sh->addr_length %d != h->addr_length %d, returning 0\n",
- sh->addr_length, lh->addr_length);
return 0;
while (sh_c.next()) {
while (lh_c.next()) {
-#ifdef notdef
-printf("DEBUG hostname_equiv: checking address at 0x%x w/ 0x%x\n",
- (char *) *sh_c, (char *) *lh_c);
// Do the IP addresses match?
if (memcmp((char *) *sh_c, (char *) *lh_c,
sh->addr_length) == 0) {
// success!
-#ifdef notdef
-printf("DEBUG hostname_equiv: found match!\n");
return 1;
if (path.len()) {
_Tt_string real_path = _tt_realpath(path);
-#ifdef notdef
-printf("DEBUG _tt_local_network_path: real_path initialized to %s\n",
- (char *) real_path);
_Tt_file_system file_system;
_Tt_file_system_entry_ptr entry =
_Tt_string hostname = entry->getHostname();
-#ifdef notdef
-printf("DEBUG _tt_local_network_path: hostname = %s\n",
- (char *) hostname);
_Tt_string loop_back_mount_point =
-#ifdef notdef
-printf("DEBUG _tt_local_network_path: loop_back_mount_point = %s\n",
- (char *) loop_back_mount_point == NULL ? "(null)" : (char *) loop_back_mount_point);
_Tt_string mount_point;
if (loop_back_mount_point.len() > 0) {
mount_point = loop_back_mount_point;
-#ifdef notdef
-printf("DEBUG _tt_local_network_path: ! isLocal 1: mount_point = %s\n",
- (char *) mount_point);
} else {
mount_point = entry->getMountPoint();
-#ifdef notdef
-printf("DEBUG _tt_local_network_path: ! isLocal 2: mount_point = %s\n",
- (char *) mount_point);
if (entry->isLocal()) {
if (loop_back_mount_point.len() > 0) {
-#ifdef notdef
-printf("DEBUG _tt_local_network_path: isLocal 2: mount_point = %s\n",
- (char *) mount_point);
// Get the path info after the loop back
// mount point path.
real_path = real_path.right(real_path.len() -
-#ifdef notdef
-printf("DEBUG _tt_local_network_path: isLocal 2: real_path = %s\n",
- (char *) real_path);
// Replace the loop back mount point path
// with the mount point path.
if (mount_point != "/") {
real_path = mount_point.cat(real_path);
-#ifdef notdef
-printf("DEBUG _tt_local_network_path: isLocal 3: real_path = %s\n",
- (char *) real_path);
} else {
_Tt_string partition = entry->getPartition();
-#ifdef notdef
-printf("DEBUG _tt_local_network_path: ! isLocal: partition = %s\n",
- (char *) partition);
// Get the path info after the mount point path
real_path =
-#ifdef notdef
-printf("DEBUG _tt_local_network_path: ! isLocal: real_path = %s\n",
- (char *) real_path);
// Replace the mount point path with the exported
// partition path.
real_path = partition.cat(real_path);
-#ifdef notdef
-printf("DEBUG _tt_local_network_path: ! isLocal: real_path = %s\n",
- (char *) real_path);
network_path = hostname.cat(":").cat(real_path);
-#ifdef notdef
-printf("DEBUG _tt_local_network_path: network_path = %s\n",
- (char *) network_path);
return network_path;
return stat;
-#ifdef notdef
-extern char*
- char s[BUFSIZ];
- static char *CM_name;
- /* we now make a composite name for the tool, combining
- * "Calendar Manager" with a release identifier
- */
- if (CM_name == NULL) {
- sprintf(s, "%s", catgets(calendar->DT_catd, 1, 113, "Calendar"));
- CM_name = (char*)ckalloc(cm_strlen(s) + 2);
- sprintf(CM_name, "%s", s);
- }
- return (char*)CM_name;
extern Boolean
in_range(time_t start, time_t stop, time_t tick) {
if (tick >= start && tick <= stop)
return 1;
-#ifdef notdef
-static void
-RemoveIndirectChoice (clientAddress, connectionType)
- ARRAY8Ptr clientAddress;
- CARD16 connectionType;
- ChoicePtr c, prev;
- prev = 0;
- for (c = choices; c; c = c->next)
- {
- if (XdmcpARRAY8Equal (clientAddress, &c->client) &&
- connectionType == c->connectionType)
- {
- if (prev)
- prev->next = c->next;
- else
- choices = c->next;
- XdmcpDisposeARRAY8 (&c->client);
- XdmcpDisposeARRAY8 (&c->choice);
- free ((char *) c);
- return;
- }
- prev = c;
- }
static void
AddChooserHost (
Debug ("\n");
-#ifdef notdef /* not used */
-XdmPrintKey (s, k)
- char *s;
- XdmAuthKeyRec *k;
- XdmPrintDataHex (s, (char *) k->data, 8);
#ifdef XDMCP
XdmPrintArray8Hex(const char *s, ARRAY8Ptr a)
-#ifdef notdef
- Boolean btn1_transfer;
- Widget widget = _myAttachArea->baseWidget();
- DebugPrintf(3, "In DtMailEditor::attachDragSetup()\n");
- XtAddEventHandler(widget, Button1MotionMask, FALSE,
- (XtEventHandler)&DtMailEditor::attachDragMotionHandler,
- (XtPointer)this);
- XtVaGetValues(
- (Widget)XmGetXmDisplay(XtDisplayOfObject(widget)),
- "enableBtn1Transfer", &btn1_transfer,
- NULL);
- if (!btn1_transfer) {
- XtAddEventHandler(widget, Button2MotionMask, FALSE,
- (XtEventHandler)&DtMailEditor::attachDragMotionHandler,
- (XtPointer)this);
- }
DtMailEditor::stripCRLF(char **buffer, const char * buf, const unsigned long len)
if (attrs.standAlone || !attrs.serverId) {
#endif /* TERMINAL_SERVER */
-#ifdef notdef
- if (!attrs.server) {
-#endif /* notdef */
if (InstanceCount <= 0) {
/* use a timeout so that the toolkit can finish killing off
* this widget...
ServerInstanceTerminated((Widget) client_data);
#endif /* TERMINAL_SERVER */
-#ifdef notdef
- } else {
- /* Here is where one would add the call into sunDtTermServer.c
- * implement a "lurking" dtterm server. */
- }
-#endif /* notdef */
Enables testing code in WmPanel.c that allows it to be compiled
with a test program outside of the window manager.
- notdef
- Enables more complete resource comparison in WmResource.c which
- could make resource utilization more optimal. This is currently
- turned off to avoid some problems with the pixmap resources.
Boolean rval;
-#ifdef notdef
- if ((pAD1->fontList == pAD2->fontList) &&
- (pAD1->background == pAD2->background) &&
- (pAD1->foreground == pAD2->foreground) &&
- (pAD1->backgroundPStr == pAD2->backgroundPStr) &&
- (pAD1->backgroundPixmap == pAD2->backgroundPixmap) &&
- (pAD1->bottomShadowColor == pAD2->bottomShadowColor) &&
- (pAD1->bottomShadowPStr == pAD2->bottomShadowPStr) &&
- (pAD1->bottomShadowPixmap == pAD2->bottomShadowPixmap) &&
- (pAD1->topShadowColor == pAD2->topShadowColor) &&
- (pAD1->topShadowPStr == pAD2->topShadowPStr) &&
- (pAD1->topShadowPixmap == pAD2->topShadowPixmap) &&
- (pAD1->activeBackground == pAD2->activeBackground) &&
- (pAD1->activeForeground == pAD2->activeForeground) &&
- (pAD1->activeBackgroundPStr == pAD2->activeBackgroundPStr) &&
- (pAD1->activeBackgroundPixmap == pAD2->activeBackgroundPixmap) &&
- (pAD1->activeBottomShadowColor == pAD2->activeBottomShadowColor) &&
- (pAD1->activeBottomShadowPStr == pAD2->activeBottomShadowPStr) &&
- (pAD1->activeBottomShadowPixmap == pAD2->activeBottomShadowPixmap) &&
- (pAD1->activeTopShadowColor == pAD2->activeTopShadowColor) &&
- (pAD1->activeTopShadowPStr == pAD2->activeTopShadowPStr) &&
- (pAD1->activeTopShadowPixmap == pAD2->activeTopShadowPixmap) )
* !!! Should find out why all the Pixmap resources are unset !!!
(pAD1->activeBottomShadowPStr == pAD2->activeBottomShadowPStr) &&
(pAD1->activeTopShadowColor == pAD2->activeTopShadowColor) &&
(pAD1->activeTopShadowPStr == pAD2->activeTopShadowPStr) )
rval = True;