files_to_lint="$(find src/ -name '*.cpp' -or -name '*.h' | egrep -v '^src/(gmp|lua|jsoncpp)/')"
+ local errorcount=0
local fail=0
for f in ${files_to_lint}; do
d=$(diff -u "$f" <(${CLANG_FORMAT} "$f") || true)
if ! [ -z "$d" ]; then
+ ((errorcount++))
printf "The file %s is not compliant with the coding style:\n%s\n" "$f" "$d"
+ if [ ${errorcount} -gt 50 ]; then
+ printf "Too many errors encountered previously, this diff is hidden.\n"
+ else
+ printf "%s\n" "$d"
+ fi
# Disable build failure at this moment as we need to have a complete MT source whitelist to check