const client = { id: 'client', secret: server.client.secret }
const res = await login(server.url, client, server.user, 400)
- expect(res.body.error)
- .to
- .equal('Authentication failed.')
+ expect(res.body.error).to.equal('Authentication failed.')
it('Should not login with an invalid client secret', async function () {
const client = { id:, secret: 'coucou' }
const res = await login(server.url, client, server.user, 400)
- expect(res.body.error)
- .to
- .equal('Authentication failed.')
+ expect(res.body.error).to.equal('Authentication failed.')
it('Should not login with an invalid username', async function () {
const user = { username: 'captain crochet', password: server.user.password }
const res = await login(server.url, server.client, user, 400)
- expect(res.body.error)
- .to
- .equal('Authentication failed.')
+ expect(res.body.error).to.equal('Authentication failed.')
it('Should not login with an invalid password', async function () {
const user = { username: server.user.username, password: 'mew_three' }
const res = await login(server.url, server.client, user, 400)
- expect(res.body.error)
- .to
- .equal('Authentication failed.')
+ expect(res.body.error).to.equal('Authentication failed.')
it('Should not be able to upload a video', async function () {
const res = await getVideosList(server.url)
const video =[ 0 ]
- expect(video.accountName)
- .to
- .equal('root')
+ expect(video.accountName).to.equal('root')
videoId =
const res = await getMyUserVideoRating(server.url, accessToken, videoId)
const rating = res.body
- expect(rating.videoId)
- .to
- .equal(videoId)
- expect(rating.rating)
- .to
- .equal('like')
+ expect(rating.videoId).to.equal(videoId)
+ expect(rating.rating).to.equal('like')
it('Should not be able to remove the video with an incorrect token', async function () {
const res = await getMyUserInformation(server.url, accessTokenUser)
const user = res.body
- expect(user.username)
- .to
- .equal('user_1')
- expect(
- .to
- .equal('')
+ expect(user.username).to.equal('user_1')
+ expect('')
- expect(user.videoQuota)
- .to
- .equal(2 * 1024 * 1024)
- expect(user.roleLabel)
- .to
- .equal('User')
- expect(
- .to
- .be
- .a('number')
+ expect(user.videoQuota).to.equal(2 * 1024 * 1024)
+ expect(user.roleLabel).to.equal('User')
+ expect('number')
it('Should be able to upload a video with this user', async function () {
it('Should be able to list my videos', async function () {
const res = await getMyVideos(server.url, accessTokenUser, 0, 5)
- expect(
- .to
- .equal(1)
+ expect(
const videos =
- expect(videos)
- .to
- .have
- .lengthOf(1)
+ expect(videos).to.have.lengthOf(1)
- expect(videos[ 0 ].name)
- .to
- .equal('super user video')
+ expect(videos[ 0 ].name).to.equal('super user video')
it('Should list all the users', async function () {
const total =
const users =
- expect(total)
- .to
- .equal(2)
- expect(users)
- .to
- .be
- .an('array')
- expect(users.length)
- .to
- .equal(2)
+ expect(total).to.equal(2)
+ expect(users)'array')
+ expect(users.length).to.equal(2)
const user = users[ 0 ]
- expect(user.username)
- .to
- .equal('user_1')
- expect(
- .to
- .equal('')
+ expect(user.username).to.equal('user_1')
+ expect('')
const rootUser = users[ 1 ]
- expect(rootUser.username)
- .to
- .equal('root')
- expect(
- .to
- .equal('')
+ expect(rootUser.username).to.equal('root')
+ expect('')
userId =
const total =
const users =
- expect(total)
- .to
- .equal(2)
- expect(users.length)
- .to
- .equal(1)
+ expect(total).to.equal(2)
+ expect(users.length).to.equal(1)
const user = users[ 0 ]
- expect(user.username)
- .to
- .equal('root')
- expect(
- .to
- .equal('')
- expect(user.roleLabel)
- .to
- .equal('Administrator')
+ expect(user.username).to.equal('root')
+ expect('')
+ expect(user.roleLabel).to.equal('Administrator')
const total =
const users =
- expect(total)
- .to
- .equal(2)
- expect(users.length)
- .to
- .equal(1)
+ expect(total).to.equal(2)
+ expect(users.length).to.equal(1)
const user = users[ 0 ]
- expect(user.username)
- .to
- .equal('user_1')
- expect(
- .to
- .equal('')
+ expect(user.username).to.equal('user_1')
+ expect('')
const total =
const users =
- expect(total)
- .to
- .equal(2)
- expect(users.length)
- .to
- .equal(1)
+ expect(total).to.equal(2)
+ expect(users.length).to.equal(1)
const user = users[ 0 ]
- expect(user.username)
- .to
- .equal('user_1')
- expect(
- .to
- .equal('')
+ expect(user.username).to.equal('user_1')
+ expect('')
const total =
const users =
- expect(total)
- .to
- .equal(2)
- expect(users.length)
- .to
- .equal(2)
- expect(users[ 0 ].username)
- .to
- .equal('root')
- expect(users[ 0 ].email)
- .to
- .equal('')
+ expect(total).to.equal(2)
+ expect(users.length).to.equal(2)
+ expect(users[ 0 ].username).to.equal('root')
+ expect(users[ 0 ].email).to.equal('')
expect(users[ 0 ].displayNSFW)
- expect(users[ 1 ].username)
- .to
- .equal('user_1')
- expect(users[ 1 ].email)
- .to
- .equal('')
+ expect(users[ 1 ].username).to.equal('user_1')
+ expect(users[ 1 ].email).to.equal('')
expect(users[ 1 ].displayNSFW)
const res = await getMyUserInformation(server.url, accessTokenUser)
const user = res.body
- expect(user.username)
- .to
- .equal('user_1')
- expect(
- .to
- .equal('')
+ expect(user.username).to.equal('user_1')
+ expect('')
- expect(user.videoQuota)
- .to
- .equal(2 * 1024 * 1024)
- expect(
- .to
- .be
- .a('number')
+ expect(user.videoQuota).to.equal(2 * 1024 * 1024)
+ expect('number')
it('Should be able to change the autoPlayVideo attribute', async function () {
const res = await getMyUserInformation(server.url, accessTokenUser)
const user = res.body
- expect(user.username)
- .to
- .equal('user_1')
- expect(
- .to
- .equal('')
+ expect(user.username).to.equal('user_1')
+ expect('')
- expect(user.videoQuota)
- .to
- .equal(2 * 1024 * 1024)
- expect(
- .to
- .be
- .a('number')
+ expect(user.videoQuota).to.equal(2 * 1024 * 1024)
+ expect('number')
it('Should be able to update another user', async function () {
const res = await getUserInformation(server.url, accessToken, userId)
const user = res.body
- expect(user.username)
- .to
- .equal('user_1')
- expect(
- .to
- .equal('')
+ expect(user.username).to.equal('user_1')
+ expect('')
- expect(user.videoQuota)
- .to
- .equal(42)
- expect(user.roleLabel)
- .to
- .equal('Moderator')
- expect(
- .to
- .be
- .a('number')
+ expect(user.videoQuota).to.equal(42)
+ expect(user.roleLabel).to.equal('Moderator')
+ expect('number')
it('Should not be able to delete a user by a moderator', async function () {
it('Should not have videos of this user', async function () {
const res = await getVideosList(server.url)
- expect(
- .to
- .equal(1)
+ expect(
const video =[ 0 ]
- expect(video.accountName)
- .to
- .equal('root')
+ expect(video.accountName).to.equal('root')
it('Should register a new user', async function () {
const res = await getMyUserInformation(server.url, accessToken)
const user = res.body
- expect(user.videoQuota)
- .to
- .equal(5 * 1024 * 1024)
+ expect(user.videoQuota).to.equal(5 * 1024 * 1024)
after(async function () {
-// // /!\ Before imports /!\
-// process.env.NODE_ENV = 'test'
-// import * as program from 'commander'
-// import { Video, VideoFile, VideoRateType } from '../../../shared'
-// import {
-// flushAndRunMultipleServers,
-// flushTests,
-// getAllVideosListBy,
-// getVideo,
-// getVideosList,
-// killallServers,
-// removeVideo,
-// ServerInfo as DefaultServerInfo,
-// setAccessTokensToServers,
-// updateVideo,
-// uploadVideo,
-// wait
-// } from '../utils'
-// import { follow } from '../utils/follows'
-// interface ServerInfo extends DefaultServerInfo {
-// requestsNumber: number
-// }
-// program
-// .option('-c, --create [weight]', 'Weight for creating videos')
-// .option('-r, --remove [weight]', 'Weight for removing videos')
-// .option('-u, --update [weight]', 'Weight for updating videos')
-// .option('-v, --view [weight]', 'Weight for viewing videos')
-// .option('-l, --like [weight]', 'Weight for liking videos')
-// .option('-s, --dislike [weight]', 'Weight for disliking videos')
-// .option('-p, --servers [n]', 'Number of servers to run (3 or 6)', /^3|6$/, 3)
-// .option('-i, --interval-action [interval]', 'Interval in ms for an action')
-// .option('-I, --interval-integrity [interval]', 'Interval in ms for an integrity check')
-// .option('-f, --flush', 'Flush datas on exit')
-// .option('-d, --difference', 'Display difference if integrity is not okay')
-// .parse(process.argv)
-// const createWeight = program['create'] !== undefined ? parseInt(program['create'], 10) : 5
-// const removeWeight = program['remove'] !== undefined ? parseInt(program['remove'], 10) : 4
-// const updateWeight = program['update'] !== undefined ? parseInt(program['update'], 10) : 4
-// const viewWeight = program['view'] !== undefined ? parseInt(program['view'], 10) : 4
-// const likeWeight = program['like'] !== undefined ? parseInt(program['like'], 10) : 4
-// const dislikeWeight = program['dislike'] !== undefined ? parseInt(program['dislike'], 10) : 4
-// const flushAtExit = program['flush'] || false
-// const actionInterval = program['intervalAction'] !== undefined ? parseInt(program['intervalAction'], 10) : 500
-// const integrityInterval = program['intervalIntegrity'] !== undefined ? parseInt(program['intervalIntegrity'], 10) : 60000
-// const displayDiffOnFail = program['difference'] || false
-// const numberOfServers = 6
-// console.log(
-// 'Create weight: %d, update weight: %d, remove weight: %d, view weight: %d, like weight: %d, dislike weight: %d.',
-// createWeight, updateWeight, removeWeight, viewWeight, likeWeight, dislikeWeight
-// )
-// if (flushAtExit) {
-// console.log('Program will flush data on exit.')
-// } else {
-// console.log('Program will not flush data on exit.')
-// }
-// if (displayDiffOnFail) {
-// console.log('Program will display diff on failure.')
-// } else {
-// console.log('Program will not display diff on failure')
-// }
-// console.log('Interval in ms for each action: %d.', actionInterval)
-// console.log('Interval in ms for each integrity check: %d.', integrityInterval)
-// console.log('Run servers...')
-// start()
-// // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// async function start () {
-// const servers = await runServers(numberOfServers)
-// process.on('exit', async () => {
-// await exitServers(servers, flushAtExit)
-// return
-// })
-// process.on('SIGINT', goodbye)
-// process.on('SIGTERM', goodbye)
-// console.log('Servers ran')
-// initializeRequestsPerServer(servers)
-// let checking = false
-// setInterval(async () => {
-// if (checking === true) return
-// const rand = getRandomInt(0, createWeight + updateWeight + removeWeight + viewWeight + likeWeight + dislikeWeight)
-// const numServer = getRandomNumServer(servers)
-// servers[numServer].requestsNumber++
-// if (rand < createWeight) {
-// await upload(servers, numServer)
-// } else if (rand < createWeight + updateWeight) {
-// await update(servers, numServer)
-// } else if (rand < createWeight + updateWeight + removeWeight) {
-// await remove(servers, numServer)
-// } else if (rand < createWeight + updateWeight + removeWeight + viewWeight) {
-// await view(servers, numServer)
-// } else if (rand < createWeight + updateWeight + removeWeight + viewWeight + likeWeight) {
-// await like(servers, numServer)
-// } else {
-// await dislike(servers, numServer)
-// }
-// }, actionInterval)
-// // The function will check the consistency between servers (should have the same videos with same attributes...)
-// setInterval(function () {
-// if (checking === true) return
-// console.log('Checking integrity...')
-// checking = true
-// const waitingInterval = setInterval(async () => {
-// const pendingRequests = await isTherePendingRequests(servers)
-// if (pendingRequests === true) {
-// console.log('A server has pending requests, waiting...')
-// return
-// }
-// // Even if there are no pending request, wait some potential processes
-// await wait(2000)
-// await checkIntegrity(servers)
-// initializeRequestsPerServer(servers)
-// checking = false
-// clearInterval(waitingInterval)
-// }, 10000)
-// }, integrityInterval)
-// }
-// function initializeRequestsPerServer (servers: ServerInfo[]) {
-// servers.forEach(server => server.requestsNumber = 0)
-// }
-// function getRandomInt (min, max) {
-// return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min
-// }
-// function getRandomNumServer (servers) {
-// return getRandomInt(0, servers.length)
-// }
-// async function runServers (numberOfServers: number) {
-// const servers: ServerInfo[] = (await flushAndRunMultipleServers(numberOfServers))
-// .map(s => Object.assign({ requestsNumber: 0 }, s))
-// // Get the access tokens
-// await setAccessTokensToServers(servers)
-// for (let i = 0; i < numberOfServers; i++) {
-// for (let j = 0; j < numberOfServers; j++) {
-// if (i === j) continue
-// await follow(servers[i].url, [ servers[j].url ], servers[i].accessToken)
-// }
-// }
-// return servers
-// }
-// async function exitServers (servers: ServerInfo[], flushAtExit: boolean) {
-// killallServers(servers)
-// if (flushAtExit) await flushTests()
-// }
-// function upload (servers: ServerInfo[], numServer: number) {
-// console.log('Uploading video to server ' + numServer)
-// const videoAttributes = {
-// name: + ' name',
-// category: 4,
-// nsfw: false,
-// licence: 2,
-// language: 1,
-// description: + ' description',
-// tags: [, 5) + 't1',, 5) + 't2' ],
-// fixture: 'video_short1.webm'
-// }
-// return uploadVideo(servers[numServer].url, servers[numServer].accessToken, videoAttributes)
-// }
-// async function update (servers: ServerInfo[], numServer: number) {
-// const res = await getVideosList(servers[numServer].url)
-// const videos = => video.isLocal === true)
-// if (videos.length === 0) return undefined
-// const toUpdate = videos[getRandomInt(0, videos.length)].id
-// const attributes = {
-// name: + ' name',
-// description: + ' description',
-// tags: [, 5) + 't1',, 5) + 't2' ]
-// }
-// console.log('Updating video of server ' + numServer)
-// return updateVideo(servers[numServer].url, servers[numServer].accessToken, toUpdate, attributes)
-// }
-// async function remove (servers: ServerInfo[], numServer: number) {
-// const res = await getVideosList(servers[numServer].url)
-// const videos = => video.isLocal === true)
-// if (videos.length === 0) return undefined
-// const toRemove = videos[getRandomInt(0, videos.length)].id
-// console.log('Removing video from server ' + numServer)
-// return removeVideo(servers[numServer].url, servers[numServer].accessToken, toRemove)
-// }
-// async function view (servers: ServerInfo[], numServer: number) {
-// const res = await getVideosList(servers[numServer].url)
-// const videos =
-// if (videos.length === 0) return undefined
-// const toView = videos[getRandomInt(0, videos.length)].id
-// console.log('Viewing video from server ' + numServer)
-// return getVideo(servers[numServer].url, toView)
-// }
-// function like (servers: ServerInfo[], numServer: number) {
-// return rate(servers, numServer, 'like')
-// }
-// function dislike (servers: ServerInfo[], numServer: number) {
-// return rate(servers, numServer, 'dislike')
-// }
-// async function rate (servers: ServerInfo[], numServer: number, rating: VideoRateType) {
-// const res = await getVideosList(servers[numServer].url)
-// const videos =
-// if (videos.length === 0) return undefined
-// const toRate = videos[getRandomInt(0, videos.length)].id
-// console.log('Rating (%s) video from server %d', rating, numServer)
-// return getVideo(servers[numServer].url, toRate)
-// }
-// async function checkIntegrity (servers: ServerInfo[]) {
-// const videos: Video[][] = []
-// const tasks: Promise<any>[] = []
-// // Fetch all videos and remove some fields that can differ between servers
-// for (const server of servers) {
-// const p = getAllVideosListBy(server.url).then(res => videos.push(
-// tasks.push(p)
-// }
-// await Promise.all(tasks)
-// let i = 0
-// for (const video of videos) {
-// const differences = areDifferences(video, videos[0])
-// if (differences !== undefined) {
-// console.error('Integrity not ok with server %d!', i + 1)
-// if (displayDiffOnFail) {
-// console.log(differences)
-// }
-// process.exit(-1)
-// }
-// i++
-// }
-// console.log('Integrity ok.')
-// }
-// function areDifferences (videos1: Video[], videos2: Video[]) {
-// // Remove some keys we don't want to compare
-// videos1.concat(videos2).forEach(video => {
-// delete
-// delete video.isLocal
-// delete video.thumbnailPath
-// delete video.updatedAt
-// delete video.views
-// })
-// if (videos1.length !== videos2.length) {
-// return `Videos length are different (${videos1.length}/${videos2.length}).`
-// }
-// for (const video1 of videos1) {
-// const video2 = videos2.find(video => video.uuid === video1.uuid)
-// if (!video2) return 'Video ' + video1.uuid + ' is missing.'
-// for (const videoKey of Object.keys(video1)) {
-// const attribute1 = video1[videoKey]
-// const attribute2 = video2[videoKey]
-// if (videoKey === 'tags') {
-// if (attribute1.length !== attribute2.length) {
-// return 'Tags are different.'
-// }
-// attribute1.forEach(tag1 => {
-// if (attribute2.indexOf(tag1) === -1) {
-// return 'Tag ' + tag1 + ' is missing.'
-// }
-// })
-// } else if (videoKey === 'files') {
-// if (attribute1.length !== attribute2.length) {
-// return 'Video files are different.'
-// }
-// attribute1.forEach((videoFile1: VideoFile) => {
-// const videoFile2: VideoFile = attribute2.find(videoFile => videoFile.magnetUri === videoFile1.magnetUri)
-// if (!videoFile2) {
-// return `Video ${video1.uuid} has missing video file ${videoFile1.magnetUri}.`
-// }
-// if (videoFile1.size !== videoFile2.size || videoFile1.resolutionLabel !== videoFile2.resolutionLabel) {
-// return `Video ${video1.uuid} has different video file ${videoFile1.magnetUri}.`
-// }
-// })
-// } else {
-// if (attribute1 !== attribute2) {
-// return `Video ${video1.uuid} has different value for attribute ${videoKey}.`
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// return undefined
-// }
-// function goodbye () {
-// return process.exit(-1)
-// }
-// async function isTherePendingRequests (servers: ServerInfo[]) {
-// const tasks: Promise<any>[] = []
-// let pendingRequests = false
-// // Check if each server has pending request
-// for (const server of servers) {
-// const p = getRequestsStats(server).then(res => {
-// const stats = res.body
-// if (
-// stats.requestScheduler.totalRequests !== 0 ||
-// stats.requestVideoEventScheduler.totalRequests !== 0 ||
-// stats.requestVideoQaduScheduler.totalRequests !== 0
-// ) {
-// pendingRequests = true
-// }
-// })
-// tasks.push(p)
-// }
-// await Promise.all(tasks)
-// return pendingRequests
-// }
+// /!\ Before imports /!\
+process.env.NODE_ENV = 'test'
+import * as program from 'commander'
+import { Video, VideoFile, VideoRateType } from '../../../shared'
+import {
+ flushAndRunMultipleServers,
+ flushTests, follow,
+ getVideo,
+ getVideosList, getVideosListPagination,
+ killallServers,
+ removeVideo,
+ ServerInfo as DefaultServerInfo,
+ setAccessTokensToServers,
+ updateVideo,
+ uploadVideo, viewVideo,
+ wait
+} from '../utils'
+import { getJobsListPaginationAndSort } from '../utils/server/jobs'
+interface ServerInfo extends DefaultServerInfo {
+ requestsNumber: number
+ .option('-c, --create [weight]', 'Weight for creating videos')
+ .option('-r, --remove [weight]', 'Weight for removing videos')
+ .option('-u, --update [weight]', 'Weight for updating videos')
+ .option('-v, --view [weight]', 'Weight for viewing videos')
+ .option('-l, --like [weight]', 'Weight for liking videos')
+ .option('-s, --dislike [weight]', 'Weight for disliking videos')
+ .option('-p, --servers [n]', 'Number of servers to run (3 or 6)', /^3|6$/, 3)
+ .option('-i, --interval-action [interval]', 'Interval in ms for an action')
+ .option('-I, --interval-integrity [interval]', 'Interval in ms for an integrity check')
+ .option('-f, --flush', 'Flush data on exit')
+ .option('-d, --difference', 'Display difference if integrity is not okay')
+ .parse(process.argv)
+const createWeight = program['create'] !== undefined ? parseInt(program['create'], 10) : 5
+const removeWeight = program['remove'] !== undefined ? parseInt(program['remove'], 10) : 4
+const updateWeight = program['update'] !== undefined ? parseInt(program['update'], 10) : 4
+const viewWeight = program['view'] !== undefined ? parseInt(program['view'], 10) : 4
+const likeWeight = program['like'] !== undefined ? parseInt(program['like'], 10) : 4
+const dislikeWeight = program['dislike'] !== undefined ? parseInt(program['dislike'], 10) : 4
+const flushAtExit = program['flush'] || false
+const actionInterval = program['intervalAction'] !== undefined ? parseInt(program['intervalAction'], 10) : 500
+const integrityInterval = program['intervalIntegrity'] !== undefined ? parseInt(program['intervalIntegrity'], 10) : 60000
+const displayDiffOnFail = program['difference'] || false
+const numberOfServers = 6
+ 'Create weight: %d, update weight: %d, remove weight: %d, view weight: %d, like weight: %d, dislike weight: %d.',
+ createWeight, updateWeight, removeWeight, viewWeight, likeWeight, dislikeWeight
+if (flushAtExit) {
+ console.log('Program will flush data on exit.')
+} else {
+ console.log('Program will not flush data on exit.')
+if (displayDiffOnFail) {
+ console.log('Program will display diff on failure.')
+} else {
+ console.log('Program will not display diff on failure')
+console.log('Interval in ms for each action: %d.', actionInterval)
+console.log('Interval in ms for each integrity check: %d.', integrityInterval)
+console.log('Run servers...')
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+async function start () {
+ const servers = await runServers(numberOfServers)
+ process.on('exit', async () => {
+ await exitServers(servers, flushAtExit)
+ return
+ })
+ process.on('SIGINT', goodbye)
+ process.on('SIGTERM', goodbye)
+ console.log('Servers ran')
+ initializeRequestsPerServer(servers)
+ let checking = false
+ setInterval(async () => {
+ if (checking === true) return
+ const rand = getRandomInt(0, createWeight + updateWeight + removeWeight + viewWeight + likeWeight + dislikeWeight)
+ const numServer = getRandomNumServer(servers)
+ servers[numServer].requestsNumber++
+ if (rand < createWeight) {
+ await upload(servers, numServer)
+ } else if (rand < createWeight + updateWeight) {
+ await update(servers, numServer)
+ } else if (rand < createWeight + updateWeight + removeWeight) {
+ await remove(servers, numServer)
+ } else if (rand < createWeight + updateWeight + removeWeight + viewWeight) {
+ await view(servers, numServer)
+ } else if (rand < createWeight + updateWeight + removeWeight + viewWeight + likeWeight) {
+ await like(servers, numServer)
+ } else {
+ await dislike(servers, numServer)
+ }
+ }, actionInterval)
+ // The function will check the consistency between servers (should have the same videos with same attributes...)
+ setInterval(function () {
+ if (checking === true) return
+ console.log('Checking integrity...')
+ checking = true
+ const waitingInterval = setInterval(async () => {
+ const pendingRequests = await isTherePendingRequests(servers)
+ if (pendingRequests === true) {
+ console.log('A server has pending requests, waiting...')
+ return
+ }
+ // Even if there are no pending request, wait some potential processes
+ await wait(2000)
+ await checkIntegrity(servers)
+ initializeRequestsPerServer(servers)
+ checking = false
+ clearInterval(waitingInterval)
+ }, 10000)
+ }, integrityInterval)
+function initializeRequestsPerServer (servers: ServerInfo[]) {
+ servers.forEach(server => server.requestsNumber = 0)
+function getRandomInt (min, max) {
+ return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min
+function getRandomNumServer (servers) {
+ return getRandomInt(0, servers.length)
+async function runServers (numberOfServers: number) {
+ const servers: ServerInfo[] = (await flushAndRunMultipleServers(numberOfServers))
+ .map(s => Object.assign({ requestsNumber: 0 }, s))
+ // Get the access tokens
+ await setAccessTokensToServers(servers)
+ for (let i = 0; i < numberOfServers; i++) {
+ for (let j = 0; j < numberOfServers; j++) {
+ if (i === j) continue
+ await follow(servers[i].url, [ servers[j].url ], servers[i].accessToken)
+ }
+ }
+ return servers
+async function exitServers (servers: ServerInfo[], flushAtExit: boolean) {
+ killallServers(servers)
+ if (flushAtExit) await flushTests()
+function upload (servers: ServerInfo[], numServer: number) {
+ console.log('Uploading video to server ' + numServer)
+ const videoAttributes = {
+ name: + ' name',
+ category: 4,
+ nsfw: false,
+ licence: 2,
+ language: 1,
+ description: + ' description',
+ tags: [, 5) + 't1',, 5) + 't2' ],
+ fixture: 'video_short1.webm'
+ }
+ return uploadVideo(servers[numServer].url, servers[numServer].accessToken, videoAttributes)
+async function update (servers: ServerInfo[], numServer: number) {
+ const res = await getVideosList(servers[numServer].url)
+ const videos = => video.isLocal === true)
+ if (videos.length === 0) return undefined
+ const toUpdate = videos[getRandomInt(0, videos.length)].id
+ const attributes = {
+ name: + ' name',
+ description: + ' description',
+ tags: [, 5) + 't1',, 5) + 't2' ]
+ }
+ console.log('Updating video of server ' + numServer)
+ return updateVideo(servers[numServer].url, servers[numServer].accessToken, toUpdate, attributes)
+async function remove (servers: ServerInfo[], numServer: number) {
+ const res = await getVideosList(servers[numServer].url)
+ const videos = => video.isLocal === true)
+ if (videos.length === 0) return undefined
+ const toRemove = videos[getRandomInt(0, videos.length)].id
+ console.log('Removing video from server ' + numServer)
+ return removeVideo(servers[numServer].url, servers[numServer].accessToken, toRemove)
+async function view (servers: ServerInfo[], numServer: number) {
+ const res = await getVideosList(servers[numServer].url)
+ const videos =
+ if (videos.length === 0) return undefined
+ const toView = videos[getRandomInt(0, videos.length)].id
+ console.log('Viewing video from server ' + numServer)
+ return viewVideo(servers[numServer].url, toView)
+function like (servers: ServerInfo[], numServer: number) {
+ return rate(servers, numServer, 'like')
+function dislike (servers: ServerInfo[], numServer: number) {
+ return rate(servers, numServer, 'dislike')
+async function rate (servers: ServerInfo[], numServer: number, rating: VideoRateType) {
+ const res = await getVideosList(servers[numServer].url)
+ const videos =
+ if (videos.length === 0) return undefined
+ const toRate = videos[getRandomInt(0, videos.length)].id
+ console.log('Rating (%s) video from server %d', rating, numServer)
+ return getVideo(servers[numServer].url, toRate)
+async function checkIntegrity (servers: ServerInfo[]) {
+ const videos: Video[][] = []
+ const tasks: Promise<any>[] = []
+ // Fetch all videos and remove some fields that can differ between servers
+ for (const server of servers) {
+ const p = getVideosListPagination(server.url, 0, 1000000, '-createdAt')
+ .then(res => videos.push(
+ tasks.push(p)
+ }
+ await Promise.all(tasks)
+ let i = 0
+ for (const video of videos) {
+ const differences = areDifferences(video, videos[0])
+ if (differences !== undefined) {
+ console.error('Integrity not ok with server %d!', i + 1)
+ if (displayDiffOnFail) {
+ console.log(differences)
+ }
+ process.exit(-1)
+ }
+ i++
+ }
+ console.log('Integrity ok.')
+function areDifferences (videos1: Video[], videos2: Video[]) {
+ // Remove some keys we don't want to compare
+ videos1.concat(videos2).forEach(video => {
+ delete
+ delete video.isLocal
+ delete video.thumbnailPath
+ delete video.updatedAt
+ delete video.views
+ })
+ if (videos1.length !== videos2.length) {
+ return `Videos length are different (${videos1.length}/${videos2.length}).`
+ }
+ for (const video1 of videos1) {
+ const video2 = videos2.find(video => video.uuid === video1.uuid)
+ if (!video2) return 'Video ' + video1.uuid + ' is missing.'
+ for (const videoKey of Object.keys(video1)) {
+ const attribute1 = video1[videoKey]
+ const attribute2 = video2[videoKey]
+ if (videoKey === 'tags') {
+ if (attribute1.length !== attribute2.length) {
+ return 'Tags are different.'
+ }
+ attribute1.forEach(tag1 => {
+ if (attribute2.indexOf(tag1) === -1) {
+ return 'Tag ' + tag1 + ' is missing.'
+ }
+ })
+ } else if (videoKey === 'files') {
+ if (attribute1.length !== attribute2.length) {
+ return 'Video files are different.'
+ }
+ attribute1.forEach((videoFile1: VideoFile) => {
+ const videoFile2: VideoFile = attribute2.find(videoFile => videoFile.magnetUri === videoFile1.magnetUri)
+ if (!videoFile2) {
+ return `Video ${video1.uuid} has missing video file ${videoFile1.magnetUri}.`
+ }
+ if (videoFile1.size !== videoFile2.size || videoFile1.resolutionLabel !== videoFile2.resolutionLabel) {
+ return `Video ${video1.uuid} has different video file ${videoFile1.magnetUri}.`
+ }
+ })
+ } else {
+ if (attribute1 !== attribute2) {
+ return `Video ${video1.uuid} has different value for attribute ${videoKey}.`
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return undefined
+function goodbye () {
+ return process.exit(-1)
+async function isTherePendingRequests (servers: ServerInfo[]) {
+ const tasks: Promise<any>[] = []
+ let pendingRequests = false
+ // Check if each server has pending request
+ for (const server of servers) {
+ const p = getJobsListPaginationAndSort(server.url, server.accessToken, 0, 10, '-createdAt')
+ .then(res => {
+ const jobs =
+ for (const job of jobs) {
+ if (job.state === 'pending' || job.state === 'processing') {
+ pendingRequests = true
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ tasks.push(p)
+ }
+ await Promise.all(tasks)
+ return pendingRequests