Synchronized translations with sources.
Signed-off-by: INAGAKI Hiroshi <>
"to store its log file."
msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Set this to allow serving content outside the media root (via symlinks)."
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Set this to enable inotify monitoring to automatically discover new files."
msgstr ""
"to store its log file."
msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Set this to allow serving content outside the media root (via symlinks)."
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Set this to enable inotify monitoring to automatically discover new files."
msgstr ""
"Diesen Wert setzen um das Verzeichnis zu bestimmen in dem miniDLNA seine "
"Protokolldateien ablegt."
+msgid ""
+"Set this to allow serving content outside the media root (via symlinks)."
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Set this to enable inotify monitoring to automatically discover new files."
msgstr ""
"to store its log file."
msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Set this to allow serving content outside the media root (via symlinks)."
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Set this to enable inotify monitoring to automatically discover new files."
msgstr ""
"Set this if you would like to specify the directory where you want MiniDLNA "
"to store its log file."
+msgid ""
+"Set this to allow serving content outside the media root (via symlinks)."
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Set this to enable inotify monitoring to automatically discover new files."
msgstr ""
"to store its log file."
msgstr "Indicar el directorio donde MiniDLNA guardará su archivo de registro."
+msgid ""
+"Set this to allow serving content outside the media root (via symlinks)."
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Set this to enable inotify monitoring to automatically discover new files."
msgstr "Inotify descubrirá automáticamente nuevos archivos."
msgstr ""
"Directorio a explorar. Si quiere restringir el directorio a un contenido "
"específico puede añadir el tipo ('A' par audio, 'V' para vídeo o 'P' para "
-"imágenes), seguido por una coma al nombre del directorio (ej. A,/"
-"mnt/media/Music). Se puede establecer varios directorios."
+"imágenes), seguido por una coma al nombre del directorio (ej. A,/mnt/media/"
+"Music). Se puede establecer varios directorios."
msgid "Specify the path to the MiniSSDPd socket."
msgstr "Camino al socket de MiniSSDPd."
"to store its log file."
msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Set this to allow serving content outside the media root (via symlinks)."
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Set this to enable inotify monitoring to automatically discover new files."
msgstr ""
"to store its log file."
msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Set this to allow serving content outside the media root (via symlinks)."
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Set this to enable inotify monitoring to automatically discover new files."
msgstr ""
"Áttítsa be, ha meg szeretné adni azt a könyvtárat, ahová a MiniDLNA a napló "
"állományait mentse."
+msgid ""
+"Set this to allow serving content outside the media root (via symlinks)."
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Set this to enable inotify monitoring to automatically discover new files."
msgstr ""
"Serial number the miniDLNA daemon will report to clients in its XML "
msgstr ""
-"Serial number che il server miniDLNA invierà ai client nella descrizione "
+"Serial number che il server miniDLNA invierà ai client nella descrizione XML."
msgid ""
"Set this if you want to customize the name that shows up on your clients."
"Impostare questa opzione se si desidera specificare la cartella in cui si "
"desidera che MiniDLNA archivi i propri file di registro."
+msgid ""
+"Set this to allow serving content outside the media root (via symlinks)."
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Set this to enable inotify monitoring to automatically discover new files."
msgstr ""
"Set this to enable support for streaming .jpg and .mp3 files to a TiVo "
"supporting HMO."
msgstr ""
-"Impostare questo per abilitare il supporto per lo streaming di file .jpg e "
-".mp3 ad un supporto TiVo che supporta HMO."
+"Impostare questo per abilitare il supporto per lo streaming di file .jpg e ."
+"mp3 ad un supporto TiVo che supporta HMO."
msgid ""
"Set this to strictly adhere to DLNA standards. This will allow server-side "
"Impostare la cartella che si desidera sottoporre a scansione. Se si desidera "
"limitare la directory per un tipo di contenuto specifico, è possibile "
"anteporre il tipo ('A' per l'audio, 'V' per video, 'P' per le immagini), "
-"seguito da una virgola, nella cartella (es. A,/mnt/media/Music). "
-"Cartelle multiple possono essere specificate."
+"seguito da una virgola, nella cartella (es. A,/mnt/media/Music). Cartelle "
+"multiple possono essere specificate."
msgid "Specify the path to the MiniSSDPd socket."
msgstr "Specificare il percorso del socket MiniSSDPd."
"The miniDLNA service is active, serving %d audio, %d video and %d image "
msgstr ""
-"Il servizio miniDLNA è attivo, servo %d audio, %d video, %d file di "
+"Il servizio miniDLNA è attivo, servo %d audio, %d video, %d file di immagine."
msgid "The miniDLNA service is not running."
msgstr "Il servizio miniDLNA non è in esecuzione."
"to store its log file."
msgstr "miniDLNAが書きだすログファイルのディレクトリパスを設定してください。"
+msgid ""
+"Set this to allow serving content outside the media root (via symlinks)."
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Set this to enable inotify monitoring to automatically discover new files."
msgstr ""
"miniDLNA がスキャンするディレクトリを設定します。ディレクトリを特定のコンテン"
"できます ('A'=オーディオ \"audio\", 'V'=ビデオ \"video\", 'P'=写真 \"images"
-"\", 例: A,/mnt/media/Music)。また、このオプションは複数のディレクト"
+"\", 例: A,/mnt/media/Music)。また、このオプションは複数のディレクトリを登録可"
msgid "Specify the path to the MiniSSDPd socket."
msgstr "MiniSSDPd ソケットのパスを設定してください。"
"The miniDLNA service is active, serving %d audio, %d video and %d image "
msgstr ""
-"miniDLNA サービスは稼働中です。%d 個の音楽ファイル , %d 個のビデオファイル, %"
-"d 個の写真ファイルを認識しています。"
+"miniDLNA サービスは稼働中です。%d 個の音楽ファイル , %d 個のビデオファイル, "
+"%d 個の写真ファイルを認識しています。"
msgid "The miniDLNA service is not running."
msgstr "miniDLNA サービスは稼働していません。"
"to store its log file."
msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Set this to allow serving content outside the media root (via symlinks)."
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Set this to enable inotify monitoring to automatically discover new files."
msgstr ""
"MiniDLNA is server software with the aim of being fully compliant with DLNA/"
"UPnP-AV clients."
msgstr ""
-"MiniDLNA er serverprogramvare som sikter på å være fullt kompatibel med DLNA"
-"/UPnP-AV klienter."
+"MiniDLNA er serverprogramvare som sikter på å være fullt kompatibel med DLNA/"
+"UPnP-AV klienter."
msgid ""
"Model number the miniDLNA daemon will report to clients in its XML "
"Her kan en definere hvilken katalog som MiniDLNA skal bruke til å lagre log "
"filen i."
+msgid ""
+"Set this to allow serving content outside the media root (via symlinks)."
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Set this to enable inotify monitoring to automatically discover new files."
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Her kan en velge den katalogen som blir skannet. Om du ønsker å begrense "
"katalogen til en spesifikk innholdstype kan sette en bokstav foran ('A' for "
-"lyd, 'V' for video, 'P' for bilder), etterfulgt av et komma og katalogen. "
-"(f.eks A,/mnt/media/Musikk). Flere kataloger kan brukes."
+"lyd, 'V' for video, 'P' for bilder), etterfulgt av et komma og katalogen. (f."
+"eks A,/mnt/media/Musikk). Flere kataloger kan brukes."
msgid "Specify the path to the MiniSSDPd socket."
msgstr "Angi banen til MiniSSDPd socketen."
"Ustaw to, jeśli chcesz podać folder, w którym miniDLNA powinien przechowywać "
"dzienniki (logi)."
+msgid ""
+"Set this to allow serving content outside the media root (via symlinks)."
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Set this to enable inotify monitoring to automatically discover new files."
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Ustaw tu folder, który chcesz skanować. Jeśli chcesz ograniczyć folder do "
"konkretnego typu zawartości, możesz poprzedzić ścieżkę typem (\"A\" dla "
-"audio, \"V\" dla wideo, \"P\" dla obrazów) i przecinkiem (np A,/"
-"mnt/media/Muzyka). Możesz podać kilka folderów."
+"audio, \"V\" dla wideo, \"P\" dla obrazów) i przecinkiem (np A,/mnt/media/"
+"Muzyka). Możesz podać kilka folderów."
msgid "Specify the path to the MiniSSDPd socket."
msgstr "Podaj ścieżkę do gniazda (socketu) miniSSDPd."
"Defina esta opção se você gostaria de especificar o diretório onde você "
"deseja MiniDLNA para armazenar seu arquivo de log."
+msgid ""
+"Set this to allow serving content outside the media root (via symlinks)."
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Set this to enable inotify monitoring to automatically discover new files."
msgstr ""
"Defina esta opção para o diretório que você deseja verificar. Se você quiser "
"restringir o diretório para um tipo específico de conteúdo, você pode "
"prefixar o tipo ('A' para áudio, 'V' para o vídeo, 'P' para imagens), "
-"seguido por uma vírgula, para o diretório (por exemplo A, / "
-"mnt / media / Música). Vários diretórios podem ser especificados."
+"seguido por uma vírgula, para o diretório (por exemplo A, / mnt / media / "
+"Música). Vários diretórios podem ser especificados."
msgid "Specify the path to the MiniSSDPd socket."
msgstr "Especifique o caminho para o soquete MiniSSDPd."
"to store its log file."
msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Set this to allow serving content outside the media root (via symlinks)."
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Set this to enable inotify monitoring to automatically discover new files."
msgstr ""
"to store its log file."
msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Set this to allow serving content outside the media root (via symlinks)."
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Set this to enable inotify monitoring to automatically discover new files."
msgstr ""
"to store its log file."
msgstr "Папка, в которой miniDLNA будет хранить свой файл журнала."
+msgid ""
+"Set this to allow serving content outside the media root (via symlinks)."
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Set this to enable inotify monitoring to automatically discover new files."
msgstr ""
"Директории, которые необходимо сканировать. Если вы хотите установить "
"ограничение на определённый тип содержимого в директории, вы можете написать "
"тип ('A' для аудио, 'V' для видео, 'P' для изображений) перед путём к "
-"директории, за которым следует запятая (напр. A,/mnt/media/Music). "
-"Ð\9cожеÑ\82 бÑ\8bÑ\82Ñ\8c Ñ\83казано неÑ\81колÑ\8cко диÑ\80екÑ\82оÑ\80ий."
+"директории, за которым следует запятая (напр. A,/mnt/media/Music). Может "
+"быть указано несколько директорий."
msgid "Specify the path to the MiniSSDPd socket."
msgstr "Укажите путь к сокету MiniSSDPd."
"to store its log file."
msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Set this to allow serving content outside the media root (via symlinks)."
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Set this to enable inotify monitoring to automatically discover new files."
msgstr ""
"to store its log file."
msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Set this to allow serving content outside the media root (via symlinks)."
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Set this to enable inotify monitoring to automatically discover new files."
msgstr ""
"to store its log file."
msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Set this to allow serving content outside the media root (via symlinks)."
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Set this to enable inotify monitoring to automatically discover new files."
msgstr ""
"to store its log file."
msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Set this to allow serving content outside the media root (via symlinks)."
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Set this to enable inotify monitoring to automatically discover new files."
msgstr ""
"to store its log file."
msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Set this to allow serving content outside the media root (via symlinks)."
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Set this to enable inotify monitoring to automatically discover new files."
msgstr ""
"to store its log file."
msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Set this to allow serving content outside the media root (via symlinks)."
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Set this to enable inotify monitoring to automatically discover new files."
msgstr ""
"to store its log file."
msgstr "设置miniDLNA日志目录"
+msgid ""
+"Set this to allow serving content outside the media root (via symlinks)."
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Set this to enable inotify monitoring to automatically discover new files."
msgstr "设定启用inotify监控,自动发现新的文件。"
"audio, 'V' for video, 'P' for images), followed by a comma, to the directory "
"(eg. A,/mnt/media/Music). Multiple directories can be specified."
msgstr ""
msgid "Specify the path to the MiniSSDPd socket."
msgstr "指定MiniSSDPd socket的路径。"
"to store its log file."
msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Set this to allow serving content outside the media root (via symlinks)."
+msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Set this to enable inotify monitoring to automatically discover new files."
msgstr ""