get_clean = subprocess.Popen ([config, '-c', TEST_CONFIGURATION, '-s', 'PATHS', '-o', 'GNUNET_HOME', '-f'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
cleandir, x = get_clean.communicate ()
+cleandir = cleandir.decode("utf-8")
cleandir = cleandir.rstrip ('\n').rstrip ('\r')
if os.path.isdir (cleandir):
sys.stderr.flush ()
idd = subprocess.Popen ([ident, '-d'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
rev_key, x = idd.communicate ()
+ rev_key = rev_key.decode("utf-8")
if len (rev_key.split ()) < 3:
raise Exception ("can't get revocation key out of `" + rev_key + "'")
rev_key = rev_key.split ()[2]
sys.stderr.flush ()
tst = subprocess.Popen ([revoc, '-t', rev_key, '-c', TEST_CONFIGURATION], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
output_not_revoked, x = tst.communicate ()
+ output_not_revoked = output_not_revoked.decode("utf-8")
if tst.returncode != 0:
raise Exception ("gnunet-revocation failed to test a key - " + str (tst.returncode) + ": " + output_not_revoked)
if 'valid' not in output_not_revoked:
sys.stderr.flush ()
tst = subprocess.Popen ([revoc, '-t', rev_key, '-c', TEST_CONFIGURATION], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
output_revoked, x = tst.communicate ()
+ output_revoked = output_revoked.decode("utf-8")
if tst.returncode != 0:
raise Exception ("gnunet-revocation failed to test a revoked key")
if 'revoked' not in output_revoked: