local pos0 = vector.subtract(pos, 4)
local pos1 = vector.add(pos, 4)
- if #minetest.find_nodes_in_area(pos0, pos1, "group:flora") > 3 then
+ -- Maximum flower density created by mapgen is 13 per 9x9 area.
+ -- The limit of 7 below was tuned by in-game testing to result in a maximum
+ -- flower density by ABM spread of 13 per 9x9 area.
+ -- Warning: Setting this limit theoretically without in-game testing
+ -- results in a maximum flower density by ABM spread that is far too high.
+ if #minetest.find_nodes_in_area(pos0, pos1, "group:flora") > 7 then
local soils = minetest.find_nodes_in_area_under_air(
pos0, pos1, "group:soil")
- if #soils > 0 then
- local seedling = soils[math.random(#soils)]
- local seedling_above =
- {x = seedling.x, y = seedling.y + 1, z = seedling.z}
- light = minetest.get_node_light(seedling_above)
- if not light or light < 13 or
- -- Desert sand is in the soil group
- minetest.get_node(seedling).name == "default:desert_sand" then
- return
+ local num_soils = #soils
+ if num_soils >= 1 then
+ for si = 1, math.min(3, num_soils) do
+ local soil = soils[math.random(num_soils)]
+ local soil_above = {x = soil.x, y = soil.y + 1, z = soil.z}
+ light = minetest.get_node_light(soil_above)
+ if light and light >= 13 and
+ -- Desert sand is in the soil group
+ minetest.get_node(soil).name ~= "default:desert_sand" then
+ minetest.set_node(soil_above, {name = node.name})
+ end
- minetest.set_node(seedling_above, {name = node.name})
label = "Flower spread",
nodenames = {"group:flora"},
interval = 13,
- chance = 96,
+ chance = 300,
action = function(...)