#include "guiConfirmRegistration.h"
#include "client.h"
-#include "intlGUIEditBox.h"
#include <IGUICheckBox.h>
-#include <IGUIEditBox.h>
#include <IGUIButton.h>
#include <IGUIStaticText.h>
#include <IGUIFont.h>
+#include "intlGUIEditBox.h"
#include "gettext.h"
std::string address = m_address;
if (address.empty())
address = "localhost";
- core::rect<s32> rect(0, 0, 540, 180);
- rect += topleft_client + v2s32(30, ypos);
+ core::rect<s32> rect2(0, 0, 540, 180);
+ rect2 += topleft_client + v2s32(30, ypos);
static const std::string info_text_template = strgettext(
"You are about to join the server at %1$s with the "
"name \"%2$s\" for the first time. If you proceed, a "
snprintf(info_text_buf, sizeof(info_text_buf), info_text_template.c_str(),
address.c_str(), m_playername.c_str());
- gui::intlGUIEditBox *e = new gui::intlGUIEditBox(
+ gui::IGUIEditBox *e = new gui::intlGUIEditBox(
utf8_to_wide_c(info_text_buf), true, Environment, this,
- ID_message, rect, false, true);
+ ID_message, rect2, false, true);
ypos += 210;
- core::rect<s32> rect(0, 0, 540, 30);
- rect += topleft_client + v2s32(30, ypos);
+ core::rect<s32> rect2(0, 0, 540, 30);
+ rect2 += topleft_client + v2s32(30, ypos);
gui::IGUIEditBox *e = Environment->addEditBox(m_pass_confirm.c_str(),
- rect, true, this, ID_confirmPassword);
+ rect2, true, this, ID_confirmPassword);
ypos += 60;
- core::rect<s32> rect(0, 0, 230, 35);
- rect = rect + v2s32(size.X / 2 - 220, ypos);
+ core::rect<s32> rect2(0, 0, 230, 35);
+ rect2 = rect2 + v2s32(size.X / 2 - 220, ypos);
text = wgettext("Register and Join");
- Environment->addButton(rect, this, ID_confirm, text);
+ Environment->addButton(rect2, this, ID_confirm, text);
delete[] text;
- core::rect<s32> rect(0, 0, 120, 35);
- rect = rect + v2s32(size.X / 2 + 70, ypos);
+ core::rect<s32> rect2(0, 0, 120, 35);
+ rect2 = rect2 + v2s32(size.X / 2 + 70, ypos);
text = wgettext("Cancel");
- Environment->addButton(rect, this, ID_cancel, text);
+ Environment->addButton(rect2, this, ID_cancel, text);
delete[] text;
- core::rect<s32> rect(0, 0, 200, 20);
- rect += topleft_client + v2s32(30, ypos - 40);
+ core::rect<s32> rect2(0, 0, 200, 20);
+ rect2 += topleft_client + v2s32(30, ypos - 40);
text = wgettext("Passwords do not match!");
IGUIElement *e = Environment->addStaticText(
- text, rect, false, true, this, ID_message);
+ text, rect2, false, true, this, ID_message);
delete[] text;
//! Sets whether to draw the background
virtual void setDrawBackground(bool draw);
+ virtual bool isDrawBackgroundEnabled() const { return true; }
//! Turns the border on or off
virtual void setDrawBorder(bool border);
+ virtual bool isDrawBorderEnabled() const { return Border; }
//! Enables or disables word wrap for using the edit box as multiline text editor.
virtual void setWordWrap(bool enable);
//! Reads attributes of the element
virtual void deserializeAttributes(io::IAttributes* in, io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions* options);
+ virtual void setCursorChar(const wchar_t cursorChar) {}
+ virtual wchar_t getCursorChar() const { return L'|'; }
+ virtual void setCursorBlinkTime(u32 timeMs) {}
+ virtual u32 getCursorBlinkTime() const { return 500; }
//! Breaks the single text line.
void breakText();