include $(TOPDIR)/
-LIB = libgeneric.a
-OBJS = crc32.o ctype.o display_options.o ldiv.o string.o vsprintf.o LzmaWrapper.o LzmaDecode.o
+LIB = libgeneric.a
+OBJS = crc32.o \
+ ctype.o \
+ display_options.o \
+ string.o \
+ LzmaDecode.o \
+ LzmaWrapper.o \
+ vsprintf.o
-$(LIB): .depend $(OBJS)
+$(LIB): .depend $(OBJS)
$(AR) crv $@ $(OBJS)
-.depend: Makefile $(OBJS:.o=.c)
- $(CC) -M $(CFLAGS) $(OBJS:.o=.c) > $@
+.depend: Makefile $(OBJS:.o=.c)
+ $(CC) -M $(CFLAGS) $(OBJS:.o=.c) > $@
sinclude .depend
#include <linux/ctype.h>
#include <malloc.h>
+#define __HAVE_ARCH_BCOPY
-char * ___strtok;
* strcpy - Copy a %NUL terminated string
+char * ___strtok;
* strtok - Split a string into tokens
* @s: The string to be searched
#include <common.h>
#include <command.h>
-extern int do_reset(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[]);
unsigned long simple_strtoul(const char *cp,char **endp,unsigned int base){
unsigned long result = 0,value;