if (delta.value < MIN_QUOTA_REFRESH_TIME)
return; /* not enough time passed for doing quota update */
allowed = delta.value * n->quota_in;
+ _
+ ("Update quota: last received is %u, allowed is %u\n"), n->last_received, allowed);
if (n->last_received < allowed)
remaining = allowed - n->last_received;
transmit_to_client (mq->client, &send_ok_msg.header, GNUNET_NO);
GNUNET_free (mq->message_buf);
+ GNUNET_free (mq->neighbor_id);
GNUNET_free (mq);
/* one plugin just became ready again, try transmitting
another message (if available) */
struct NeighborList *n;
struct MessageQueue *mq;
struct PeerAddressList *peer_addresses;
+ struct PeerAddressList *peer_pos;
if (neighbors == NULL)
return; /* We don't have any neighbors, so client has an already removed handle! */
GNUNET_assert (rpos->neighbor == n);
if (GNUNET_YES == rpos->connected)
rpos->plugin->api->disconnect (rpos->plugin->api->cls, &n->id);
+ peer_pos = rpos->addresses;
+ rpos->addresses = peer_pos->next;
+ while (peer_pos != NULL)
+ {
+ GNUNET_free(peer_pos);
+ GNUNET_free(peer_pos->addr);
+ peer_pos = rpos->addresses;
+ rpos->addresses = peer_pos->next;
+ }
GNUNET_free (rpos);
n->messages = mq->next;
GNUNET_assert (0 == memcmp(mq->neighbor_id, &n->id, sizeof(struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity)));
+ GNUNET_free (mq->neighbor_id);
GNUNET_free (mq);
if (n->timeout_task != GNUNET_SCHEDULER_NO_TASK)
GNUNET_assert ((service_context == NULL) ||
(NULL != service_context->neighbor));
- _
- ("NOT Dropping incoming message due to repeated bandwidth quota violations (total of %u).\n"), n->quota_violation_count);
- /* return; */
+ return;
switch (ntohs (message->type))