inherit_from => [ "BASE_unix" ],
template => 1,
cppflags => threads("-D_SGI_MP_SOURCE"),
- lib_cppflags => "-DB_ENDIAN -DBN_DIV3W",
+ lib_cppflags => "-DB_ENDIAN",
ex_libs => add(threads("-lpthread")),
thread_scheme => "pthreads",
dso_scheme => "dlfcn",
inherit_from => [ "linux-generic32", asm("mips32_asm") ],
cflags => add("-mabi=32"),
cxxflags => add("-mabi=32"),
- lib_cppflags => add("-DBN_DIV3W"),
perlasm_scheme => "o32",
# mips32 and mips64 below refer to contemporary MIPS Architecture
inherit_from => [ "linux-generic32", asm("mips64_asm") ],
cflags => add("-mabi=n32"),
cxxflags => add("-mabi=n32"),
- lib_cppflags => add("-DBN_DIV3W"),
bn_ops => "SIXTY_FOUR_BIT RC4_CHAR",
perlasm_scheme => "n32",
multilib => "32",
inherit_from => [ "linux-generic64", asm("mips64_asm") ],
cflags => add("-mabi=64"),
cxxflags => add("-mabi=64"),
- lib_cppflags => add("-DBN_DIV3W"),
perlasm_scheme => "64",
multilib => "64",