- OPTIMIZATION: proper connection evaluation during connection management:
+ PATHS: path desirability score calculations are not done
- * when managing connections, distinguish those that
- have (recently) had traffic from those that were
- never ready (or not recently)
* consider quality of current connection set when deciding
how often to do maintenance
* interact with PEER to drive DHT GET/PUT operations based
* - proper connection evaluation during connection management:
- * + when managing connections, distinguish those that
- * have (recently) had traffic from those that were
- * never ready (or not recently)
- * + consider quality of current connection set when deciding
- * how often to do maintenance
+ * + consider quality (or quality spread?) of current connection set
+ * when deciding how often to do maintenance
* + interact with PEER to drive DHT GET/PUT operations based
* on how much we like our connections
struct EvaluationSummary *es = cls;
struct CadetConnection *cc = ct->cc;
struct CadetPeerPath *ps = GCC_get_path (cc);
+ const struct CadetConnectionMetrics *metrics;
GNUNET_CONTAINER_HeapCostType ct_desirability;
+ struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative uptime;
+ struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative last_use;
uint32_t ct_length;
double score;
+ double success_rate;
if (ps == es->path)
ct_desirability = GCPP_get_desirability (ps);
ct_length = GCPP_get_length (ps);
- /* FIXME: calculate score on more than path,
- include connection performance metrics like
- last successful transmission, uptime, etc. */
- score = ct_desirability + ct_length; /* FIXME: weigh these as well! */
+ metrics = GCC_get_metrics (cc);
+ uptime = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get_duration (metrics->age);
+ last_use = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get_duration (metrics->last_use);
+ /* We add 1.0 here to avoid division by zero. */
+ success_rate = (metrics->num_acked_transmissions + 1.0) / (metrics->num_successes + 1.0);
+ score
+ = ct_desirability
+ + 100.0 / (1.0 + ct_length) /* longer paths = better */
+ + sqrt (uptime.rel_value_us / 60000000LL) /* larger uptime = better */
+ - last_use.rel_value_us / 1000L; /* longer idle = worse */
+ score *= success_rate; /* weigh overall by success rate */
if ( (NULL == es->worst) ||
(score < es->worst_score) )