+ verbosity=0
- #TOP=$( (exec pwd -P 2>/dev/null) || (exec pwd 2>/dev/null) )
- statusmsg "INFO: $@"
+ if [ $verbosity = 1 ]; then
+ statusmsg "INFO: $@"
+ fi
statusmsg "========================================="
-# Given a variable name in $1, modify the variable in place
-# as follows:
-# Convert possibly-relative path to absolute path by prepending
-# ${TOP} if necessary. Also delete trailing "/", if any.
- local var="$1"
- local val
- eval val=\"\${${var}}\"
- case "${val}" in
- /)
- ;;
- /*)
- val="${val%/}"
- ;;
- *)
- val="${TOP}/${val%/}"
- ;;
- esac
- eval ${var}=\"\${val}\"
-# usage()
-# {
-# if [ -n "$*" ]; then
-# echo ""
-# echo "${progname}: $*"
-# fi
-# cat <<_usage_
-# Usage: ${progname} [-fhv] [-c FILE] operation [...]
-# Operations:
-# cert Create the GNS certificate and only insert
-# it in GNS.
-# browser Create the GNS certificate, insert it in
-# GNS and install it in webbrowsers found.
-# all Create the GNS certificate, insert it in
-# GNS and install it in webbrowsers found.
-# help Print this help message.
-# Options:
-# -c FILE Use the configuration file FILE.
-# -f Perform expansions of the variables used in the config
-# value of gns-proxy. This will usually expand
-# $GNUNET_DATA_HOME to represent its path.
-# -h Print this help message.
-# -v Print the version.
-# _usage_
-# exit 1
-# }
-# parseoptions()
-# {
-# opts=':cfhv'
-# # For now use POSIX getopts. For the future, refer to
-# # the shell capabilities check has?
-# if type getopts >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-# # we are a posix shell, we can use the builtin getopts
-# getoptcmd='getopts ${opts} opt && opt=-${opt}'
-# optargcmd=':'
-# optremcmd='shift $((${OPTIND} -1))'
-# fi
-# # parse command line options.
-# while eval ${getoptcmd}; do
-# case ${opt} in
-# -c)
-# eval ${optargcmd}; resolvepath OPTARG
-# ;;
-# -v)
-# print_version
-# ;;
-# --)
-# break
-# ;;
-# -'?'|-h)
-# usage
-# ;;
-# esac
-# done
-# # operations
-# eval ${optremcmd}
-# while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
-# op=$1; shift
-# operations="${operations} ${op}"
-# case "${op}" in
-# help)
-# usage
-# ;;
-# all|\
-# browser|\
-# cert)
-# ;;
-# *)
-# usage "Unknown operation \`${op}'"
-# ;;
-# esac
-# op="$( echo "$op" | tr -s '.-' '__')"
-# eval do_${op}=true
-# done
-# }
- #[ -n "${operations}" ] || usage "Missing operation to perform."
- # old code:
- # while getopts "c:" opt; do
- # case $opt in
- # c)
- # options="$options -c $OPTARG"
- # ;;
- # \?)
- # echo "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" >&2
- # exit 1
- # ;;
- # :)
- # echo "Option -$OPTARG requires an argument." >&2
- # exit 1
- # ;;
- # esac
- # done
echo ""
# This warning is mostly pointless.
warning "You need to export the TMPDIR variable"
- # else
- # # SETUP_TMPDIR="$HOME/gns_setup"
- # # if [ ! -e "$SETUP_TMPDIR" ]; then
- # # mkdir -p $SETUP_TMPDIR
- # # fi
- # GNSCERT=`mktemp ${00##*/}.pem` || exit 1
- # GNSCAKY=`mktemp ${00##*/}.pem` || exit 1
- # GNSCANO=`mktemp ${00##*/}.pem` || exit 1
- # fi
# # ------------- gnutls
GNS_CA_CERT_PEM=`gnunet-config ${GNUNET_CONFIG} -s gns-proxy -o PROXY_CACERT -f ${options}`
mkdir -p `dirname $GNS_CA_CERT_PEM`
- # Bad names etc.
- if [ verbosity ]; then
- else
- VERBOSE_OUTPUT="2>/dev/null"
- fi
- openssl req -config $OPENSSLCFG -new -x509 -days 3650 -extensions v3_ca -keyout $GNSCAKY -out $GNSCERT -subj "/C=ZZ/L=World/O=GNU/OU=GNUnet/CN=GNS Proxy CA/" -passout pass:"GNU Name System" ${VERBOSE_OUTPUT}
+ openssl req -config $OPENSSLCFG -new -x509 -days 3650 -extensions v3_ca -keyout $GNSCAKY -out $GNSCERT -subj "/C=ZZ/L=World/O=GNU/OU=GNUnet/CN=GNS Proxy CA/" -passout pass:"GNU Name System"
- statusmsg "Removing passphrase from key"
- openssl rsa -passin pass:"GNU Name System" -in $GNSCAKY -out $GNSCANO ${VERBOSE_OUTPUT}
+ infomsg "Removing passphrase from key"
+ openssl rsa -passin pass:"GNU Name System" -in $GNSCAKY -out $GNSCANO
- statusmsg "Making private key available to gnunet-gns-proxy"
+ infomsg "Making private key available to gnunet-gns-proxy"
warningmsg "Not importing into browsers."
warningmsg "For 'certutil' install nss."
- statusmsg "Importing CA into browsers"
+ infomsg "Importing CA into browsers"
# TODO: Error handling?
for f in ~/.mozilla/firefox/*.*/
if [ -d $f ]; then
- statusmsg "Importing CA into Firefox at $f"
+ infomsg "Importing CA into Firefox at $f"
# delete old certificate (if any)
certutil -D -n "GNS Proxy CA" -d "$f" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
# add new certificate
# TODO: Error handling?
if [ -d ~/.pki/nssdb/ ]; then
- statusmsg "Importing CA into Chrome at ~/.pki/nssdb/"
+ infomsg "Importing CA into Chrome at ~/.pki/nssdb/"
# delete old certificate (if any)
certutil -D -n "GNS Proxy CA" -d ~/.pki/nssdb/ >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
# add new certificate
- infomsg "You can now start gnunet-gns-proxy."
- infomsg "Afterwards, configure your browser "
- infomsg "to use a SOCKS proxy on port 7777. "
+ statusmsg "You can now start gnunet-gns-proxy."
+ statusmsg "Afterwards, configure your browser "
+ statusmsg "to use a SOCKS proxy on port 7777. "
-# Needs debugging...
-# setdefaults
-# _args=$@
-# parseoptions "$@"
-# for op in ${operations}; do
-# case "${op}" in
-# cert)
-# ${runcmd} "${generate_ca}"
-# ${runcmd} "${clean_up}"
-# ;;
-# browser)
-# ${runcmd} "${generate_ca}"
-# ${runcmd} "${importbrowsers}"
-# ${runcmd} "${clean_up}"
-# ;;
-# all)
-# ${runcmd} "${generate_ca}"
-# ${runcmd} "${importbrowsers}"
-# ${runcmd} "${clean_up}"
-# ;;
-# *)
-# infomsg "Unknown operation \`${op}'"
-# ;;
-# esac
-# done
main "$@"