minetest.register_alias("wool:gold", "wool:yellow")
local wool = {}
+-- This uses a trick: you can first define the recipes using all of the base
+-- colors, and then some recipes using more specific colors for a few non-base
+-- colors available. When crafting, the last recipes will be checked first.
wool.dyes = {
- {"white", "White"},
- {"grey", "Grey"},
- {"dark_grey", "Dark Grey"},
- {"black", "Black"},
- {"violet", "Violet"},
- {"blue", "Blue"},
- {"cyan", "Cyan"},
- {"dark_green", "Dark Green"},
- {"green", "Green"},
- {"yellow", "Yellow"},
- {"brown", "Brown"},
- {"orange", "Orange"},
- {"red", "Red"},
- {"magenta", "Magenta"},
- {"pink", "Pink"},
+ {"white", "White", nil},
+ {"grey", "Grey", "basecolor_grey"},
+ {"black", "Black", "basecolor_black"},
+ {"red", "Red", "basecolor_red"},
+ {"yellow", "Yellow", "basecolor_yellow"},
+ {"green", "Green", "basecolor_green"},
+ {"cyan", "Cyan", "basecolor_cyan"},
+ {"blue", "Blue", "basecolor_blue"},
+ {"magenta", "Magenta", "basecolor_magenta"},
+ {"orange", "Orange", "excolor_orange"},
+ {"violet", "Violet", "excolor_violet"},
+ {"brown", "Brown", "unicolor_dark_orange"},
+ {"pink", "Pink", "unicolor_light_red"},
+ {"dark_grey", "Dark Grey", "unicolor_darkgrey"},
+ {"dark_green", "Dark Green", "unicolor_dark_green"},
for _, row in ipairs(wool.dyes) do
local name = row[1]
local desc = row[2]
+ local craft_color_group = row[3]
-- Node Definition
minetest.register_node("wool:"..name, {
description = desc.." Wool",
tile_images = {"wool_"..name..".png"},
groups = {snappy=2,choppy=2,oddly_breakable_by_hand=3,flammable=3},
- if name ~= "white" then
+ if craft_color_group then
-- Crafting from dye and white wool
- type = "shapeless",
output = 'wool:'..name..' 16',
- recipe = {'dye:'..name, 'wool:white'},
+ recipe = {
+ {'group:'..craft_color_group},
+ {'wool:white'},
+ }
+ -- Shapeless group recipes don't currently work
+ --[[minetest.register_craft({
+ type = "shapeless",
+ output = 'wool:'..name..' 16',
+ recipe = {'group:'..craft_color_group, 'wool:white'},
+ })--]]