+Implementable right now (but not necessarily important), with caveats
+(unavailable components that will limit what can be implemented right
+away), in order in which they will likely be done:
+* FS (DHT not available)
+* DV (distributed testing not available)
+* TBENCH (distributed testing not available)
+* TRACEKIT (distributed testing not available)
+* HTTP transport
+* MySQL / Postgres plugins (datastore, datacache)
PHASE #2: (Goal: recover basic file-sharing functionality)
* TESTING (needed for DV, DHT, Topology)
- implement library for local testing
- implement testcases for library
- - implement library for distributed testing [Nate]
- - implement testcases for distributed testing [Nate]
- implement testcases (needs TESTING)
- implement testcases
-* DV (needed for DHT)
- - write DV API
- - implement DV service [Nate & CG]
- - implement DV library [Nate]
- - implement DV transport plugin [Nate & CG]
- - implement testcases [Nate]
- - implement performance tests [Nate]
-* DHT (needed for FS)
- - implement DHT service (needs DV, DATACACHE)
- - implement DHT library
- - implement testcases
- - implement performance tests
-* FS
+* FS (anonymous FS only)
- review FS API [Nils, Amatus, CG]
- design network structs (CS)
- implement FS library
+ download
+ search
+ unindex
-=> Deploy development network
+* new webpage
+ - install on proper server
+ - activate as ng.gnunet.org
+=> Deploy(able) development network
PHASE #3: (Goal: ready for pre-release) [completion-goal: end of 2009]
-Module features to implement:
-* setup
- - default generation
- - need to settle basic design; do we want to keep guile?
-* tbench
- - good to have for DV evaluation!
-* tracekit
- - good to have for DV/DHT evaluation!
-* vpn
-GUIs to implement:
-* gtk
- - how to integrate scheduler with GTK event loop!
-* qt
- - see discussions @ FISL about integration with event loop!
-* fuse
-Plugins to implement:
-* UDP backend
- - Fragmentation library
- - actual plugin
-* HTTP backend
-* HTTPS backend
- - improved HTTPS support in MHD
- - actual plugin
+* Module features to implement:
+ - setup (RC-pre0)
+ + default generation
+ + need to settle basic design; do we want to keep guile?
+ - testing (RC-pre0)
+ + implement library for distributed testing [Nate]
+ + implement testcases for distributed testing [Nate]
+ - tbench (RC-pre1)
+ + good to have for DV evaluation!
+ - DV (RC-pre1)
+ + write DV API
+ + implement DV service [Nate & CG]
+ + implement DV library [Nate]
+ + implement DV transport plugin [Nate & CG]
+ + implement testcases [Nate]
+ + implement performance tests [Nate]
+ - tracekit (RC-pre2)
+ + good to have for DV/DHT evaluation!
+ - DHT (RC-pre2)
+ + implement DHT service (needs DV, DATACACHE)
+ + implement DHT library
+ + implement testcases
+ + implement performance tests
+* GUIs to implement:
+ - gtk (RC-pre1)
+ + how to integrate scheduler with GTK event loop!
+ - fuse (RC-pre2)
+ - qt (RC-pre3)
+ + see discussions @ FISL about integration with event loop!
+* Plugins to implement:
+ - UDP backend (RC-pre2)
+ + Fragmentation library
+ + actual plugin
+ - HTTP backend (RC-pre2)
+* Determine RC bugs and fix those!
- port "contact" page; add impressum
- add content type for "todo" items?
- DNS activation
+* Plugins to implement:
+ - MySQL database backends
+ + datacache
+ + datastore
+ - Postgres database backends
+ + datacache
+ + datastore
+ - vpn
+* Determine RC bugs and fix those!
+=> 0.9.0 RELEASE
-=> 0.9.x RELEASE
+Post 0.9.0 features:
+* SMTP transport backend
+* HTTPS transport backend
+ - improved HTTPS support in MHD
+ - actual plugin