* @file fs/gnunet-service-fs.c
* @brief program that provides the file-sharing service
* @author Christian Grothoff
+ *
+ * TODO:
+ * - INDEX_START handling
+ * - INDEX_LIST handling
+ * - UNINDEX handling
+ * - bloomfilter support (GET, CS-request with BF, etc.)
+ * - all P2P messages
#include "platform.h"
#include "gnunet_protocols.h"
#include "gnunet_util_lib.h"
#include "fs.h"
+ * Our connection to the datastore.
+ */
static struct GNUNET_DATASTORE_Handle *dsh;
+ * Our scheduler.
+ */
+static struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_Handle *sched;
+ * Our configuration.
+ */
+const struct GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_Handle *cfg;
* Handle INDEX_START-message.
+ * Signature of a function that is called whenever a datastore
+ * request can be processed (or an entry put on the queue times out).
* @param cls closure
* @param ok GNUNET_OK if DS is ready, GNUNET_SYSERR on timeout
int ok);
+ * Doubly-linked list of our requests for the datastore.
+ */
+struct DatastoreRequestQueue
+ /**
+ * This is a doubly-linked list.
+ */
+ struct DatastoreRequestQueue *next;
+ /**
+ * This is a doubly-linked list.
+ */
+ struct DatastoreRequestQueue *prev;
+ /**
+ * Function to call (will issue the request).
+ */
+ RequestFunction req;
+ /**
+ * Closure for req.
+ */
+ void *req_cls;
+ /**
+ * When should this request time-out because we don't care anymore?
+ */
+ struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute timeout;
+ /**
+ * ID of task used for signaling timeout.
+ */
+ GNUNET_SCHEDULER_TaskIdentifier task;
+ * Head of request queue for the datastore, sorted by timeout.
+ */
+static struct DatastoreRequestQueue *drq_head;
+ * Tail of request queue for the datastore.
+ */
+static struct DatastoreRequestQueue *drq_tail;
* Run the next DS request in our
* queue, we're done with the current one.
static void
next_ds_request ()
+ struct DatastoreRequestQueue *e;
+ while (NULL != (e = drq_head))
+ {
+ if (0 != GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get_remaining (e->timeout).value)
+ break;
+ if (e->task != GNUNET_SCHEDULER_NO_TASK)
+ GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel (sched, e->task);
+ GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove (drq_head, drq_tail, e);
+ e->req (e->req_cls, GNUNET_NO);
+ GNUNET_free (e);
+ }
+ if (e == NULL)
+ return;
+ if (e->task != GNUNET_SCHEDULER_NO_TASK)
+ GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel (sched, e->task);
+ e->req (e->req_cls, GNUNET_YES);
+ GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove (drq_head, drq_tail, e);
+ GNUNET_free (e);
- * FIXME.
+ * A datastore request had to be timed out.
+ *
+ * @param cls closure (of type "struct DatastoreRequestQueue*")
+ * @param tc task context, unused
static void
+timeout_ds_request (void *cls,
+ const struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_TaskContext *tc)
+ struct DatastoreRequestQueue *e = cls;
+ GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove (drq_head, drq_tail, e);
+ e->req (e->req_cls, GNUNET_NO);
+ GNUNET_free (e);
+ * Queue a request for the datastore.
+ *
+ * @param deadline by when the request should run
+ * @param fun function to call once the request can be run
+ * @param fun_cls closure for fun
+ */
+static struct DatastoreRequestQueue *
queue_ds_request (struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative deadline,
RequestFunction fun,
void *fun_cls)
+ struct DatastoreRequestQueue *e;
+ struct DatastoreRequestQueue *bef;
+ if (drq_head == NULL)
+ {
+ /* no other requests pending, run immediately */
+ fun (fun_cls, GNUNET_OK);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ e = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct DatastoreRequestQueue));
+ e->timeout = GNUNET_TIME_relative_to_absolute (deadline);
+ e->req = fun;
+ e->req_cls = fun_cls;
+ if (deadline.value == GNUNET_TIME_UNIT_FOREVER_REL.value)
+ {
+ /* local request, highest prio, put at head of queue
+ regardless of deadline */
+ bef = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bef = drq_tail;
+ while ( (NULL != bef) &&
+ (e->timeout.value < bef->timeout.value) )
+ bef = bef->prev;
+ }
+ GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert_after (drq_head, drq_tail, bef, e);
+ if (deadline.value == GNUNET_TIME_UNIT_FOREVER_REL.value)
+ return e;
+ e->task = GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_delayed (sched,
+ deadline,
+ &timeout_ds_request,
+ e);
+ return e;
- * Closure for processing START_SEARCH
- * messages from a client.
+ * Closure for processing START_SEARCH messages from a client.
struct LocalGetContext
+ /**
+ * This is a doubly-linked list.
+ */
+ struct LocalGetContext *next;
+ /**
+ * This is a doubly-linked list.
+ */
+ struct LocalGetContext *prev;
* Client that initiated the search.
struct GNUNET_SERVER_Client *client;
+ /**
+ * Array of results that we've already received
+ * (can be NULL).
+ */
+ GNUNET_HashCode *results;
+ /**
+ * Bloomfilter over all results (for fast query construction);
+ * NULL if we don't have any results.
+ */
+ struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_BloomFilter *results_bf;
+ /**
+ * DS request associated with this operation.
+ */
+ struct DatastoreRequestQueue *req;
+ /**
+ * Current result message to transmit to client (or NULL).
+ */
+ struct ContentMessage *result;
+ /**
+ * Type of the content that we're looking for.
+ * 0 for any.
+ */
+ uint32_t type;
+ /**
+ * Desired anonymity level.
+ */
+ uint32_t anonymity_level;
+ /**
+ * Number of results actually stored in the results array.
+ */
+ unsigned int results_used;
+ /**
+ * Size of the results array in memory.
+ */
+ unsigned int results_size;
+ /**
+ * If the request is for a DBLOCK or IBLOCK, this is the identity of
+ * the peer that is known to have a response. Set to all-zeros if
+ * such a target is not known (note that even if OUR anonymity
+ * level is >0 we may happen to know the responder's identity;
+ * nevertheless, we should probably not use it for a DHT-lookup
+ * or similar blunt actions in order to avoid exposing ourselves).
+ * <p>
+ * If the request is for an SBLOCK, this is the identity of the
+ * pseudonym to which the SBLOCK belongs.
+ * <p>
+ * If the request is for a KBLOCK, "target" must be all zeros.
+ */
+ GNUNET_HashCode target;
+ /**
+ * Hash of the keyword (aka query) for KBLOCKs; Hash of
+ * the CHK-encoded block for DBLOCKS and IBLOCKS (aka query)
+ * and hash of the identifier XORed with the target for
+ * SBLOCKS (aka query).
+ */
+ GNUNET_HashCode query;
-static void
+ * Head of doubly-linked LGC list.
+ */
+static struct LocalGetContext *lgc_head;
+ * Tail of doubly-linked LGC list.
+ */
+static struct LocalGetContext *lgc_tail;
+ * Free the state associated with a local get context.
+ *
+ * @param lgc the lgc to free
+ */
+static void
+local_get_context_free (struct LocalGetContext *lgc)
+ GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove (lgc_head, lgc_tail, lgc);
+ GNUNET_SERVER_client_drop (lgc->client);
+ GNUNET_free_non_null (lgc->results);
+ if (lgc->results_bf != NULL)
+ GNUNET_CONTAINER_bloomfilter_free (lgc->results_bf);
+ if (lgc->req != NULL)
+ {
+ if (lgc->req->task != GNUNET_SCHEDULER_NO_TASK)
+ GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel (sched, lgc->req->task);
+ GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove (lgc_head, lgc_tail, lgc);
+ GNUNET_free (lgc->req);
+ }
+ GNUNET_free (lgc);
+ * We're able to transmit the next (local) result to the client.
+ * Do it and ask the datastore for more. Or, on error, tell
+ * the datastore to stop giving us more.
+ *
+ * @param cls our closure (struct LocalGetContext)
+ * @param max maximum number of bytes we can transmit
+ * @param buf where to copy our message
+ * @return number of bytes copied to buf
+ */
+static size_t
+transmit_local_result (void *cls,
+ size_t max,
+ void *buf)
+ struct LocalGetContext *lgc = cls;
+ uint16_t msize;
+ if (NULL == buf)
+ {
+ /* error, abort! */
+ GNUNET_free (lgc->result);
+ lgc->result = NULL;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ msize = ntohs (lgc->result->header.size);
+ GNUNET_assert (max >= msize);
+ memcpy (buf, lgc->result, msize);
+ GNUNET_free (lgc->result);
+ lgc->result = NULL;
+ return msize;
+ * We're processing (local) results for a search request
+ * from a (local) client. Pass applicable results to the
+ * client and if we are done either clean up (operation
+ * complete) or switch to P2P search (more results possible).
+ *
+ * @param cls our closure (struct LocalGetContext)
+ * @param key key for the content
+ * @param size number of bytes in data
+ * @param data content stored
+ * @param type type of the content
+ * @param priority priority of the content
+ * @param anonymity anonymity-level for the content
+ * @param expiration expiration time for the content
+ * @param uid unique identifier for the datum;
+ * maybe 0 if no unique identifier is available
+ */
+static void
+process_local_get_result (void *cls,
+ const GNUNET_HashCode * key,
+ uint32_t size,
+ const void *data,
+ uint32_t type,
+ uint32_t priority,
+ uint32_t anonymity,
+ struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute
+ expiration,
+ uint64_t uid)
+ struct LocalGetContext *lgc = cls;
+ size_t msize;
+ if (key == NULL)
+ {
+ /* no further results from datastore; continue
+ processing further requests from the client and
+ allow the next task to use the datastore; also,
+ switch to P2P requests or clean up our state. */
+ next_ds_request ();
+ GNUNET_SERVER_receive_done (lgc->client,
+ if ( (lgc->results_used == 0) ||
+ {
+ // FIXME: initiate P2P search
+ return;
+ }
+ /* got all possible results, clean up! */
+ local_get_context_free (lgc);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (lgc->results_used == lgc->results_size)
+ {
+ GNUNET_array_grow (lgc->results,
+ lgc->results_size,
+ lgc->results_size * 2 + 2);
+ {
+ // FIXME: possibly grow/create BF!
+ }
+ }
+ GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash (data,
+ size,
+ &lgc->results[lgc->results_used++]);
+ {
+ // FIXME: add result to BF!
+ }
+ msize = size + sizeof (struct ContentMessage);
+ lgc->result = GNUNET_malloc (msize);
+ lgc->result->header.size = htons (msize);
+ lgc->result->header.type = htons (GNUNET_MESSAGE_TYPE_FS_CONTENT);
+ lgc->result->type = htonl (type);
+ lgc->result->expiration = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_hton (expiration);
+ memcpy (&lgc->result[1],
+ data,
+ size);
+ GNUNET_SERVER_notify_transmit_ready (lgc->client,
+ msize,
+ &transmit_local_result,
+ lgc);
+ * We're processing a search request from a local
+ * client. Now it is our turn to query the datastore.
+ *
+ * @param cls our closure (struct LocalGetContext)
+ * @param tc unused
+ */
+static void
transmit_local_get (void *cls,
- int ok)
+ const struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_TaskContext *tc)
struct LocalGetContext *lgc = cls;
- // FIXME: search locally
- GNUNET_assert (GNUNET_OK == ok);
- GNUNET_SERVER_receive_done (lgc->client,
+ &lgc->query,
+ lgc->type,
+ &process_local_get_result,
+ lgc,
- // once we're done processing the DS reply, do:
- next_ds_request ();
- // FIXME: if not found, initiate P2P search
- // FIXME: once done with "client" handle:
- GNUNET_SERVER_client_drop (lgc->client);
+ * We're processing a search request from a local
+ * client. Now it is our turn to query the datastore.
+ *
+ * @param cls our closure (struct LocalGetContext)
+ * @param ok did we succeed to queue for datastore access, should always be GNUNET_OK
+ */
+static void
+transmit_local_get_ready (void *cls,
+ int ok)
+ struct LocalGetContext *lgc = cls;
+ GNUNET_assert (GNUNET_OK == ok);
+ GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_continuation (sched,
+ &transmit_local_get,
+ lgc,
- * Handle START_SEARCH-message.
+ * Handle START_SEARCH-message (search request from client).
* @param cls closure
* @param client identification of the client
GNUNET_SERVER_client_keep (client);
lgc = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct LocalGetContext));
lgc->client = client;
- // lgc->x = y;
- queue_ds_request (GNUNET_TIME_UNIT_FOREVER_REL,
- &transmit_local_get,
- lgc);
+ lgc->type = ntohl (sm->type);
+ lgc->anonymity_level = ntohl (sm->anonymity_level);
+ lgc->target = sm->target;
+ lgc->query = sm->query;
+ GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert (lgc_head, lgc_tail, lgc);
+ lgc->req = queue_ds_request (GNUNET_TIME_UNIT_FOREVER_REL,
+ &transmit_local_get_ready,
+ lgc);
+ * A client disconnected. Remove all of its pending queries.
+ *
+ * @param cls closure, NULL
+ * @param client identification of the client
+ */
+static void
+handle_client_disconnect (void *cls,
+ struct GNUNET_SERVER_Client
+ * client)
+ struct LocalGetContext *lgc;
+ lgc = lgc_head;
+ while ( (NULL != lgc) &&
+ (lgc->client != client) )
+ lgc = lgc->next;
+ if (lgc == NULL)
+ return; /* not one of our clients */
+ local_get_context_free (lgc);
* Task run during shutdown.
static void
run (void *cls,
- struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_Handle *sched,
+ struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_Handle *s,
struct GNUNET_SERVER_Handle *server,
- const struct GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_Handle *cfg)
+ const struct GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_Handle *c)
+ sched = s;
+ cfg = c;
dsh = GNUNET_DATASTORE_connect (cfg,
if (NULL == dsh)
_("Failed to connect to datastore service.\n"));
+ GNUNET_SERVER_disconnect_notify (server,
+ &handle_client_disconnect,
+ NULL);
GNUNET_SERVER_add_handlers (server, handlers);
- // FIXME: also handle P2P messages!
+ // FIXME: also register with core to handle P2P messages!
GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_delayed (sched,