OPT_p = (1 << 5),
OPT_S = (1 << 6),
+ /* We hijack some bits for other purposes */
+ OPT_qq = (1 << 8),
struct globals {
setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, -15);
/* If network is up, syncronization occurs in ~10 seconds.
- * We give "ntpd -q" a full minute to finish, then we exit.
+ * We give "ntpd -q" 10 seconds to get first reply,
+ * then another 50 seconds to finish syncing.
* I tested ntpd 4.2.6p1 and apparently it never exits
* (will try forever), but it does not feel right.
* The goal of -q is to act like ntpdate: set time
* after a reasonably small period of polling, or fail.
- if (opts & OPT_q)
- alarm(60);
+ if (opts & OPT_q) {
+ option_mask32 |= OPT_qq;
+ alarm(10);
+ }
| (1 << SIGTERM)
for (; nfds != 0 && j < i; j++) {
if (pfd[j].revents /* & (POLLIN|POLLERR)*/) {
+ /*
+ * At init, alarm was set to 10 sec.
+ * Now we did get a reply.
+ * Increase timeout to 50 seconds to finish syncing.
+ */
+ if (option_mask32 & OPT_qq) {
+ option_mask32 &= ~OPT_qq;
+ alarm(50);
+ }
gettime1900d(); /* sets G.cur_time */