runhttpd: hostenv
build/ $(realpath host) $(LUA_MODULEDIR) $(LUA_LIBRARYDIR) "$(realpath host/usr/bin/lucittpd) $(realpath host)/usr/lib/lucittpd/plugins"
-runluci: runhttpd
+runluci: luahost
+ build/ $(realpath host) $(LUA_MODULEDIR) $(LUA_LIBRARYDIR) "$(realpath libs/httpd/host/runluci) $(realpath host) $(HTDOCS)"
runlua: hostenv
- build/ $(realpath host) $(LUA_MODULEDIR) $(LUA_LIBRARYDIR) lua
+ build/ $(realpath host) $(LUA_MODULEDIR) $(LUA_LIBRARYDIR) "lua -i build/setup.lua"
runshell: hostenv
build/ $(realpath host) $(LUA_MODULEDIR) $(LUA_LIBRARYDIR) $$SHELL
luacompile: luasource
for i in $$(find dist -name *.lua -not -name debug.lua); do $(LUAC) $(LUAC_OPTIONS) -o $$i $$i; done
-luagzip: luacompile
- for i in $$(find dist -name *.lua -not -name debug.lua); do gzip -f9 $$i; done
rm -rf dist
--- /dev/null
+ local SYSROOT = os.getenv("LUCI_SYSROOT")
+ require "uci"
+ require "luci.model.uci".cursor = function(config, save)
+ return uci.cursor(config or SYSROOT .. "/etc/config", save or SYSROOT .. "/tmp/.uci")
+ end
+ local x = require "luci.uvl".UVL.__init__
+ require "luci.uvl".UVL.__init__ = function(self, schemedir)
+ x(self, schemedir or SYSROOT .. "/lib/uci/schema")
+ end
--- /dev/null
+include ../../build/
+include ../../build/
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface
+Copyright 2009 Steven Barth <>
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+local require, ipairs, pcall = require, ipairs, pcall
+local srv = require "luci.lucid.http.server"
+module "luci.lucid.http"
+function factory(publisher)
+ local server = srv.Server()
+ for _, r in ipairs(publisher) do
+ local t = r[".type"]
+ local s, mod = pcall(require, "luci.lucid.http." .. (r[".type"] or ""))
+ if s and mod then
+ mod.factory(server, r)
+ else
+ return nil, mod
+ end
+ end
+ return function(...) return server:process(...) end
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+LuCId HTTP-Slave
+(c) 2009 Steven Barth <>
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+local ipairs, require, tostring, type = ipairs, require, tostring, type
+local file = require "luci.lucid.http.handler.file"
+local srv = require "luci.lucid.http.server"
+module "luci.lucid.http.DirectoryPublisher"
+function factory(server, config)
+ config.domain = config.domain or ""
+ local vhost = server:get_vhosts()[config.domain]
+ if not vhost then
+ vhost = srv.VHost()
+ server:set_vhost(config.domain, vhost)
+ end
+ local handler = file.Simple(, config.physical, config)
+ if then
+ for _, r in ipairs( do
+ if r:sub(1,1) == ":" then
+ handler:restrict({interface = r:sub(2)})
+ else
+ handler:restrict({user = r})
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if type(config.virtual) == "table" then
+ for _, v in ipairs(config.virtual) do
+ vhost:set_handler(v, handler)
+ end
+ else
+ vhost:set_handler(config.virtual, handler)
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+LuCId HTTP-Slave
+(c) 2009 Steven Barth <>
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+local ipairs, pcall, type = ipairs, pcall, type
+local luci = require "luci.lucid.http.handler.luci"
+local srv = require "luci.lucid.http.server"
+module "luci.lucid.http.LuciWebPublisher"
+function factory(server, config)
+ pcall(function()
+ require "luci.dispatcher"
+ require "luci.cbi"
+ end)
+ config.domain = config.domain or ""
+ local vhost = server:get_vhosts()[config.domain]
+ if not vhost then
+ vhost = srv.VHost()
+ server:set_vhost(config.domain, vhost)
+ end
+ local prefix
+ if config.physical and #config.physical > 0 then
+ prefix = {}
+ for k in config.physical:gmatch("[^/]+") do
+ if #k > 0 then
+ prefix[#prefix+1] = k
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local handler = luci.Luci(, prefix)
+ if config.exec then
+ for _, r in ipairs(config.exec) do
+ if r:sub(1,1) == ":" then
+ handler:restrict({interface = r:sub(2)})
+ else
+ handler:restrict({user = r})
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if type(config.virtual) == "table" then
+ for _, v in ipairs(config.virtual) do
+ vhost:set_handler(v, handler)
+ end
+ else
+ vhost:set_handler(config.virtual, handler)
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+LuCId HTTP-Slave
+(c) 2009 Steven Barth <>
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+local ipairs = ipairs
+local catchall = require "luci.lucid.http.handler.catchall"
+local srv = require "luci.lucid.http.server"
+module "luci.lucid.http.Redirector"
+function factory(server, config)
+ config.domain = config.domain or ""
+ local vhost = server:get_vhosts()[config.domain]
+ if not vhost then
+ vhost = srv.VHost()
+ server:set_vhost(config.domain, vhost)
+ end
+ local handler = catchall.Redirect(, config.physical)
+ vhost:set_handler(config.virtual, handler)
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+LuCId HTTP-Slave
+(c) 2009 Steven Barth <>
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+local srv = require "luci.lucid.http.server"
+local proto = require "luci.http.protocol"
+module "luci.lucid.http.handler.catchall"
+Redirect = util.class(srv.Handler)
+function Redirect.__init__(self, name, target)
+ srv.Handler.__init__(self, name)
+ = target
+function Redirect.handle_GET(self, request)
+ local target =
+ local protocol = request.env.HTTPS and "https://" or "http://"
+ local server = request.env.SERVER_ADDR
+ if server:find(":") then
+ server = "[" .. server .. "]"
+ end
+ if,1) == ":" then
+ target = protocol .. server .. target
+ end
+ local s, e = target:find("%TARGET%", 1, true)
+ if s then
+ local req = protocol .. (request.env.HTTP_HOST or server)
+ .. request.env.REQUEST_URI
+ target = target:sub(1, s-1) .. req .. target:sub(e+1)
+ end
+ return 302, { Location = target }
+Redirect.handle_POST = Redirect.handle_GET
+function Redirect.handle_HEAD(self, request)
+ local stat, head = self:handle_GET(request)
+ return stat, head
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+HTTP server implementation for LuCI - file handler
+(c) 2008 Steven Barth <>
+(c) 2008 Freifunk Leipzig / Jo-Philipp Wich <>
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+local ipairs, type, tonumber = ipairs, type, tonumber
+local os = require "os"
+local nixio = require "nixio", require "nixio.util"
+local fs = require "nixio.fs"
+local util = require "luci.util"
+local ltn12 = require "luci.ltn12"
+local srv = require "luci.lucid.http.server"
+local string = require "string"
+local prot = require "luci.http.protocol"
+local date = require ""
+local mime = require "luci.http.protocol.mime"
+local cond = require "luci.http.protocol.conditionals"
+module "luci.lucid.http.handler.file"
+Simple = util.class(srv.Handler)
+function Simple.__init__(self, name, docroot, options)
+ srv.Handler.__init__(self, name)
+ self.docroot = docroot
+ self.realdocroot = fs.realpath(self.docroot)
+ options = options or {}
+ self.dirlist = not options.noindex
+ self.error404 = options.error404
+function Simple.parse_range(self, request, size)
+ if not request.headers.Range then
+ return true
+ end
+ local from, to = request.headers.Range:match("bytes=([0-9]*)-([0-9]*)")
+ if not (from or to) then
+ return true
+ end
+ from, to = tonumber(from), tonumber(to)
+ if not (from or to) then
+ return true
+ elseif not from then
+ from, to = size - to, size - 1
+ elseif not to then
+ to = size - 1
+ end
+ -- Not satisfiable
+ if from >= size then
+ return false
+ end
+ -- Normalize
+ if to >= size then
+ to = size - 1
+ end
+ local range = "bytes " .. from .. "-" .. to .. "/" .. size
+ return from, (1 + to - from), range
+function Simple.getfile(self, uri)
+ if not self.realdocroot then
+ self.realdocroot = fs.realpath(self.docroot)
+ end
+ local file = fs.realpath(self.docroot .. uri)
+ if not file or file:sub(1, #self.realdocroot) ~= self.realdocroot then
+ return uri
+ end
+ return file, fs.stat(file)
+function Simple.handle_GET(self, request)
+ local file, stat = self:getfile(prot.urldecode(request.env.PATH_INFO, true))
+ if stat then
+ if stat.type == "reg" then
+ -- Generate Entity Tag
+ local etag = cond.mk_etag( stat )
+ -- Check conditionals
+ local ok, code, hdrs
+ ok, code, hdrs = cond.if_modified_since( request, stat )
+ if ok then
+ ok, code, hdrs = cond.if_match( request, stat )
+ if ok then
+ ok, code, hdrs = cond.if_unmodified_since( request, stat )
+ if ok then
+ ok, code, hdrs = cond.if_none_match( request, stat )
+ if ok then
+ local f, err =
+ if f then
+ local code = 200
+ local o, s, r = self:parse_range(request, stat.size)
+ if not o then
+ return self:failure(416, "Invalid Range")
+ end
+ local headers = {
+ ["Last-Modified"] = date.to_http( stat.mtime ),
+ ["Content-Type"] = mime.to_mime( file ),
+ ["ETag"] = etag,
+ ["Accept-Ranges"] = "bytes",
+ }
+ if o == true then
+ s = stat.size
+ else
+ code = 206
+ headers["Content-Range"] = r
+ f:seek(o)
+ end
+ headers["Content-Length"] = s
+ -- Send Response
+ return code, headers, srv.IOResource(f, s)
+ else
+ return self:failure( 403, err:gsub("^.+: ", "") )
+ end
+ else
+ return code, hdrs
+ end
+ else
+ return code, hdrs
+ end
+ else
+ return code, hdrs
+ end
+ else
+ return code, hdrs
+ end
+ elseif stat.type == "dir" then
+ local ruri = request.env.REQUEST_URI:gsub("/$", "")
+ local duri = prot.urldecode( ruri, true )
+ local root = self.docroot
+ -- check for index files
+ local index_candidates = {
+ "index.html", "index.htm", "default.html", "default.htm",
+ "index.txt", "default.txt"
+ }
+ -- try to find an index file and redirect to it
+ for i, candidate in ipairs( index_candidates ) do
+ local istat = fs.stat(
+ root .. "/" .. duri .. "/" .. candidate
+ )
+ if istat ~= nil and istat.type == "reg" then
+ return 302, { Location = ruri .. "/" .. candidate }
+ end
+ end
+ local html = string.format(
+ '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n' ..
+ '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ' ..
+ '"">\n'..
+ '<html xmlns="" ' ..
+ 'xml:lang="en" lang="en">\n' ..
+ '<head>\n' ..
+ '<title>Index of %s/</title>\n' ..
+ '<style type="text/css">\n' ..
+ 'body { color:#000000 } ' ..
+ 'li { border-bottom:1px dotted #CCCCCC; padding:3px } ' ..
+ 'small { font-size:60%%; color:#333333 } ' ..
+ 'p { margin:0 }' ..
+ '\n</style></head><body><h1>Index of %s/</h1><hr /><ul>'..
+ '<li><p><a href="%s/../">../</a> ' ..
+ '<small>(parent directory)</small><br />' ..
+ '<small></small></li>',
+ duri, duri, ruri
+ )
+ local entries = fs.dir( file )
+ if type(entries) == "function" then
+ for i, e in util.vspairs(nixio.util.consume(entries)) do
+ local estat = fs.stat( file .. "/" .. e )
+ if estat.type == "dir" then
+ html = html .. string.format(
+ '<li><p><a href="%s/%s/">%s/</a> ' ..
+ '<small>(directory)</small><br />' ..
+ '<small>Changed: %s</small></li>',
+ ruri, prot.urlencode( e ), e,
+ date.to_http( estat.mtime )
+ )
+ else
+ html = html .. string.format(
+ '<li><p><a href="%s/%s">%s</a> ' ..
+ '<small>(%s)</small><br />' ..
+ '<small>Size: %i Bytes | ' ..
+ 'Changed: %s</small></li>',
+ ruri, prot.urlencode( e ), e,
+ mime.to_mime( e ),
+ estat.size, date.to_http( estat.mtime )
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ html = html .. '</ul><hr /><address>LuCId-HTTPd' ..
+ '</address></body></html>'
+ return 200, {
+ ["Date"] = date.to_http( os.time() );
+ ["Content-Type"] = "text/html; charset=utf-8";
+ }, ltn12.source.string(html)
+ else
+ return self:failure(403, "Permission denied")
+ end
+ else
+ return self:failure(403, "Unable to transmit " .. stat.type .. " " .. file)
+ end
+ else
+ if self.error404 then
+ return 302, { Location = self.error404 }
+ else
+ return self:failure(404, "No such file: " .. file)
+ end
+ end
+function Simple.handle_HEAD(self, ...)
+ local stat, head = self:handle_GET(...)
+ return stat, head
--- /dev/null
+LuCId HTTP-Slave
+(c) 2009 Steven Barth <>
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+local dsp = require "luci.dispatcher"
+local util = require "luci.util"
+local http = require "luci.http"
+local ltn12 = require "luci.ltn12"
+local srv = require "luci.lucid.http.server"
+local coroutine = require "coroutine"
+local type = type
+module "luci.lucid.http.handler.luci"
+Luci = util.class(srv.Handler)
+function Luci.__init__(self, name, prefix)
+ srv.Handler.__init__(self, name)
+ self.prefix = prefix
+function Luci.handle_HEAD(self, ...)
+ local stat, head = self:handle_GET(...)
+ return stat, head
+function Luci.handle_POST(self, ...)
+ return self:handle_GET(...)
+function Luci.handle_GET(self, request, sourcein)
+ local r = http.Request(
+ request.env,
+ sourcein
+ )
+ local res, id, data1, data2 = true, 0, nil, nil
+ local headers = {}
+ local status = 200
+ local active = true
+ local x = coroutine.create(dsp.httpdispatch)
+ while not id or id < 3 do
+ res, id, data1, data2 = coroutine.resume(x, r, self.prefix)
+ if not res then
+ status = 500
+ headers["Content-Type"] = "text/plain"
+ return status, headers, ltn12.source.string(id)
+ end
+ if id == 1 then
+ status = data1
+ elseif id == 2 then
+ if not headers[data1] then
+ headers[data1] = data2
+ elseif type(headers[data1]) ~= "table" then
+ headers[data1] = {headers[data1], data2}
+ else
+ headers[data1][#headers[data1]+1] = data2
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if id == 6 then
+ while (coroutine.resume(x)) do end
+ return status, headers, srv.IOResource(data1, data2)
+ end
+ local function iter()
+ local res, id, data = coroutine.resume(x)
+ if not res then
+ return nil, id
+ elseif not id or not active then
+ return true
+ elseif id == 5 then
+ active = false
+ while (coroutine.resume(x)) do end
+ return nil
+ elseif id == 4 then
+ return data
+ end
+ end
+ return status, headers, iter
--- /dev/null
+LuCId HTTP-Slave
+(c) 2009 Steven Barth <>
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+local ipairs, pairs = ipairs, pairs
+local tostring, tonumber = tostring, tonumber
+local pcall, assert, type = pcall, assert, type
+local os = require "os"
+local nixio = require "nixio"
+local util = require "luci.util"
+local ltn12 = require "luci.ltn12"
+local proto = require "luci.http.protocol"
+local table = require "table"
+local date = require ""
+module "luci.lucid.http.server"
+VERSION = "1.0"
+statusmsg = {
+ [200] = "OK",
+ [206] = "Partial Content",
+ [301] = "Moved Permanently",
+ [302] = "Found",
+ [304] = "Not Modified",
+ [400] = "Bad Request",
+ [401] = "Unauthorized",
+ [403] = "Forbidden",
+ [404] = "Not Found",
+ [405] = "Method Not Allowed",
+ [408] = "Request Time-out",
+ [411] = "Length Required",
+ [412] = "Precondition Failed",
+ [416] = "Requested range not satisfiable",
+ [500] = "Internal Server Error",
+ [503] = "Server Unavailable",
+-- File Resource
+IOResource = util.class()
+function IOResource.__init__(self, fd, len)
+ self.fd, self.len = fd, len
+-- Server handler implementation
+Handler = util.class()
+function Handler.__init__(self, name)
+ = name or tostring(self)
+-- Creates a failure reply
+function Handler.failure(self, code, msg)
+ return code, { ["Content-Type"] = "text/plain" }, ltn12.source.string(msg)
+-- Access Restrictions
+function Handler.restrict(self, restriction)
+ if not self.restrictions then
+ self.restrictions = {restriction}
+ else
+ self.restrictions[#self.restrictions+1] = restriction
+ end
+-- Check restrictions
+function Handler.checkrestricted(self, request)
+ if not self.restrictions then
+ return
+ end
+ local localif, user, pass
+ for _, r in ipairs(self.restrictions) do
+ local stat = true
+ if stat and r.interface then -- Interface restriction
+ if not localif then
+ for _, v in ipairs(request.server.interfaces) do
+ if v.addr == request.env.SERVER_ADDR then
+ localif =
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if r.interface ~= localif then
+ stat = false
+ end
+ end
+ if stat and r.user then -- User restriction
+ local rh, pwe
+ if not user then
+ rh = (request.headers.Authorization or ""):match("Basic (.*)")
+ rh = rh and nixio.bin.b64decode(rh) or ""
+ user, pass = rh:match("(.*):(.*)")
+ pass = pass or ""
+ end
+ pwe = nixio.getsp and nixio.getsp(r.user) or nixio.getpw(r.user)
+ local pwh = (user == r.user) and pwe and (pwe.pwdp or pwe.passwd)
+ if not pwh or #pwh < 1 or nixio.crypt(pass, pwh) ~= pwh then
+ stat = false
+ end
+ end
+ if stat then
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ return 401, {
+ ["WWW-Authenticate"] = ('Basic realm=%q'):format(,
+ ["Content-Type"] = 'text/plain'
+ }, ltn12.source.string("Unauthorized")
+-- Processes a request
+function Handler.process(self, request, sourcein)
+ local stat, code, hdr, sourceout
+ local stat, code, msg = self:checkrestricted(request)
+ if stat then -- Access Denied
+ return stat, code, msg
+ end
+ -- Detect request Method
+ local hname = "handle_" .. request.env.REQUEST_METHOD
+ if self[hname] then
+ -- Run the handler
+ stat, code, hdr, sourceout = pcall(self[hname], self, request, sourcein)
+ -- Check for any errors
+ if not stat then
+ return self:failure(500, code)
+ end
+ else
+ return self:failure(405, statusmsg[405])
+ end
+ return code, hdr, sourceout
+VHost = util.class()
+function VHost.__init__(self)
+ self.handlers = {}
+function VHost.process(self, request, ...)
+ local handler
+ local hlen = -1
+ local uri = request.env.SCRIPT_NAME
+ local sc = ("/"):byte()
+ request.env.SCRIPT_NAME = ""
+ -- Call URI part
+ request.env.PATH_INFO = uri
+ for k, h in pairs(self.handlers) do
+ if #k > hlen then
+ if uri == k or (uri:sub(1, #k) == k and uri:byte(#k+1) == sc) then
+ handler = h
+ hlen = #k
+ request.env.SCRIPT_NAME = k
+ request.env.PATH_INFO = uri:sub(#k+1)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if handler then
+ return handler:process(request, ...)
+ else
+ return 404, nil, ltn12.source.string("No such handler")
+ end
+function VHost.get_handlers(self)
+ return self.handlers
+function VHost.set_handler(self, match, handler)
+ self.handlers[match] = handler
+local function remapipv6(adr)
+ local map = "::ffff:"
+ if adr:sub(1, #map) == map then
+ return adr:sub(#map+1)
+ else
+ return adr
+ end
+local function chunksource(sock, buffer)
+ buffer = buffer or ""
+ return function()
+ local output
+ local _, endp, count = buffer:find("^([0-9a-fA-F]+);?.-\r\n")
+ while not count and #buffer <= 1024 do
+ local newblock, code = sock:recv(1024 - #buffer)
+ if not newblock then
+ return nil, code
+ end
+ buffer = buffer .. newblock
+ _, endp, count = buffer:find("^([0-9a-fA-F]+);?.-\r\n")
+ end
+ count = tonumber(count, 16)
+ if not count then
+ return nil, -1, "invalid encoding"
+ elseif count == 0 then
+ return nil
+ elseif count + 2 <= #buffer - endp then
+ output = buffer:sub(endp+1, endp+count)
+ buffer = buffer:sub(endp+count+3)
+ return output
+ else
+ output = buffer:sub(endp+1, endp+count)
+ buffer = ""
+ if count - #output > 0 then
+ local remain, code = sock:recvall(count-#output)
+ if not remain then
+ return nil, code
+ end
+ output = output .. remain
+ count, code = sock:recvall(2)
+ else
+ count, code = sock:recvall(count+2-#buffer+endp)
+ end
+ if not count then
+ return nil, code
+ end
+ return output
+ end
+ end
+local function chunksink(sock)
+ return function(chunk, err)
+ if not chunk then
+ return sock:writeall("0\r\n\r\n")
+ else
+ return sock:writeall(("%X\r\n%s\r\n"):format(#chunk, chunk))
+ end
+ end
+Server = util.class()
+function Server.__init__(self)
+ self.vhosts = {}
+function Server.get_vhosts(self)
+ return self.vhosts
+function Server.set_vhost(self, name, vhost)
+ self.vhosts[name] = vhost
+function Server.error(self, client, code, msg)
+ hcode = tostring(code)
+ client:writeall( "HTTP/1.0 " .. hcode .. " " ..
+ statusmsg[code] .. "\r\n" )
+ client:writeall( "Connection: close\r\n" )
+ client:writeall( "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n" )
+ if msg then
+ client:writeall( "HTTP-Error " .. code .. ": " .. msg .. "\r\n" )
+ end
+ client:close()
+local hdr2env = {
+ ["Content-Length"] = "CONTENT_LENGTH",
+ ["Content-Type"] = "CONTENT_TYPE",
+ ["Content-type"] = "CONTENT_TYPE",
+ ["Accept"] = "HTTP_ACCEPT",
+ ["Accept-Charset"] = "HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET",
+ ["Accept-Encoding"] = "HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING",
+ ["Accept-Language"] = "HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE",
+ ["Connection"] = "HTTP_CONNECTION",
+ ["Cookie"] = "HTTP_COOKIE",
+ ["Host"] = "HTTP_HOST",
+ ["Referer"] = "HTTP_REFERER",
+ ["User-Agent"] = "HTTP_USER_AGENT"
+function Server.parse_headers(self, source)
+ local env = {}
+ local req = {env = env, headers = {}}
+ local line, err
+ repeat -- Ignore empty lines
+ line, err = source()
+ if not line then
+ return nil, err
+ end
+ until #line > 0
+ line:match("^([A-Z]+) ([^ ]+) (HTTP/1%.[01])$")
+ if not env.REQUEST_METHOD then
+ return nil, "invalid magic"
+ end
+ local key, envkey, val
+ repeat
+ line, err = source()
+ if not line then
+ return nil, err
+ elseif #line > 0 then
+ key, val = line:match("^([%w-]+)%s?:%s?(.*)")
+ if key then
+ req.headers[key] = val
+ envkey = hdr2env[key]
+ if envkey then
+ env[envkey] = val
+ end
+ else
+ return nil, "invalid header line"
+ end
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ until false
+ env.SCRIPT_NAME, env.QUERY_STRING = env.REQUEST_URI:match("(.*)%??(.*)")
+ return req
+function Server.process(self, client, env)
+ local sourcein = function() end
+ local sourcehdr = client:linesource()
+ local sinkout
+ local buffer
+ local close = false
+ local stat, code, msg, message, err
+ client:setsockopt("socket", "rcvtimeo", 15)
+ client:setsockopt("socket", "sndtimeo", 15)
+ repeat
+ -- parse headers
+ message, err = self:parse_headers(sourcehdr)
+ -- any other error
+ if not message or err then
+ if err == 11 then -- EAGAIN
+ break
+ else
+ return self:error(client, 400, err)
+ end
+ end
+ -- Prepare sources and sinks
+ buffer = sourcehdr(true)
+ sinkout = client:sink()
+ message.server = env
+ if client:is_tls_socket() then
+ message.env.HTTPS = "on"
+ end
+ -- Addresses
+ message.env.REMOTE_ADDR = remapipv6(
+ message.env.REMOTE_PORT = env.port
+ local srvaddr, srvport = client:getsockname()
+ message.env.SERVER_ADDR = remapipv6(srvaddr)
+ message.env.SERVER_PORT = srvport
+ -- keep-alive
+ if message.env.SERVER_PROTOCOL == "HTTP/1.1" then
+ close = (message.env.HTTP_CONNECTION == "close")
+ else
+ close = not message.env.HTTP_CONNECTION
+ or message.env.HTTP_CONNECTION == "close"
+ end
+ -- Uncomment this to disable keep-alive
+ close = close or env.config.nokeepalive
+ if message.env.REQUEST_METHOD == "GET"
+ or message.env.REQUEST_METHOD == "HEAD" then
+ -- Be happy
+ elseif message.env.REQUEST_METHOD == "POST" then
+ -- If we have a HTTP/1.1 client and an Expect: 100-continue header
+ -- respond with HTTP 100 Continue message
+ if message.env.SERVER_PROTOCOL == "HTTP/1.1"
+ and message.headers.Expect == '100-continue' then
+ client:writeall("HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n\r\n")
+ end
+ if message.headers['Transfer-Encoding'] and
+ message.headers['Transfer-Encoding'] ~= "identity" then
+ sourcein = chunksource(client, buffer)
+ buffer = nil
+ elseif message.env.CONTENT_LENGTH then
+ local len = tonumber(message.env.CONTENT_LENGTH)
+ if #buffer >= len then
+ sourcein = ltn12.source.string(buffer:sub(1, len))
+ buffer = buffer:sub(len+1)
+ else
+ sourcein =
+ ltn12.source.string(buffer),
+ client:blocksource(nil, len - #buffer)
+ )
+ end
+ else
+ return self:error(client, 411, statusmsg[411])
+ end
+ else
+ return self:error(client, 405, statusmsg[405])
+ end
+ local host = self.vhosts[message.env.HTTP_HOST] or self.vhosts[""]
+ if not host then
+ return self:error(client, 404, "No virtual host found")
+ end
+ local code, headers, sourceout = host:process(message, sourcein)
+ headers = headers or {}
+ -- Post process response
+ if sourceout then
+ if util.instanceof(sourceout, IOResource) then
+ if not headers["Content-Length"] then
+ headers["Content-Length"] = sourceout.len
+ end
+ end
+ if not headers["Content-Length"] then
+ if message.http_version == 1.1 then
+ headers["Transfer-Encoding"] = "chunked"
+ sinkout = chunksink(client)
+ else
+ close = true
+ end
+ end
+ elseif message.request_method ~= "head" then
+ headers["Content-Length"] = 0
+ end
+ if close then
+ headers["Connection"] = "close"
+ elseif message.env.SERVER_PROTOCOL == "HTTP/1.0" then
+ headers["Connection"] = "Keep-Alive"
+ end
+ headers["Date"] = date.to_http(os.time())
+ local header = {
+ message.env.SERVER_PROTOCOL .. " " .. tostring(code) .. " "
+ .. statusmsg[code],
+ "Server: LuCId-HTTPd/" .. VERSION
+ }
+ for k, v in pairs(headers) do
+ if type(v) == "table" then
+ for _, h in ipairs(v) do
+ header[#header+1] = k .. ": " .. h
+ end
+ else
+ header[#header+1] = k .. ": " .. v
+ end
+ end
+ header[#header+1] = ""
+ header[#header+1] = ""
+ -- Output
+ stat, code, msg = client:writeall(table.concat(header, "\r\n"))
+ if sourceout and stat then
+ if util.instanceof(sourceout, IOResource) then
+ stat, code, msg = sourceout.fd:copyz(client, sourceout.len)
+ else
+ stat, msg = ltn12.pump.all(sourceout, sinkout)
+ end
+ end
+ -- Write errors
+ if not stat then
+ if msg then
+ nixio.syslog("err", "Error sending data to " .. ..
+ ": " .. msg .. "\n")
+ end
+ break
+ end
+ if buffer then
+ sourcehdr(buffer)
+ end
+ until close
+ client:shutdown()
+ client:close()
--- /dev/null
+include ../../build/
+include ../../build/
--- /dev/null
+config lucid main
+ option pollinterval 15000
+ option daemon 1
+ option debug 1
+ list supports tcpserver
+ list supports server
+config DirectoryPublisher webroot
+ option name 'Webserver Share'
+ option physical host/www
+ option virtual ''
+ option domain ''
+ list read ':lo'
+ list read ':br-lan'
+ list read 'root'
+config LuciWebPublisher luciweb
+ option name 'LuCI Webapplication'
+ option physical ''
+ list virtual /luci
+ option domain ''
+ list exec ':lo'
+ list exec ':br-lan'
+ list exec 'root'
+config RPCPublisher mainrpc
+ option namespace 'luci.lucid.rpc'
+ list export system
+ list export ruci
+ list exec ':lo'
+ list exec 'root'
+config tcpserver httpd
+ option entrypoint "luci.lucid.http"
+ list supports DirectoryPublisher
+ list supports LuciWebPublisher
+config tcpserver rpcd
+ option entrypoint "luci.lucid.rpc"
+ list supports RPCPublisher
+config daemon http
+ option slave httpd
+ list address 8080
+ list publisher webroot
+ list publisher luciweb
+ option enabled 1
+config daemon https
+ option slave httpd
+ list address 4443
+ list publisher webroot
+ list publisher luciweb
+ option enabled 1
+ option encryption enable
+config daemon rpc
+ option slave rpcd
+ list address 12900
+ list publisher mainrpc
+ option enabled 1
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+LuCI - Lua Development Framework
+Copyright 2009 Steven Barth <>
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+local nixio = require "nixio"
+local table = require "table"
+local uci = require "luci.model.uci"
+local os = require "os"
+local io = require "io"
+local pairs, require, pcall, assert, type = pairs, require, pcall, assert, type
+local ipairs, tonumber, collectgarbage = ipairs, tonumber, collectgarbage
+module "luci.lucid"
+local slaves = {}
+local pollt = {}
+local tickt = {}
+local tpids = {}
+local tcount = 0
+local ifaddrs = nixio.getifaddrs()
+cursor = uci.cursor()
+state = uci.cursor_state()
+UCINAME = "lucid"
+local cursor = cursor
+local state = state
+local SSTATE = "/tmp/.lucid_store"
+function start()
+ prepare()
+ local detach = cursor:get(UCINAME, "main", "daemonize")
+ if detach == "1" then
+ local stat, code, msg = daemonize()
+ if not stat then
+ nixio.syslog("crit", "Unable to detach process: " .. msg .. "\n")
+ ox.exit(2)
+ end
+ end
+ run()
+function prepare()
+ local debug = tonumber((cursor:get(UCINAME, "main", "debug")))
+ nixio.openlog("lucid", "pid", "perror")
+ if debug ~= 1 then
+ nixio.setlogmask("warning")
+ end
+ cursor:foreach(UCINAME, "daemon", function(config)
+ if config.enabled ~= "1" then
+ return
+ end
+ local key = config[".name"]
+ if not config.slave then
+ nixio.syslog("crit", "Daemon "..key.." is missing a slave\n")
+ os.exit(1)
+ else
+ nixio.syslog("info", "Initializing daemon " .. key)
+ end
+ state:revert(UCINAME, key)
+ local daemon, code, err = prepare_daemon(config)
+ if daemon then
+ state:set(UCINAME, key, "status", "started")
+ nixio.syslog("info", "Prepared daemon " .. key)
+ else
+ state:set(UCINAME, key, "status", "error")
+ state:set(UCINAME, key, "error", err)
+ nixio.syslog("err", "Failed to initialize daemon "..key..": "..
+ err .. "\n")
+ end
+ end)
+function run()
+ local pollint = tonumber((cursor:get(UCINAME, "main", "pollinterval")))
+ while true do
+ local stat, code = nixio.poll(pollt, pollint)
+ if stat and stat > 0 then
+ for _, polle in ipairs(pollt) do
+ if polle.revents ~= 0 and polle.handler then
+ polle.handler(polle)
+ end
+ end
+ elseif stat == 0 then
+ ifaddrs = nixio.getifaddrs()
+ collectgarbage("collect")
+ end
+ for _, cb in ipairs(tickt) do
+ cb()
+ end
+ local pid, stat, code = nixio.wait(-1, "nohang")
+ while pid and pid > 0 do
+ tcount = tcount - 1
+ if tpids[pid] and tpids[pid] ~= true then
+ tpids[pid](pid, stat, code)
+ end
+ pid, stat, code = nixio.wait(-1, "nohang")
+ end
+ end
+function register_pollfd(polle)
+ pollt[#pollt+1] = polle
+ return true
+function unregister_pollfd(polle)
+ for k, v in ipairs(pollt) do
+ if v == polle then
+ table.remove(pollt, k)
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+function close_pollfds()
+ for k, v in ipairs(pollt) do
+ if v.fd and v.fd.close then
+ v.fd:close()
+ end
+ end
+function register_tick(cb)
+ tickt[#tickt+1] = cb
+ return true
+function unregister_tick(cb)
+ for k, v in ipairs(tickt) do
+ if v == cb then
+ table.remove(tickt, k)
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+function create_process(threadcb, waitcb)
+ local threadlimit = tonumber(cursor:get(UCINAME, "main", "threadlimit"))
+ if threadlimit and #tpids >= tcount then
+ nixio.syslog("warning", "Unable to create thread: process limit reached")
+ return nil
+ end
+ local pid, code, err = nixio.fork()
+ if pid and pid ~= 0 then
+ tpids[pid] = waitcb
+ tcount = tcount + 1
+ elseif pid == 0 then
+ local code = threadcb()
+ os.exit(code)
+ else
+ nixio.syslog("err", "Unable to fork(): " .. err)
+ end
+ return pid, code, err
+function prepare_daemon(config)
+ nixio.syslog("info", "Preparing daemon " .. config[".name"])
+ local modname = cursor:get(UCINAME, config.slave)
+ if not modname then
+ return nil, -1, "invalid slave"
+ end
+ local stat, module = pcall(require, _NAME .. "." .. modname)
+ if not stat or not module.prepare_daemon then
+ return nil, -2, "slave type not supported"
+ end
+ config.slave = prepare_slave(config.slave)
+ return module.prepare_daemon(config, _M)
+function prepare_slave(name)
+ local slave = slaves[name]
+ if not slave then
+ local config = cursor:get_all(UCINAME, name)
+ local stat, module = pcall(require, config and config.entrypoint)
+ if stat then
+ slave = {module = module, config = config}
+ end
+ end
+ if slave then
+ return slave
+ else
+ return nil, module
+ end
+function get_interfaces()
+ return ifaddrs
+function revoke_privileges(user, group)
+ if nixio.getuid() == 0 then
+ return nixio.setgid(group) and nixio.setuid(user)
+ end
+function securestate()
+ local stat = nixio.fs.stat(SSTATE) or {}
+ local uid = nixio.getuid()
+ if stat.type ~= "dir" or (stat.modedec % 100) ~= 0 or stat.uid ~= uid then
+ nixio.fs.remover(SSTATE)
+ if not nixio.fs.mkdir(SSTATE, 700) then
+ local errno = nixio.errno()
+ nixio.syslog("err", "Integrity check on secure state failed!")
+ return nil, errno, nixio.perror(errno)
+ end
+ end
+ return uci.cursor(nil, SSTATE)
+function daemonize()
+ if nixio.getppid() == 1 then
+ return
+ end
+ local pid, code, msg = nixio.fork()
+ if not pid then
+ return nil, code, msg
+ elseif pid > 0 then
+ os.exit(0)
+ end
+ nixio.setsid()
+ nixio.chdir("/")
+ local devnull ="/dev/null", nixio.open_flags("rdwr"))
+ nixio.dup(devnull, nixio.stdin)
+ nixio.dup(devnull, nixio.stdout)
+ nixio.dup(devnull, nixio.stderr)
+ return true
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+LuCI - Lua Development Framework
+Copyright 2009 Steven Barth <>
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+local os = require "os"
+local nixio = require "nixio"
+local lucid = require "luci.lucid"
+local ipairs, type, require, setmetatable = ipairs, type, require, setmetatable
+local pairs, print, tostring, unpack = pairs, print, tostring, unpack
+module "luci.lucid.tcpserver"
+local cursor = lucid.cursor
+local UCINAME = lucid.UCINAME
+local tcpsockets = {}
+function prepare_daemon(config, server)
+ nixio.syslog("info", "Preparing TCP-Daemon " .. config[".name"])
+ if type(config.address) ~= "table" then
+ config.address = {config.address}
+ end
+ local sockets, socket, code, err = {}
+ local sopts = {reuseaddr = 1}
+ for _, addr in ipairs(config.address) do
+ local host, port = addr:match("(.-):?([^:]*)")
+ if not host then
+ nixio.syslog("err", "Invalid address: " .. addr)
+ return nil, -5, "invalid address format"
+ elseif #host == 0 then
+ host = nil
+ end
+ socket, code, err = prepare_socket(, host, port, sopts)
+ if socket then
+ sockets[#sockets+1] = socket
+ end
+ end
+ nixio.syslog("info", "Sockets bound for " .. config[".name"])
+ if #sockets < 1 then
+ return nil, -6, "no sockets bound"
+ end
+ nixio.syslog("info", "Preparing publishers for " .. config[".name"])
+ local publisher = {}
+ for k, pname in ipairs(config.publisher) do
+ local pdata = cursor:get_all(UCINAME, pname)
+ if pdata then
+ publisher[#publisher+1] = pdata
+ else
+ nixio.syslog("err", "Publisher " .. pname .. " not found")
+ end
+ end
+ nixio.syslog("info", "Preparing TLS for " .. config[".name"])
+ local tls = prepare_tls(config.tls)
+ if not tls and config.encryption == "enable" then
+ for _, s in ipairs(sockets) do
+ s:close()
+ end
+ return nil, -4, "Encryption requested, but no TLS context given"
+ end
+ nixio.syslog("info", "Invoking daemon factory for " .. config[".name"])
+ local handler, err = config.slave.module.factory(publisher, config)
+ if not handler then
+ for _, s in ipairs(sockets) do
+ s:close()
+ end
+ return nil, -3, err
+ else
+ local pollin = nixio.poll_flags("in")
+ for _, s in ipairs(sockets) do
+ server.register_pollfd({
+ fd = s,
+ events = pollin,
+ revents = 0,
+ handler = accept,
+ accept = handler,
+ config = config,
+ publisher = publisher,
+ tls = tls
+ })
+ end
+ return true
+ end
+function accept(polle)
+ local socket, host, port = polle.fd:accept()
+ if not socket then
+ return nixio.syslog("warn", "accept() failed: " .. port)
+ end
+ socket:setblocking(true)
+ local function thread()
+ lucid.close_pollfds()
+ local inst = setmetatable({
+ host = host, port = port, interfaces = lucid.get_interfaces()
+ }, {__index = polle})
+ if polle.config.encryption then
+ socket = polle.tls:create(socket)
+ if not socket:accept() then
+ socket:close()
+ return nixio.syslog("warning", "TLS handshake failed: " .. host)
+ end
+ end
+ return polle.accept(socket, inst)
+ end
+ local stat = {lucid.create_process(thread)}
+ socket:close()
+ return unpack(stat)
+function prepare_socket(family, host, port, opts, backlog)
+ nixio.syslog("info", "Preparing socket for port " .. port)
+ backlog = backlog or 1024
+ family = family or "inetany"
+ opts = opts or {}
+ local inetany = family == "inetany"
+ family = inetany and "inet6" or family
+ local socket, code, err = nixio.socket(family, "stream")
+ if not socket and inetany then
+ family = "inet"
+ socket, code, err = nixio.socket(family, "stream")
+ end
+ if not socket then
+ return nil, code, err
+ end
+ for k, v in pairs(opts) do
+ socket:setsockopt("socket", k, v)
+ end
+ local stat, code, err = socket:bind(host, port)
+ if not stat then
+ return nil, code, err
+ end
+ stat, code, err = socket:listen(backlog)
+ if not stat then
+ return nil, code, err
+ end
+ socket:setblocking(false)
+ return socket, family
+function prepare_tls(tlskey)
+ local tls = nixio.tls()
+ if tlskey and cursor:get(UCINAME, tlskey) then
+ local cert = cursor:get(UCINAME, tlskey, "cert")
+ if cert then
+ tls:set_cert(cert)
+ end
+ local key = cursor:get(UCINAME, tlskey, "key")
+ if key then
+ tls:set_key(key)
+ end
+ local ciphers = cursor:get(UCINAME, tlskey, "ciphers")
+ if ciphers then
+ if type(ciphers) == "table" then
+ ciphers = table.concat(ciphers, ":")
+ end
+ tls:set_ciphers(ciphers)
+ end
+ end
+ return tls
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+config lucid main
+ option pollinterval 15000
+ option threadlimit 25
+ option daemon 1
+ option debug 1
+ list supports tcpserver
+ list supports server
+config DirectoryPublisher webroot
+ option name 'Webserver Share'
+ option physical /www
+ option virtual /
+ option domain ''
+ list read ':lo'
+ list read ':br-lan'
+ list read 'root'
+config LuciWebPublisher luciweb
+ option name 'LuCI Webapplication'
+ option physical ''
+ list virtual /luci
+ option domain ''
+ list exec ':lo'
+ list exec ':br-lan'
+ list exec 'root'
+config RPCPublisher mainrpc
+ option namespace 'luci.lucid.rpc'
+ list export system
+ list exec ':lo'
+ list exec 'root'
+config tcpserver httpd
+ option entrypoint "luci.lucid.http"
+ list supports DirectoryPublisher
+ list supports LuciWebPublisher
+config tcpserver rpcd
+ option entrypoint "luci.lucid.rpc"
+ list supports RPCPublisher
+config daemon http
+ option slave httpd
+ list address 8080
+ list publisher webroot
+ list publisher luciweb
+ option enabled 1
+config daemon https
+ option slave httpd
+ list address 4443
+ list publisher webroot
+ list publisher luciweb
+ option enabled 1
+ option encryption enable
+config daemon rpc
+ option slave rpcd
+ list address 12900
+ list publisher mainrpc
+ option enabled 1
\ No newline at end of file
elseif stat.type == "lnk" then
res, code, msg = nixio.symlink(nixio.readlink(src), dest)
- else
+ elseif stat.type == "reg" then
res, code, msg = datacopy(src, dest)
local table = require "table"
local nixio = require "nixio"
-local getmetatable, assert, pairs = getmetatable, assert, pairs
+local getmetatable, assert, pairs, type = getmetatable, assert, pairs, type
module "nixio.util"
if flush then
line = buffer:sub(bpos + 1)
- buffer = ""
+ buffer = type(flush) == "string" and flush or ""
bpos = 0
return line
function meta.copyz(self, fd, size)
local sent, lsent, code, msg = 0
+ local splicable
if self:is_file() then
- if nixio.sendfile and fd:is_socket() and self:stat("type") == "reg" then
+ local ftype = self:stat("type")
+ if nixio.sendfile and fd:is_socket() and ftype == "reg" then
lsent, code, msg = nixio.sendfile(fd, self, size or ZIOBLKSIZE)
if lsent then
code ~= nixio.const.ENOSYS and code ~= nixio.const.EINVAL) then
return lsent and sent, code, msg, sent
- end
+ elseif nixio.splice and not fd:is_tls_socket() and ftype == "fifo" then
+ splicable = true
+ end
+ end
+ if nixio.splice and fd:is_file() and not splicable then
+ splicable = not self:is_tls_socket() and fd:stat("type") == "fifo"
+ end
+ if splicable then
+ repeat
+ lsent, code, msg = nixio.splice(self, fd, size or ZIOBLKSIZE)
+ if lsent then
+ sent = sent + lsent
+ size = size and (size - lsent)
+ end
+ until (not lsent or lsent == 0 or (size and size == 0))
+ if lsent or (not lsent and sent == 0 and
+ code ~= nixio.const.ENOSYS and code ~= nixio.const.EINVAL) then
+ return lsent and sent, code, msg, sent
+ end
return self:copy(fd, size)
return self.socket:close()
+function tls_socket.getsockname(self)
+ return self.socket:getsockname()
+function tls_socket.getpeername(self)
+ return self.socket:getpeername()
+function tls_socket.getsockopt(self, ...)
+ return self.socket:getsockopt(...)
+tls_socket.getopt = tls_socket.getsockopt
+function tls_socket.setsockopt(self, ...)
+ return self.socket:setsockopt(...)
+tls_socket.setopt = tls_socket.setsockopt
for k, v in pairs(meta) do
file[k] = v
socket[k] = v