// of the player, and define things they're allowed to do. See also
// the static methods Player::privsToString and stringToPrivs that
// convert these to human-readable form.
-const u64 PRIV_BUILD = 1; // Can build - i.e. modify the world
- // (not enforced yet)
-const u64 PRIV_TELEPORT = 2; // Can teleport
-const u64 PRIV_SETTIME = 4; // Can set the time
-const u64 PRIV_PRIVS = 8; // Can grant and revoke privileges
-const u64 PRIV_SERVER = 16; // Can manage the server (e.g. shutodwn ,settings)
+const u64 PRIV_BUILD = 1; // Can build - i.e. modify the world
+const u64 PRIV_TELEPORT = 2; // Can teleport
+const u64 PRIV_SETTIME = 4; // Can set the time
+const u64 PRIV_PRIVS = 8; // Can grant and revoke privileges
+const u64 PRIV_SERVER = 16; // Can manage the server (e.g. shutodwn
+ // ,settings)
+const u64 PRIV_SHOUT = 32; // Can broadcast chat messages to all
+ // players
+// Default privileges - these can be overriden for new players using the
+// config option "default_privs" - however, this value still applies for
+// players that existed before the privileges system was added.
const u64 PRIV_INVALID = 0x8000000000000000ULL;
// Whether to send to other players
bool send_to_others = false;
+ // Local player gets all privileges regardless of
+ // what's set on their account.
+ u64 privs = player->privs;
+ if(g_settings.get("name") == player->getName())
+ privs = PRIV_ALL;
// Parse commands
std::wstring commandprefix = L"/#";
if(message.substr(0, commandprefix.size()) == commandprefix)
message = message.substr(commandprefix.size());
- // Local player gets all privileges regardless of
- // what's set on their account.
- u64 privs = player->privs;
- if(g_settings.get("name") == player->getName())
- privs = PRIV_ALL;
ServerCommandContext *ctx = new ServerCommandContext(
str_split(message, L' '),
- line += L"<";
- /*if(is_operator)
- line += L"@";*/
- line += name;
- line += L"> ";
- line += message;
- send_to_others = true;
+ if(privs & PRIV_SHOUT)
+ {
+ line += L"<";
+ line += name;
+ line += L"> ";
+ line += message;
+ send_to_others = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ line += L"Server: You are not allowed to shout";
+ send_to_sender = true;
+ }
if(line != L"")