echo "NUM_APPLETS != 1 for ${app}: `cat include/NUM_APPLETS.h`"
mv .config busybox_config_${app}
+ if grep -q 'use larger COMMON_BUFSIZE' busybox_make_${app}.log; then
+ # FEATURE_USE_BSS_TAIL=y is selected, and build system
+ # recommends rebuilding. Do so, and print some
+ # debug info to see whether it works right:
+ tail -n1 busybox_make_${app}.log
+ nm busybox_unstripped | grep ' _end'
+ make >/dev/null 2>&1
+ nm busybox_unstripped | grep ' _end'
+ grep ^bb_common_bufsiz1
+ fi
grep -i -e error: -e warning: busybox_make_${app}.log \
|| rm busybox_make_${app}.log
mv busybox busybox_${app}