*) applies to 0.9.6a/0.9.6b/0.9.6c and 0.9.7
+) applies to 0.9.7 only
+ +) Change mkdef.pl to sort symbols that get the same entry number,
+ and make sure the automatically generated functions ERR_load_*
+ become part of libeay.num as well.
+ [Richard Levitte]
*) Avoid infinite loop in ssl3_get_message (ssl/s3_both.c) if a
client receives HelloRequest while in a handshake.
[Bodo Moeller; bug noticed by Andy Schneider <andy.schneider@bjss.co.uk>]
foreach $file (split(/\s+/,$symhacksfile." ".$files))
+ print STDERR "DEBUG: starting on $file:\n" if $debug;
open(IN,"<$file") || die "unable to open $file:$!\n";
my $line = "", my $def= "";
my %tag = (
print STDERR "DEBUG: parsing ----------\n" if $debug;
while(<IN>) {
- last if (/BEGIN ERROR CODES/);
+ last if (/\/\* Error codes for the \w+ functions\. \*\//);
if ($line ne '') {
$_ = $line . $_;
$line = '';
if (/^\#INFO:([^:]*):(.*)$/) {
$plats = $1;
$algs = $2;
+ print STDERR "DEBUG: found info on platforms ($plats) and algorithms ($algs)\n" if $debug;
} elsif (/^\s*OPENSSL_EXTERN\s.*?(\w+(\{[0-9]+\})?)(\[[0-9]*\])*\s*$/) {
$s = $1;
$k = "VARIABLE";
+ print STDERR "DEBUG: found external variable $s\n" if $debug;
} elsif (/\(\*(\w*(\{[0-9]+\})?)\([^\)]+/) {
$s = $1;
+ print STDERR "DEBUG: found ANSI C function $s\n" if $debug;
} elsif (/\w+\W+(\w+)\W*\(\s*\)$/s) {
# K&R C
+ print STDERR "DEBUG: found K&R C function $s\n" if $debug;
} elsif (/\w+\W+\w+(\{[0-9]+\})?\W*\(.*\)$/s) {
while (not /\(\)$/s) {
$s = $1;
+ print STDERR "DEBUG: found function $s\n" if $debug;
} elsif (/\(/ and not (/=/)) {
print STDERR "File $file: cannot parse: $_;\n";
$syms{$n} = 1;
- my @s=sort { &parse_number($nums{$a},"n") <=> &parse_number($nums{$b},"n") } keys %nums;
+ my @s=sort {
+ &parse_number($nums{$a},"n") <=> &parse_number($nums{$b},"n")
+ || $a cmp $b
+ } keys %nums;
foreach $sym (@s) {
(my $n, my $i) = split /\\/, $nums{$sym};
next if defined($i) && $i =~ /^.*?:.*?:\w+\(\w+\)/;