-* NAT/UPNP: [Milan / MW]
- - [#1609] code clean up
- - testing
- - integration with transport service:
- + test TCP
- + implement UDP, HTTP/HTTPS
-* Transport:
- - ATS crashes [MW]
- - UDP fragmentation [MW]
* FS [CG]
+ - fix large memory leak
- perf_gnunet_service_fs_p2p_trust causes fs service to segfault
- download of 100 MB file from 'leach' peer hung due to
failure of core-api to call back after a change preference request
- other runs (-L DEBUG) with downloads using the new 'trust' test show
non-deterministic results (for any set of peers)
- implement 'SUPPORT_DELAYS'
- - consider re-issue GSF_dht_lookup_ after non-DHT reply received
- - implement multi-peer FS performance tests + gauger them!
- + insert
- + download
- + search
- - figure out where in the GUI we should show active upload operations and allow aborts
- - handle events:
- + search error
- + publish error
-* Determine RC bugs and fix those (release should have no known real bugs)
* new webpage:
- write chapter on DHT/block [Nate]
- make a NICE download page
+* Transport:
+ - UDP fragmentation [MW]
+ - [#1609] code clean up
+ - testing
+ - integration with transport service:
+ + test TCP
+ + implement UDP, HTTP/HTTPS
+ - figure out where in the GUI we should show active upload operations and allow aborts
+ - handle events:
+ + search error
+ + publish error
+* FS [CG]
+ - consider re-issue GSF_dht_lookup_ after non-DHT reply received
+ - implement multi-peer FS performance tests + gauger them!
+ + insert
+ + download
+ + search
* big code review
* Determine RC bugs and fix those (release should have no known real bugs)
- need to periodically probe latency/transport cost changes & possibly switch transport
- check indexes / SQL for performance
-* DV: [Nate?]
+* DV:
- proper bandwidth allocation
- performance tests
+ normalize keywords (edit subdialog)
- implement download by URI dialog; figure out where to display those downloads!
- add combo box to select desired mime type for search
-* ARM: [CG/Safey]
+* ARM: [CG]
- better tracking of which config changes actually need to cause process restarts by ARM.
- handle gnunet-arm -k in combination with auto-start magic (what is the right thing here?)
- discover dependencies between services
* energy cost in ATS [MW]
- testcase would be nice
- - generic block support for DHT
- implement statistics GUI (=> start from gnunet-gtk by button!)
- rate limiting
- improved batching
- resource limit integration with ATS
-* VPN [PT]
+* VPN
- TCP entry/exit
- internal services
- - integration with DHT routing
- - optimized routes (beyond DHT/DV)
- "DNS" .gnunet
+* MESH:
+ - optimized routes (beyond DHT/DV)