// XXX mongoose's documentation on sort is extremely poor, tread carefully
School.find( {} ).sort( 'name', '1' ).run( function( err, schools ) {
if( schools ) {
// If schools are found, loop through them gathering any courses that are
// associated with them and then render the page with that information.
- sendJson(res, { 'user': user.sanitized, 'schools' : schools.map(function(school) {
- var s = school.sanitized;
- s['courses'] = Course.find( { 'school' : s._id } ).sort( 'name', '1' ).run(function( err, courses) {
- return courses.map( function(c) { return c.sanitized; } );
- });
- return s
- })})
+ var schools_todo = schools.length;
+ schools.each(function (school) {
+ Course.find( { 'school': school.id } ).run(function (err, courses) {
+ school.courses_length = courses.length
+ schools_todo -= 1;
+ if (schools_todo <= 0) {
+ sendJson(res, { 'user': user.sanitized, 'schools': schools });
+ }
+ });
+ });
} else {
// If no schools have been found, display none
//res.render( 'schools', { 'schools' : [] } );