+ FireflyCAO
+// Prototype
+FireflyCAO proto_FireflyCAO;
+ ClientActiveObject(0),
+ m_selection_box(-BS/3.,0.0,-BS/3., BS/3.,BS/2.,BS/3.),
+ m_node(NULL),
+ m_position(v3f(0,10*BS,0)),
+ m_yaw(0)
+ ClientActiveObject::registerType(getType(), create);
+ClientActiveObject* FireflyCAO::create()
+ return new FireflyCAO();
+void FireflyCAO::addToScene(scene::ISceneManager *smgr)
+ if(m_node != NULL)
+ return;
+ video::IVideoDriver* driver = smgr->getVideoDriver();
+ scene::SMesh *mesh = new scene::SMesh();
+ scene::IMeshBuffer *buf = new scene::SMeshBuffer();
+ video::SColor c(255,255,255,255);
+ video::S3DVertex vertices[4] =
+ {
+ video::S3DVertex(0,0,0, 0,0,0, c, 0,1),
+ video::S3DVertex(BS/2,0,0, 0,0,0, c, 1,1),
+ video::S3DVertex(BS/2,BS/2,0, 0,0,0, c, 1,0),
+ video::S3DVertex(0,BS/2,0, 0,0,0, c, 0,0),
+ };
+ u16 indices[] = {0,1,2,2,3,0};
+ buf->append(vertices, 4, indices, 6);
+ // Set material
+ buf->getMaterial().setFlag(video::EMF_LIGHTING, false);
+ buf->getMaterial().setFlag(video::EMF_BACK_FACE_CULLING, false);
+ //buf->getMaterial().setTexture(0, NULL);
+ buf->getMaterial().setTexture
+ (0, driver->getTexture(getTexturePath("firefly.png").c_str()));
+ buf->getMaterial().setFlag(video::EMF_BILINEAR_FILTER, false);
+ buf->getMaterial().setFlag(video::EMF_FOG_ENABLE, true);
+ buf->getMaterial().MaterialType = video::EMT_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA_CHANNEL;
+ // Add to mesh
+ mesh->addMeshBuffer(buf);
+ buf->drop();
+ m_node = smgr->addMeshSceneNode(mesh, NULL);
+ mesh->drop();
+ // Set it to use the materials of the meshbuffers directly.
+ // This is needed for changing the texture in the future
+ m_node->setReadOnlyMaterials(true);
+ updateNodePos();
+void FireflyCAO::removeFromScene()
+ if(m_node == NULL)
+ return;
+ m_node->remove();
+ m_node = NULL;
+void FireflyCAO::updateLight(u8 light_at_pos)
+ if(m_node == NULL)
+ return;
+ u8 li = 255;
+ video::SColor color(255,li,li,li);
+ scene::IMesh *mesh = m_node->getMesh();
+ if(mesh == NULL)
+ return;
+ u16 mc = mesh->getMeshBufferCount();
+ for(u16 j=0; j<mc; j++)
+ {
+ scene::IMeshBuffer *buf = mesh->getMeshBuffer(j);
+ video::S3DVertex *vertices = (video::S3DVertex*)buf->getVertices();
+ u16 vc = buf->getVertexCount();
+ for(u16 i=0; i<vc; i++)
+ {
+ vertices[i].Color = color;
+ }
+ }
+v3s16 FireflyCAO::getLightPosition()
+ return floatToInt(m_position+v3f(0,BS*0.5,0), BS);
+void FireflyCAO::updateNodePos()
+ if(m_node == NULL)
+ return;
+ //m_node->setPosition(m_position);
+ m_node->setPosition(pos_translator.vect_show);
+ v3f rot = m_node->getRotation();
+ rot.Y = 180.0 - m_yaw;
+ m_node->setRotation(rot);
+void FireflyCAO::step(float dtime, ClientEnvironment *env)
+ pos_translator.translate(dtime);
+ updateNodePos();
+void FireflyCAO::processMessage(const std::string &data)
+ //dstream<<"FireflyCAO: Got message"<<std::endl;
+ std::istringstream is(data, std::ios::binary);
+ // command
+ u8 cmd = readU8(is);
+ if(cmd == 0)
+ {
+ // pos
+ m_position = readV3F1000(is);
+ pos_translator.update(m_position);
+ // yaw
+ m_yaw = readF1000(is);
+ updateNodePos();
+ }
+void FireflyCAO::initialize(const std::string &data)
+ //dstream<<"FireflyCAO: Got init data"<<std::endl;
+ {
+ std::istringstream is(data, std::ios::binary);
+ // version
+ u8 version = readU8(is);
+ // check version
+ if(version != 0)
+ return;
+ // pos
+ m_position = readV3F1000(is);
+ pos_translator.init(m_position);
+ }
+ updateNodePos();
bool m_damage_texture_enabled;
+ FireflyCAO
+class FireflyCAO : public ClientActiveObject
+ FireflyCAO();
+ virtual ~FireflyCAO();
+ u8 getType() const
+ {
+ }
+ static ClientActiveObject* create();
+ void addToScene(scene::ISceneManager *smgr);
+ void removeFromScene();
+ void updateLight(u8 light_at_pos);
+ v3s16 getLightPosition();
+ void updateNodePos();
+ void step(float dtime, ClientEnvironment *env);
+ void processMessage(const std::string &data);
+ void initialize(const std::string &data);
+ core::aabbox3d<f32>* getSelectionBox()
+ {return &m_selection_box;}
+ v3f getPosition()
+ {return m_position;}
+ core::aabbox3d<f32> m_selection_box;
+ scene::IMeshSceneNode *m_node;
+ v3f m_position;
+ float m_yaw;
+ SmoothTranslator pos_translator;
return "clay_brick.png";
else if(subname == "rat")
return "rat.png";
+ else if(subname == "firefly")
+ return "firefly.png";
return "cloud.png"; // just something
ServerActiveObject *obj = new RatSAO(env, id, pos);
return obj;
+ else if(subname == "firefly")
+ {
+ ServerActiveObject *obj = new FireflySAO(env, id, pos);
+ return obj;
+ }
return NULL;
s16 item_craft_get_drop_count(const std::string &subname)
- if(subname == "rat")
+ if(subname == "rat" || subname == "firefly")
return 1;
return -1;
+ FireflySAO
+// Prototype
+FireflySAO proto_FireflySAO(NULL, 0, v3f(0,0,0));
+FireflySAO::FireflySAO(ServerEnvironment *env, u16 id, v3f pos):
+ ServerActiveObject(env, id, pos),
+ m_is_active(false),
+ m_speed_f(0,0,0)
+ ServerActiveObject::registerType(getType(), create);
+ m_oldpos = v3f(0,0,0);
+ m_last_sent_position = v3f(0,0,0);
+ m_yaw = 0;
+ m_counter1 = 0;
+ m_counter2 = 0;
+ m_age = 0;
+ m_touching_ground = false;
+ServerActiveObject* FireflySAO::create(ServerEnvironment *env, u16 id, v3f pos,
+ const std::string &data)
+ std::istringstream is(data, std::ios::binary);
+ char buf[1];
+ // read version
+ is.read(buf, 1);
+ u8 version = buf[0];
+ // check if version is supported
+ if(version != 0)
+ return NULL;
+ return new FireflySAO(env, id, pos);
+void FireflySAO::step(float dtime, bool send_recommended)
+ assert(m_env);
+ if(m_is_active == false)
+ {
+ if(m_inactive_interval.step(dtime, 0.5)==false)
+ return;
+ }
+ /*
+ The AI
+ */
+ // Apply (less) gravity
+ m_speed_f.Y -= dtime*3*BS;
+ /*
+ Move around if some player is close
+ */
+ bool player_is_close = false;
+ // Check connected players
+ core::list<Player*> players = m_env->getPlayers(true);
+ core::list<Player*>::Iterator i;
+ for(i = players.begin();
+ i != players.end(); i++)
+ {
+ Player *player = *i;
+ v3f playerpos = player->getPosition();
+ if(m_base_position.getDistanceFrom(playerpos) < BS*10.0)
+ {
+ player_is_close = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ m_is_active = player_is_close;
+ if(player_is_close == false)
+ {
+ m_speed_f.X = 0;
+ m_speed_f.Z = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Move around
+ v3f dir(cos(m_yaw/180*PI),0,sin(m_yaw/180*PI));
+ f32 speed = BS/2;
+ m_speed_f.X = speed * dir.X;
+ m_speed_f.Z = speed * dir.Z;
+ if(m_touching_ground && (m_oldpos - m_base_position).getLength()
+ < dtime*speed/2)
+ {
+ m_counter1 -= dtime;
+ if(m_counter1 < 0.0)
+ {
+ m_counter1 += 1.0;
+ m_speed_f.Y = 5.0*BS;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ m_counter2 -= dtime;
+ if(m_counter2 < 0.0)
+ {
+ m_counter2 += (float)(myrand()%100)/100*3.0;
+ m_yaw += ((float)(myrand()%200)-100)/100*180;
+ m_yaw = wrapDegrees(m_yaw);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ m_oldpos = m_base_position;
+ /*
+ Move it, with collision detection
+ */
+ core::aabbox3d<f32> box(-BS/3.,0.0,-BS/3., BS/3.,BS*2./3.,BS/3.);
+ collisionMoveResult moveresult;
+ // Maximum movement without glitches
+ f32 pos_max_d = BS*0.25;
+ // Limit speed
+ if(m_speed_f.getLength()*dtime > pos_max_d)
+ m_speed_f *= pos_max_d / (m_speed_f.getLength()*dtime);
+ v3f pos_f = getBasePosition();
+ v3f pos_f_old = pos_f;
+ moveresult = collisionMoveSimple(&m_env->getMap(), pos_max_d,
+ box, dtime, pos_f, m_speed_f);
+ m_touching_ground = moveresult.touching_ground;
+ setBasePosition(pos_f);
+ if(send_recommended == false)
+ return;
+ if(pos_f.getDistanceFrom(m_last_sent_position) > 0.05*BS)
+ {
+ m_last_sent_position = pos_f;
+ std::ostringstream os(std::ios::binary);
+ // command (0 = update position)
+ writeU8(os, 0);
+ // pos
+ writeV3F1000(os, m_base_position);
+ // yaw
+ writeF1000(os, m_yaw);
+ // create message and add to list
+ ActiveObjectMessage aom(getId(), false, os.str());
+ m_messages_out.push_back(aom);
+ }
+std::string FireflySAO::getClientInitializationData()
+ std::ostringstream os(std::ios::binary);
+ // version
+ writeU8(os, 0);
+ // pos
+ writeV3F1000(os, m_base_position);
+ return os.str();
+std::string FireflySAO::getStaticData()
+ //dstream<<__FUNCTION_NAME<<std::endl;
+ std::ostringstream os(std::ios::binary);
+ // version
+ writeU8(os, 0);
+ return os.str();
+InventoryItem* FireflySAO::createPickedUpItem()
+ std::istringstream is("CraftItem firefly 1", std::ios_base::binary);
+ InventoryItem *item = InventoryItem::deSerialize(is);
+ return item;
float m_after_jump_timer;
+class FireflySAO : public ServerActiveObject
+ FireflySAO(ServerEnvironment *env, u16 id, v3f pos);
+ u8 getType() const
+ static ServerActiveObject* create(ServerEnvironment *env, u16 id, v3f pos,
+ const std::string &data);
+ void step(float dtime, bool send_recommended);
+ std::string getClientInitializationData();
+ std::string getStaticData();
+ InventoryItem* createPickedUpItem();
+ bool m_is_active;
+ IntervalLimiter m_inactive_interval;
+ v3f m_speed_f;
+ v3f m_oldpos;
+ v3f m_last_sent_position;
+ float m_yaw;
+ float m_counter1;
+ float m_counter2;
+ float m_age;
+ bool m_touching_ground;
//TestSAO *obj = new TestSAO(this, 0, pos);
//ServerActiveObject *obj = new ItemSAO(this, 0, pos, "CraftItem Stick 1");
//ServerActiveObject *obj = new RatSAO(this, 0, pos);
- ServerActiveObject *obj = new Oerkki1SAO(this, 0, pos);
+ //ServerActiveObject *obj = new Oerkki1SAO(this, 0, pos);
+ ServerActiveObject *obj = new FireflySAO(this, 0, pos);