+use constant {
#Most PSK tests are done in test_ssl_new. This just checks sending a PSK
#extension when it isn't in the last place in a ClientHello
$proxy->clientflags("-sess_out ".$session);
$proxy->start() or plan skip_all => "Unable to start up Proxy for tests";
-plan tests => 2;
+plan tests => 4;
ok(TLSProxy::Message->success(), "Initial connection");
#Test 2: Attempt a resume with PSK not in last place. Should fail
$proxy->clientflags("-sess_in ".$session);
+my $testtype = PSK_LAST_FIRST_CH;
ok(TLSProxy::Message->fail(), "PSK not last");
+#Test 3: Attempt a resume after an HRR where PSK hash matches selected
+# ciperhsuite. Should see PSK on second ClientHello
+$proxy->clientflags("-sess_in ".$session);
+$proxy->serverflags("-curves P-256");
+#Check if the PSK is present in the second ClientHello
+my $ch2 = ${$proxy->message_list}[2];
+my $ch2seen = defined $ch2 && $ch2->mt() == TLSProxy::Message::MT_CLIENT_HELLO;
+my $pskseen = $ch2seen
+ && defined ${$ch2->{extension_data}}{TLSProxy::Message::EXT_PSK};
+ok($pskseen, "PSK hash matches");
+#Test 4: Attempt a resume after an HRR where PSK hash does not match selected
+# ciphersuite. Should not see PSK on second ClientHello
+$proxy->clientflags("-sess_in ".$session);
+$proxy->serverflags("-curves P-256");
+#We force an early failure because TLS Proxy doesn't actually support
+#TLS13-AES-256-GCM-SHA384. That doesn't matter for this test though.
+#Check if the PSK is present in the second ClientHello
+$ch2 = ${$proxy->message_list}[2];
+$ch2seen = defined $ch2 && $ch2->mt() == TLSProxy::Message::MT_CLIENT_HELLO;
+$pskseen = $ch2seen
+ && defined ${$ch2->extension_data}{TLSProxy::Message::EXT_PSK};
+ok($ch2seen && !$pskseen, "PSK hash does not match");
unlink $session;
sub modify_psk_filter
my $proxy = shift;
+ my $flight;
+ my $message;
+ if ($testtype == PSK_LAST_FIRST_CH) {
+ $flight = 0;
+ } else {
+ $flight = 2;
+ }
+ # Only look at the first or second ClientHello
+ return if $proxy->flight != $flight;
+ if ($testtype == PSK_LAST_FIRST_CH) {
+ $message = ${$proxy->message_list}[0];
+ } else {
+ $message = ${$proxy->message_list}[2];
+ }
- # We're only interested in the initial ClientHello
- return if ($proxy->flight != 0);
+ return if (!defined $message
+ || $message->mt != TLSProxy::Message::MT_CLIENT_HELLO);
- foreach my $message (@{$proxy->message_list}) {
- if ($message->mt == TLSProxy::Message::MT_CLIENT_HELLO) {
- $message->set_extension(TLSProxy::Message::EXT_FORCE_LAST, "");
- $message->repack();
- }
+ if ($testtype == PSK_LAST_FIRST_CH) {
+ $message->set_extension(TLSProxy::Message::EXT_FORCE_LAST, "");
+ } else {
+ #Deliberately break the connection
+ $message->set_extension(TLSProxy::Message::EXT_SUPPORTED_GROUPS, "");
+ $message->repack();