#include "glpk.h"
+#include "float.h"
+/* A very big value */
+#define M DBL_MAX
* Translate glpk solver error codes to text
+ * Add constraints that are iterating over "forall addresses"
+ * and collects all existing peers for "forall peers" constraints
+ *
+ * @param cls GAS_MLP_Handle
+ * @param key Hashcode
+ * @param value ATS_Address
+ *
+ * @return GNUNET_OK to continue
+ */
+static int
+create_constraint_it (void *cls, const GNUNET_HashCode * key, void *value)
+ struct GAS_MLP_Handle *mlp = cls;
+ struct ATS_Address *address = value;
+ struct MLP_information *mlpi;
+ unsigned int row_index;
+ GNUNET_assert (address->mlp_information != NULL);
+ mlpi = (struct MLP_information *) address->mlp_information;
+ /* c 1) bandwidth capping
+ * b_t + (-M) * n_t <= 0
+ */
+ row_index = glp_add_rows (mlp->prob, 1);
+ mlpi->r_c1 = row_index;
+ /* set row bounds: <= 0 */
+ glp_set_row_bnds (mlp->prob, row_index, GLP_UP, 0.0, 0.0);
+ mlp->ia[mlp->ci] = row_index;
+ mlp->ja[mlp->ci] = mlpi->c_b;
+ mlp->ar[mlp->ci] = 1;
+ mlp->ci++;
+ mlp->ia[mlp->ci] = row_index;
+ mlp->ja[mlp->ci] = mlpi->c_b;
+ mlp->ar[mlp->ci] = -M;
+ mlp->ci++;
+ /* c 3) minimum bandwidth
+ * b_t + (-n_t * b_min) >= 0
+ */
+ row_index = glp_add_rows (mlp->prob, 1);
+ mlpi->r_c3 = row_index;
+ /* set row bounds: >= 0 */
+ glp_set_row_bnds (mlp->prob, row_index, GLP_LO, 0.0, 0.0);
+ mlp->ia[mlp->ci] = row_index;
+ mlp->ja[mlp->ci] = mlpi->c_b;
+ mlp->ar[mlp->ci] = 1;
+ mlp->ci++;
+ mlp->ia[mlp->ci] = row_index;
+ mlp->ja[mlp->ci] = mlpi->c_b;
+ mlp->ar[mlp->ci] = -mlp->b_min;
+ mlp->ci++;
+ return GNUNET_OK;
* Adds the problem constraints for all addresses
* Required for problem recreation after address deletion
int pi = (7 * n_addresses);
mlp->cm_size = pi;
+ mlp->ci = 0;
/* row index */
int *ia = GNUNET_malloc (pi * sizeof (int));
double *ar= GNUNET_malloc (pi * sizeof (double));
mlp->ar = ar;
/* Adding constraint rows */
/* Feasibility constraints */
/* c 1) bandwidth capping */
+ /* c 3) minimum bandwidth */
+ GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_iterate (addresses, create_constraint_it, mlp);