struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_Task *rc_delay_task;
- * Active requests from this neighbour, map of query to 'struct PeerRequest'.
+ * Active requests from this neighbour, map of query to `struct PeerRequest`.
struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMap *request_map;
cp->rc =
GNUNET_ATS_reserve_bandwidth (GSF_ats, peer, DBLOCK_SIZE,
&ats_reserve_callback, cp);
- cp->request_map = GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_create (128, GNUNET_NO);
+ cp->request_map = GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_create (128,
GNUNET_CONTAINER_multipeermap_put (cp_map,
GSF_connected_peer_get_identity2_ (cp),
GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel (peerreq->kill_task);
peerreq->kill_task = NULL;
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (GSF_stats, gettext_noop ("# P2P searches active"),
- -1, GNUNET_NO);
+ GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (GSF_stats,
+ gettext_noop ("# P2P searches active"),
+ -1,
GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_remove (cp->request_map,
uint32_t ttl_decrement;
struct TestExistClosure tec;
+ const struct GSF_PendingRequestData *prd;
msize = ntohs (message->size);
if (msize < sizeof (struct GetMessage))
GNUNET_PEER_intern (other),
NULL, 0, /* replies_seen */
- &handle_p2p_reply, peerreq);
+ &handle_p2p_reply,
+ peerreq);
GNUNET_assert (NULL != pr);
+ prd = GSF_pending_request_get_data_ (pr);
peerreq->pr = pr;
GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_put (cp->request_map,
- &gm->query,
+ &prd->query,
- ("# P2P query messages received and processed"), 1,
+ ("# P2P query messages received and processed"),
+ 1,
+ GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (GSF_stats,
+ gettext_noop ("# P2P searches active"),
+ 1,
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (GSF_stats, gettext_noop ("# P2P searches active"),
- 1, GNUNET_NO);
return pr;
* to a given plan entry.)
* Similarly head and tail of the "PR" MDLL are stored
- * with the 'struct GSF_PendingRequest'. (We need
+ * with the `struct GSF_PendingRequest`. (We need
* to be able to lookup all plan entries corresponding
* to a given pending request.)
struct GSF_PendingRequestPlanBijection *prev_PE;
- * Associated request plan.
+ * Associated request plan (tells us one of the peers that
+ * we plan to forward the request to).
struct GSF_RequestPlan *rp;
- * Associated pending request.
+ * Associated pending request (identifies request details
+ * and one of the origins of the request).
struct GSF_PendingRequest *pr;
* Information we keep per request per peer. This is a doubly-linked
- * list (with head and tail in the 'struct GSF_PendingRequestData')
- * with one entry in each heap of each 'struct PeerPlan'. Each
+ * list (with head and tail in the `struct GSF_PendingRequestData`)
+ * with one entry in each heap of each `struct PeerPlan`. Each
* entry tracks information relevant for this request and this peer.
struct GSF_RequestPlan
struct PeerPlan *pp;
- * Head of list of associated pending requests.
+ * Head of list of associated pending requests. This tells us
+ * which incoming requests from other peers this plan entry
+ * corresponds to.
struct GSF_PendingRequestPlanBijection *pe_head;
struct PeerPlan
- * Heap with pending queries (struct GSF_RequestPlan), higher weights mean higher priority.
+ * Heap with pending queries (`struct GSF_RequestPlan`), higher weights mean higher priority.
struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_Heap *priority_heap;
- * Heap with pending queries (struct GSF_RequestPlan), by transmission time, lowest first.
+ * Heap with pending queries (`struct GSF_RequestPlan`), by transmission time, lowest first.
struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_Heap *delay_heap;
- * Map of queries to plan entries. All entries in the priority_heap or delay_heap
- * should be in the plan map. Note that it IS possible for the plan map to have
- * multiple entries for the same query.
+ * Map of queries to plan entries. All entries in the @e priority_heap
+ * or @e delay_heap should be in the @e plan_map. Note that it is
+ * possible for the @e plan_map to have multiple entries for the same
+ * query.
struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMap *plan_map;
* Current task for executing the plan.
- struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_Task * task;
+ struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_Task *task;
* requests for the same key and we just return _one_ of them; this
* particular one might complete while another one might still be
* active, hence the lifetime of the returned hash code is NOT
- * necessarily identical to that of the 'struct GSF_RequestPlan'
+ * necessarily identical to that of the `struct GSF_RequestPlan`
* given.
* @param rp a request plan
* @param rp request to plan
static void
-plan (struct PeerPlan *pp, struct GSF_RequestPlan *rp)
+plan (struct PeerPlan *pp,
+ struct GSF_RequestPlan *rp)
#define N ((double)128.0)
for (bi = bi->next_PE; NULL != bi; bi = bi->next_PE)
prd = GSF_pending_request_get_data_ (bi->pr);
- if (prd->ttl.abs_value_us >
- rprd->ttl.abs_value_us)
+ if (prd->ttl.abs_value_us > rprd->ttl.abs_value_us)
ret = bi->pr;
rprd = prd;
* @param cls closure
* @param buf_size number of bytes available in @a buf
* @param buf where to copy the message, NULL on error (peer disconnect)
- * @return number of bytes copied to 'buf', can be 0 (without indicating an error)
+ * @return number of bytes copied to @a buf, can be 0 (without indicating an error)
static size_t
-transmit_message_callback (void *cls, size_t buf_size, void *buf)
+transmit_message_callback (void *cls,
+ size_t buf_size,
+ void *buf)
struct PeerPlan *pp = cls;
struct GSF_RequestPlan *rp;
pp->task = GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_now (&schedule_peer_transmission, pp);
return 0;
- msize = GSF_pending_request_get_message_ (get_latest (rp), buf_size, buf);
+ msize = GSF_pending_request_get_message_ (get_latest (rp),
+ buf_size,
+ buf);
if (msize > buf_size)
if (NULL != pp->task)
rp = GNUNET_CONTAINER_heap_peek (pp->delay_heap);
if (NULL == rp)
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, "No active requests for plan %p.\n",
+ "No active requests for plan %p.\n",
return; /* both queues empty */
GNUNET_STRINGS_relative_time_to_string (delay,
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_set (GSF_stats, gettext_noop ("# delay heap timeout (ms)"),
+ gettext_noop ("# delay heap timeout (ms)"),
delay.rel_value_us / 1000LL, GNUNET_NO);
pp->task =
- GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_delayed (delay, &schedule_peer_transmission, pp);
+ GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_delayed (delay,
+ &schedule_peer_transmission,
+ pp);
GNUNET_assert (NULL != rp);
msize = GSF_pending_request_get_message_ (get_latest (rp), 0, NULL);
pp->pth =
- GSF_peer_transmit_ (pp->cp, GNUNET_YES, rp->priority,
+ GSF_peer_transmit_ (pp->cp, GNUNET_YES,
+ rp->priority,
+ msize,
&transmit_message_callback, pp);
GNUNET_assert (NULL != pp->pth);
struct MergeContext
+ /**
+ * Request we are trying to merge.
+ */
struct GSF_PendingRequest *pr;
+ /**
+ * Set to #GNUNET_YES if we succeeded to merge.
+ */
int merged;
* @param eval evaluation of the result
* @param pr handle to the original pending request
* @param reply_anonymity_level anonymity level for the reply, UINT32_MAX for "unknown"
- * @param expiration when does 'data' expire?
+ * @param expiration when does @a data expire?
* @param last_transmission the last time we've tried to get this block (FOREVER if unknown)
* @param type type of the block
* @param data response data, NULL on request expiration
- * @param data_len number of bytes in data
+ * @param data_len number of bytes in @a data
-typedef void (*GSF_PendingRequestReplyHandler) (void *cls,
- enum
- GNUNET_BLOCK_EvaluationResult
- eval,
- struct GSF_PendingRequest * pr,
- uint32_t reply_anonymity_level,
- struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute
- expiration,
- struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute
- last_transmission,
- enum GNUNET_BLOCK_Type type,
- const void *data,
- size_t data_len);
+typedef void
+(*GSF_PendingRequestReplyHandler) (void *cls,
+ enum GNUNET_BLOCK_EvaluationResult eval,
+ struct GSF_PendingRequest *pr,
+ uint32_t reply_anonymity_level,
+ struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute expiration,
+ struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute last_transmission,
+ enum GNUNET_BLOCK_Type type,
+ const void *data,
+ size_t data_len);