Signed-off-by: Nils Gillmann <>
+# This scipt is in the public domain.
# string --- greps for string over all java files
find . -name "*.h" -print | grep -v "#" | xargs grep "$@"
+# This scipt is in the public domain.
# string --- greps for string over all C files
find . -name "*.c" -print | grep -v "#" | xargs grep -n "$*"
+# This scipt is in the public domain.
find src -name "*.c" | grep -v \# | grep -v /test_ | grep -v /perf_ | grep -v _old | grep -v chat | grep -v .libs/ | sort > po/
grep -l _\( `find src -name "*.h"` | grep -v "platform.h" | grep -v _old | grep -v chat | sort >> po/
+# This scipt is in the public domain.
for n in `find * -name "*.c"` `find * -name "*.h"` `find * -name "*.am"` `find * -name "*.conf"` `find * -name "*"`
cat $n | sed -e "s/$1/$2/g" > $