* been notified about (how many times has topology_callback been called
* with success?)
-static unsigned int total_connections;
+static uint64_t total_connections;
* Previous connections, for counting new connections during some duration.
-static unsigned int previous_connections;
+static uint64_t previous_connections;
* For counting failed connections during some duration.
-static unsigned int previous_failed_connections;
+static uint64_t previous_failed_connections;
* Global used to count how many failed connections we have
* been notified about (how many times has topology_callback
* been called with failure?)
-static unsigned int failed_connections;
+static uint64_t failed_connections;
* If GNUNET_YES, only log PUT/GET round data to mysql, otherwise
struct GNUNET_TESTING_Daemon *second_daemon, const char *emsg)
struct TopologyIteratorContext *topo_ctx;
- unsigned long long duration;
- unsigned long long total_duration;
- unsigned int new_connections;
- unsigned int new_failed_connections;
- long double conns_per_sec_recent;
- long double conns_per_sec_total;
- long double failed_conns_per_sec_recent;
- long double failed_conns_per_sec_total;
+ uint64_t duration;
+ uint64_t total_duration;
+ uint64_t new_connections;
+ uint64_t new_failed_connections;
+ double conns_per_sec_recent;
+ double conns_per_sec_total;
+ double failed_conns_per_sec_recent;
+ double failed_conns_per_sec_total;
char *temp_conn_string;
char *temp_conn_failed_string;
char *revision_str;
GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get ()).rel_value
/ 1000;
- failed_conns_per_sec_recent = (long double) new_failed_connections / duration;
- failed_conns_per_sec_total = (long double) failed_connections / total_duration;
- conns_per_sec_recent = (long double) new_connections / duration;
- conns_per_sec_total = (long double) total_connections / total_duration;
+ failed_conns_per_sec_recent = (double) new_failed_connections / (double) duration;
+ failed_conns_per_sec_total = (double) failed_connections / (double) total_duration;
+ conns_per_sec_recent = (double) new_connections / (double) duration;
+ conns_per_sec_total = (double) total_connections / (double) total_duration;
GNUNET_log (
"Recent: %.2f/s, Total: %.2f/s, Recent failed: %.2f/s, total failed %.2f/s\n",
previous_connections = total_connections;
previous_failed_connections = failed_connections;
- "have %u total_connections, %u failed\n", total_connections,
+ "have %llu total_connections, %llu failed\n", total_connections,
/* These conditions likely mean we've entered the death spiral of doom */
GNUNET_asprintf (&revision_str, "%llu", revision);
if (GNUNET_YES == insert_gauger_data)
- GAUGER_ID("DHT_TESTING", temp_conn_string, (float)conns_per_sec_total, "conns/s", revision_str);
+ GAUGER_ID("DHT_TESTING", temp_conn_string, (long double)conns_per_sec_total, "conns/s", revision_str);
if (GNUNET_YES == insert_gauger_data)
- GAUGER_ID("DHT_TESTING", temp_conn_failed_string, (float)failed_conns_per_sec_total, "failed_conns", revision_str);
+ GAUGER_ID("DHT_TESTING", temp_conn_failed_string, (long double)failed_conns_per_sec_total, "failed_conns", revision_str);
"DHT Profiler Total Connections failed",
if (GNUNET_YES == insert_gauger_data)
- GAUGER_ID("DHT_TESTING", temp_conn_string, total_connections, "conns", revision_str);
+ GAUGER_ID("DHT_TESTING", temp_conn_string, (double)total_connections, "conns", revision_str);
if (GNUNET_YES == insert_gauger_data)
- GAUGER_ID("DHT_TESTING", temp_conn_failed_string, failed_connections, "failed conns", revision_str);
+ GAUGER_ID("DHT_TESTING", temp_conn_failed_string, (double)failed_connections, "failed conns", revision_str);