If you want to compile in the assembly language routines with Visual C++ then
you will need an assembler. This is worth doing because it will result in
faster code: for example it will typically result in a 2 times speedup in the
- RSA routines. Currently the following assemblers are supported:
- * Microsoft MASM (aka "ml")
- * Free Netwide Assembler NASM.
- MASM is distributed with most versions of VC++. For the versions where it is
- not included in VC++, it is also distributed with some Microsoft DDKs, for
- example the Windows NT 4.0 DDK and the Windows 98 DDK. If you do not have
- either of these DDKs then you can just download the binaries for the Windows
- 98 DDK and extract and rename the two files XXXXXml.exe and XXXXXml.err, to
- ml.exe and ml.err and install somewhere on your PATH. Both DDKs can be
- downloaded from the Microsoft developers site www.msdn.com.
- NASM is freely available. Version 0.98 was used during testing: other versions
- may also work. It is available from many places, see for example:
- http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/devel/nasm/binaries/win32/
- The NASM binary nasmw.exe needs to be installed anywhere on your PATH.
+ RSA routines. Assembler choice is limited to Free Netwise Assember, NASM,
+ available for download from http://sourceforge.net/projects/nasm/, even in
+ binary form. The NASM binary, nasmw.exe needs to be installed anywhere on
+ your %PATH%.
Firstly you should run Configure:
Next you need to build the Makefiles and optionally the assembly language
- - If you are using MASM then run:
- > ms\do_masm
- If you are using NASM then run:
> ms\do_nasm
+++ /dev/null
-@echo off
-echo Generating x86 for MASM assember
-echo Bignum
-cd crypto\bn\asm
-perl x86.pl win32 > bn_win32.asm
-cd ..\..\..
-echo DES
-cd crypto\des\asm
-perl des-586.pl win32 > d_win32.asm
-cd ..\..\..
-echo "crypt(3)"
-cd crypto\des\asm
-perl crypt586.pl win32 > y_win32.asm
-cd ..\..\..
-echo Blowfish
-cd crypto\bf\asm
-perl bf-586.pl win32 > b_win32.asm
-cd ..\..\..
-echo CAST5
-cd crypto\cast\asm
-perl cast-586.pl win32 > c_win32.asm
-cd ..\..\..
-echo RC4
-cd crypto\rc4\asm
-perl rc4-586.pl win32 > r4_win32.asm
-cd ..\..\..
-echo MD5
-cd crypto\md5\asm
-perl md5-586.pl win32 > m5_win32.asm
-cd ..\..\..
-echo SHA1
-cd crypto\sha\asm
-perl sha1-586.pl win32 > s1_win32.asm
-cd ..\..\..
-echo RIPEMD160
-cd crypto\ripemd\asm
-perl rmd-586.pl win32 > rm_win32.asm
-cd ..\..\..
-echo RC5\32
-cd crypto\rc5\asm
-perl rc5-586.pl win32 > r5_win32.asm
-cd ..\..\..
-echo Whirlpool
-cd crypto\whrlpool\asm
-perl wp-mmx.pl win32 > wp_win32.asm
-cd ..\..\..
-echo CPU-ID
-cd crypto
-perl x86cpuid.pl win32 > cpu_win32.asm
-cd ..
-echo on
-perl util\mkfiles.pl >MINFO
-perl util\mk1mf.pl VC-WIN32 >ms\nt.mak
-perl util\mk1mf.pl dll VC-WIN32 >ms\ntdll.mak
-perl util\mkdef.pl 32 libeay > ms\libeay32.def
-perl util\mkdef.pl 32 ssleay > ms\ssleay32.def