</li><li><a href="http://www.a-link.com/RR64AP.html">Avaks alink Roadrunner 64</a>
<br> Partial source available, based on source distributed under NDA from <a href="http://www.lsilogic.com/products/dsl_platform_solutions/hb_linuxr2_2.html"> LSILogic</a>. Why the NDA LSILogic, what are you hiding ?
<br>To verify the Avaks infrigment see my slashdot <a href="http://slashdot.org/~bug1/journal/">journal</a>.
+ </li><li><a href="http://www.zyxel.com/">ZyXEL Routers</a>
+ <br>At least the Prestige 330W is in violation, see <a href="http://bugs.uclibc.org/view.php?id=355">the bug tracker</a> for more info.
</li><li>Undoubtedly there are others... Please report them so we can shame them (or if necessary sue them) into compliance.