GNUnet is organized in layers and services. Each service is composed of a
main service implementation and a client library for other programs to use
the service's functionality, described by an API. This approach is shown in
-@c** FIXME: enable this once the commented block below works:
-@c** figure~\ref{fig:service}.
+@c FIXME: enable this once the commented block below works:
+@c figure~\ref fig:service.
Some services provide an additional command line tool to enable the user to
interact with the service.
higher layers of GNUnet on top of the lower ones. Each layer expands or extends
the functionality of the service below (for instance, to build a mesh on top of
a DHT).
-@c** FXIME: See comment above.
-@c** See figure ~\ref{fig:interaction} for an illustration of this approach.
+@c FXIME: See comment above.
+@c See figure ~\ref fig:interaction for an illustration of this approach.
-@c ** @image{filename[, width[, height[, alttext[, extension]]]]}
+@c ** @image filename[, width[, height[, alttext[, extension]]]]
@image{images/gnunet-tutorial-service,,5in,Service with API and network protocol,.png}