<< " not supported anymore" << std::endl;
+void Server::handleCommand_Init(NetworkPacket* pkt)
+ if(pkt->getSize() < 1)
+ return;
+ RemoteClient* client = getClient(pkt->getPeerId(), CS_Created);
+ std::string addr_s;
+ try {
+ Address address = getPeerAddress(pkt->getPeerId());
+ addr_s = address.serializeString();
+ }
+ catch (con::PeerNotFoundException &e) {
+ /*
+ * no peer for this packet found
+ * most common reason is peer timeout, e.g. peer didn't
+ * respond for some time, your server was overloaded or
+ * things like that.
+ */
+ infostream << "Server::ProcessData(): Canceling: peer "
+ << pkt->getPeerId() << " not found" << std::endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ // If net_proto_version is set, this client has already been handled
+ if (client->getState() > CS_Created) {
+ verbosestream << "Server: Ignoring multiple TOSERVER_INITs from "
+ << addr_s << " (peer_id=" << pkt->getPeerId() << ")" << std::endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ verbosestream << "Server: Got TOSERVER_INIT from " << addr_s << " (peer_id="
+ << pkt->getPeerId() << ")" << std::endl;
+ // Do not allow multiple players in simple singleplayer mode.
+ // This isn't a perfect way to do it, but will suffice for now
+ if (m_simple_singleplayer_mode && m_clients.getClientIDs().size() > 1) {
+ infostream << "Server: Not allowing another client (" << addr_s
+ << ") to connect in simple singleplayer mode" << std::endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ // First byte after command is maximum supported
+ // serialization version
+ u8 client_max;
+ u8 compression_modes;
+ u16 min_net_proto_version = 0;
+ u16 max_net_proto_version;
+ *pkt >> client_max >> compression_modes >> min_net_proto_version
+ >> max_net_proto_version;
+ u8 our_max = SER_FMT_VER_HIGHEST_READ;
+ // Use the highest version supported by both
+ int deployed = std::min(client_max, our_max);
+ // If it's lower than the lowest supported, give up.
+ if (deployed < SER_FMT_VER_LOWEST)
+ deployed = SER_FMT_VER_INVALID;
+ if (deployed == SER_FMT_VER_INVALID) {
+ actionstream << "Server: A mismatched client tried to connect from "
+ << addr_s << std::endl;
+ infostream<<"Server: Cannot negotiate serialization version with "
+ << addr_s << std::endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ client->setPendingSerializationVersion(deployed);
+ /*
+ Read and check network protocol version
+ */
+ u16 net_proto_version = 0;
+ // Figure out a working version if it is possible at all
+ if (max_net_proto_version >= SERVER_PROTOCOL_VERSION_MIN ||
+ min_net_proto_version <= SERVER_PROTOCOL_VERSION_MAX) {
+ // If maximum is larger than our maximum, go with our maximum
+ if (max_net_proto_version > SERVER_PROTOCOL_VERSION_MAX)
+ net_proto_version = SERVER_PROTOCOL_VERSION_MAX;
+ // Else go with client's maximum
+ else
+ net_proto_version = max_net_proto_version;
+ }
+ verbosestream << "Server: " << addr_s << ": Protocol version: min: "
+ << min_net_proto_version << ", max: " << max_net_proto_version
+ << ", chosen: " << net_proto_version << std::endl;
+ client->net_proto_version = net_proto_version;
+ // On this handler protocol version 25 is required
+ if (net_proto_version < 25 ||
+ net_proto_version < SERVER_PROTOCOL_VERSION_MIN ||
+ net_proto_version > SERVER_PROTOCOL_VERSION_MAX) {
+ actionstream << "Server: A mismatched client tried to connect from "
+ << addr_s << std::endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (g_settings->getBool("strict_protocol_version_checking")) {
+ if (net_proto_version != LATEST_PROTOCOL_VERSION) {
+ actionstream << "Server: A mismatched (strict) client tried to "
+ << "connect from " << addr_s << std::endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // @TODO: check if we support same modes, but not required now
+ client->setSupportedCompressionModes(compression_modes);
+ m_clients.event(pkt->getPeerId(), CSE_Init);
+void Server::handleCommand_Auth(NetworkPacket* pkt)
+ std::string addr_s;
+ try {
+ Address address = getPeerAddress(pkt->getPeerId());
+ addr_s = address.serializeString();
+ }
+ catch (con::PeerNotFoundException &e) {
+ /*
+ * no peer for this packet found
+ * most common reason is peer timeout, e.g. peer didn't
+ * respond for some time, your server was overloaded or
+ * things like that.
+ */
+ infostream << "Server::ProcessData(): Canceling: peer "
+ << pkt->getPeerId() << " not found" << std::endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ std::string playerName, playerPassword;
+ *pkt >> playerName >> playerPassword;
+ const char* playername = playerName.c_str();
+ if (playerName.size() > PLAYERNAME_SIZE) {
+ actionstream << "Server: Player with an too long name "
+ << "tried to connect from " << addr_s << std::endl;
+ DenyAccess(pkt->getPeerId(), SERVER_ACCESSDENIED_WRONG_NAME);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (string_allowed(playerName, PLAYERNAME_ALLOWED_CHARS) == false) {
+ actionstream << "Server: Player with an invalid name "
+ << "tried to connect from " << addr_s << std::endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!isSingleplayer() && strcasecmp(playername, "singleplayer") == 0) {
+ actionstream << "Server: Player with the name \"singleplayer\" "
+ << "tried to connect from " << addr_s << std::endl;
+ DenyAccess(pkt->getPeerId(), SERVER_ACCESSDENIED_WRONG_NAME);
+ return;
+ }
+ {
+ std::string reason;
+ if(m_script->on_prejoinplayer(playername, addr_s, reason)) {
+ actionstream << "Server: Player with the name \"" << playerName << "\" "
+ << "tried to connect from " << addr_s << " "
+ << "but it was disallowed for the following reason: "
+ << reason << std::endl;
+ narrow_to_wide(reason.c_str()));
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (playerPassword.size() > PASSWORD_SIZE) {
+ actionstream << "Server: Player with an too long password "
+ << "tried to connect from " << addr_s << std::endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ infostream << "Server: New connection: \"" << playerName << "\" from "
+ << addr_s << " (peer_id=" << pkt->getPeerId() << ")" << std::endl;
+ if(!base64_is_valid(playerPassword)){
+ actionstream << "Server: " << playerName
+ << " supplied invalid password hash" << std::endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Enforce user limit.
+ // Don't enforce for users that have some admin right
+ if (m_clients.getClientIDs(CS_Created).size() >= g_settings->getU16("max_users") &&
+ !checkPriv(playername, "server") &&
+ !checkPriv(playername, "ban") &&
+ !checkPriv(playername, "privs") &&
+ !checkPriv(playername, "password") &&
+ playername != g_settings->get("name")) {
+ actionstream << "Server: " << playername << " tried to join, but there"
+ << " are already max_users="
+ << g_settings->getU16("max_users") << " players." << std::endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ std::string checkpwd; // Password hash to check against
+ bool has_auth = m_script->getAuth(playername, &checkpwd, NULL);
+ // If no authentication info exists for user, create it
+ if (!has_auth) {
+ if (!isSingleplayer() &&
+ g_settings->getBool("disallow_empty_password") &&
+ playerPassword.empty()) {
+ actionstream << "Server: " << playerName
+ << " supplied empty password" << std::endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ std::wstring raw_default_password =
+ narrow_to_wide(g_settings->get("default_password"));
+ std::string initial_password =
+ translatePassword(playername, raw_default_password);
+ // If default_password is empty, allow any initial password
+ if (raw_default_password.length() == 0)
+ initial_password = playerPassword.c_str();
+ m_script->createAuth(playername, initial_password);
+ }
+ has_auth = m_script->getAuth(playername, &checkpwd, NULL);
+ if(!has_auth) {
+ actionstream << "Server: " << playerName << " cannot be authenticated"
+ << " (auth handler does not work?)" << std::endl;
+ DenyAccess(pkt->getPeerId(), SERVER_ACCESSDENIED_SERVER_FAIL);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(playerPassword.c_str() != checkpwd) {
+ actionstream << "Server: " << playerName << " supplied wrong password"
+ << std::endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ RemotePlayer *player =
+ static_cast<RemotePlayer*>(m_env->getPlayer(playername));
+ if (player && player->peer_id != 0) {
+ errorstream << "Server: " << playername << ": Failed to emerge player"
+ << " (player allocated to an another client)" << std::endl;
+ }
+ m_clients.setPlayerName(pkt->getPeerId(), playername);
+ /*
+ Answer with a TOCLIENT_INIT
+ */
+ NetworkPacket resp_pkt(TOCLIENT_AUTH_ACCEPT, 1 + 6 + 8 + 4, pkt->getPeerId());
+ resp_pkt << v3f(0,0,0) << (u64) m_env->getServerMap().getSeed()
+ << g_settings->getFloat("dedicated_server_step");
+ Send(&resp_pkt);
+ m_clients.event(pkt->getPeerId(), CSE_Init);
void Server::handleCommand_Init_Legacy(NetworkPacket* pkt)
if (m_simple_singleplayer_mode && m_clients.getClientIDs().size() > 1) {
infostream << "Server: Not allowing another client (" << addr_s
<< ") to connect in simple singleplayer mode" << std::endl;
- DenyAccess(pkt->getPeerId(), L"Running in simple singleplayer mode.");
+ DenyAccess_Legacy(pkt->getPeerId(), L"Running in simple singleplayer mode.");
<< addr_s << std::endl;
infostream<<"Server: Cannot negotiate serialization version with "
<< addr_s << std::endl;
- DenyAccess(pkt->getPeerId(), std::wstring(
+ DenyAccess_Legacy(pkt->getPeerId(), std::wstring(
L"Your client's version is not supported.\n"
L"Server version is ")
+ narrow_to_wide(minetest_version_simple) + L"."
net_proto_version > SERVER_PROTOCOL_VERSION_MAX) {
actionstream << "Server: A mismatched client tried to connect from "
<< addr_s << std::endl;
- DenyAccess(pkt->getPeerId(), std::wstring(
+ DenyAccess_Legacy(pkt->getPeerId(), std::wstring(
L"Your client's version is not supported.\n"
L"Server version is ")
+ narrow_to_wide(minetest_version_simple) + L",\n"
if (net_proto_version != LATEST_PROTOCOL_VERSION) {
actionstream << "Server: A mismatched (strict) client tried to "
<< "connect from " << addr_s << std::endl;
- DenyAccess(pkt->getPeerId(), std::wstring(
+ DenyAccess_Legacy(pkt->getPeerId(), std::wstring(
L"Your client's version is not supported.\n"
L"Server version is ")
+ narrow_to_wide(minetest_version_simple) + L",\n"
if (playername_length == PLAYERNAME_SIZE) {
actionstream << "Server: Player with name exceeding max length "
<< "tried to connect from " << addr_s << std::endl;
- DenyAccess(pkt->getPeerId(), L"Name too long");
+ DenyAccess_Legacy(pkt->getPeerId(), L"Name too long");
if (playername[0]=='\0') {
actionstream << "Server: Player with an empty name "
<< "tried to connect from " << addr_s << std::endl;
- DenyAccess(pkt->getPeerId(), L"Empty name");
+ DenyAccess_Legacy(pkt->getPeerId(), L"Empty name");
if (string_allowed(playername, PLAYERNAME_ALLOWED_CHARS) == false) {
actionstream << "Server: Player with an invalid name "
<< "tried to connect from " << addr_s << std::endl;
- DenyAccess(pkt->getPeerId(), L"Name contains unallowed characters");
+ DenyAccess_Legacy(pkt->getPeerId(), L"Name contains unallowed characters");
if (!isSingleplayer() && strcasecmp(playername, "singleplayer") == 0) {
actionstream << "Server: Player with the name \"singleplayer\" "
<< "tried to connect from " << addr_s << std::endl;
- DenyAccess(pkt->getPeerId(), L"Name is not allowed");
+ DenyAccess_Legacy(pkt->getPeerId(), L"Name is not allowed");
<< "tried to connect from " << addr_s << " "
<< "but it was disallowed for the following reason: "
<< reason << std::endl;
- DenyAccess(pkt->getPeerId(), narrow_to_wide(reason.c_str()));
+ DenyAccess_Legacy(pkt->getPeerId(), narrow_to_wide(reason.c_str()));
if (!base64_is_valid(given_password)) {
actionstream << "Server: " << playername
<< " supplied invalid password hash" << std::endl;
- DenyAccess(pkt->getPeerId(), L"Invalid password hash");
+ DenyAccess_Legacy(pkt->getPeerId(), L"Invalid password hash");
actionstream << "Server: " << playername << " tried to join, but there"
<< " are already max_users="
<< g_settings->getU16("max_users") << " players." << std::endl;
- DenyAccess(pkt->getPeerId(), L"Too many users.");
+ DenyAccess_Legacy(pkt->getPeerId(), L"Too many users.");
std::string(given_password) == "") {
actionstream << "Server: " << playername
<< " supplied empty password" << std::endl;
- DenyAccess(pkt->getPeerId(), L"Empty passwords are "
+ DenyAccess_Legacy(pkt->getPeerId(), L"Empty passwords are "
L"disallowed. Set a password and try again.");
if (!has_auth) {
actionstream << "Server: " << playername << " cannot be authenticated"
<< " (auth handler does not work?)" << std::endl;
- DenyAccess(pkt->getPeerId(), L"Not allowed to login");
+ DenyAccess_Legacy(pkt->getPeerId(), L"Not allowed to login");
if (given_password != checkpwd) {
actionstream << "Server: " << playername << " supplied wrong password"
<< std::endl;
- DenyAccess(pkt->getPeerId(), L"Wrong password");
+ DenyAccess_Legacy(pkt->getPeerId(), L"Wrong password");
if (player && player->peer_id != 0) {
errorstream << "Server: " << playername << ": Failed to emerge player"
<< " (player allocated to an another client)" << std::endl;
- DenyAccess(pkt->getPeerId(), L"Another client is connected with this "
+ DenyAccess_Legacy(pkt->getPeerId(), L"Another client is connected with this "
L"name. If your client closed unexpectedly, try again in "
L"a minute.");
Answer with a TOCLIENT_INIT
- NetworkPacket* resp_pkt = new NetworkPacket(TOCLIENT_INIT, 1 + 6 + 8 + 4,
+ NetworkPacket* resp_pkt = new NetworkPacket(TOCLIENT_INIT_LEGACY, 1 + 6 + 8 + 4,
*resp_pkt << (u8) deployed << (v3s16) floatToInt(v3f(0,0,0), BS)
-void Server::handleCommand_Password_Legacy(NetworkPacket* pkt)
+void Server::handleCommand_Password(NetworkPacket* pkt)
- /*
- [2] u8[28] old password
- [30] u8[28] new password
- */
errorstream << "PAssword packet size: " << pkt->getSize() << " size required: " << PASSWORD_SIZE * 2 << std::endl;
- if (pkt->getSize() != PASSWORD_SIZE * 2)
+ if ((pkt->getCommand() == TOSERVER_PASSWORD && pkt->getSize() < 4) ||
+ pkt->getSize() != PASSWORD_SIZE * 2)
std::string oldpwd;
std::string newpwd;
- for (u16 i = 0; i < PASSWORD_SIZE - 1; i++) {
- char c = pkt->getChar(i);
- if (c == 0)
- break;
- oldpwd += c;
+ if (pkt->getCommand() == TOSERVER_PASSWORD) {
+ *pkt >> oldpwd >> newpwd;
+ // 13/03/15
+ // Protocol v24 compat. Please remove in 1 year after
+ // client convergence to 0.4.13/0.5.x
+ else {
+ for (u16 i = 0; i < PASSWORD_SIZE - 1; i++) {
+ char c = pkt->getChar(i);
+ if (c == 0)
+ break;
+ oldpwd += c;
+ }
- for (u16 i = 0; i < PASSWORD_SIZE - 1; i++) {
- char c = pkt->getChar(PASSWORD_SIZE + i);
- if (c == 0)
- break;
- newpwd += c;
+ for (u16 i = 0; i < PASSWORD_SIZE - 1; i++) {
+ char c = pkt->getChar(PASSWORD_SIZE + i);
+ if (c == 0)
+ break;
+ newpwd += c;
+ }
Player *player = m_env->getPlayer(pkt->getPeerId());
null_command_handler, // 0x00 (never use this)
null_command_handler, // 0x01
- null_command_handler, // 0x02
- null_command_handler, // 0x03
+ { "TOSERVER_INIT", TOSERVER_STATE_NOT_CONNECTED, &Server::handleCommand_Init }, // 0x02
+ { "TOSERVER_AUTH", TOSERVER_STATE_NOT_CONNECTED, &Server::handleCommand_Auth }, // 0x03
null_command_handler, // 0x04
null_command_handler, // 0x05
null_command_handler, // 0x06
{ "TOSERVER_SIGNNODETEXT", TOSERVER_STATE_INGAME, &Server::handleCommand_Deprecated }, // 0x33
{ "TOSERVER_CLICK_ACTIVEOBJECT", TOSERVER_STATE_INGAME, &Server::handleCommand_Deprecated }, // 0x34
{ "TOSERVER_DAMAGE", TOSERVER_STATE_INGAME, &Server::handleCommand_Damage }, // 0x35
- { "TOSERVER_PASSWORD_LEGACY", TOSERVER_STATE_INGAME, &Server::handleCommand_Password_Legacy }, // 0x36
+ { "TOSERVER_PASSWORD_LEGACY", TOSERVER_STATE_INGAME, &Server::handleCommand_Password }, // 0x36
{ "TOSERVER_PLAYERITEM", TOSERVER_STATE_INGAME, &Server::handleCommand_PlayerItem }, // 0x37
{ "TOSERVER_RESPAWN", TOSERVER_STATE_INGAME, &Server::handleCommand_Respawn }, // 0x38
{ "TOSERVER_INTERACT", TOSERVER_STATE_INGAME, &Server::handleCommand_Interact }, // 0x39
{ "TOSERVER_REMOVED_SOUNDS", TOSERVER_STATE_INGAME, &Server::handleCommand_RemovedSounds }, // 0x3a
{ "TOSERVER_NODEMETA_FIELDS", TOSERVER_STATE_INGAME, &Server::handleCommand_NodeMetaFields }, // 0x3b
{ "TOSERVER_INVENTORY_FIELDS", TOSERVER_STATE_INGAME, &Server::handleCommand_InventoryFields }, // 0x3c
- null_command_handler, // 0x3d
+ { "TOSERVER_PASSWORD", TOSERVER_STATE_INGAME, &Server::handleCommand_Password }, // 0x3d
null_command_handler, // 0x3e
null_command_handler, // 0x3f
{ "TOSERVER_REQUEST_MEDIA", TOSERVER_STATE_STARTUP, &Server::handleCommand_RequestMedia }, // 0x40
null_command_factory, // 0x00
null_command_factory, // 0x01
- null_command_factory, // 0x02
- null_command_factory, // 0x03
+ { "TOCLIENT_HELLO", 0, true }, // 0x02
+ { "TOCLIENT_AUTH_ACCEPT", 0, true }, // 0x03
null_command_factory, // 0x04
null_command_factory, // 0x05
null_command_factory, // 0x06