GNUNET_htonll (uint64_t n);
+ * Convert double to network-byte-order.
+ * @param d the value in network byte order
+ * @return the same value in host byte order
+ */
+GNUNET_hton_double (double in);
+ * Convert double to host-byte-order
+ * @param d the value in network byte order
+ * @return the same value in host byte order
+ */
+GNUNET_ntoh_double (double in);
/* ************************* allocation functions ****************** */
+ * Convert double to network-byte-order.
+ * @param n the value in network byte order
+ * @return the same value in host byte order
+ */
GNUNET_hton_double (double d)
+ * Convert double to host-byte-order
+ * @param d the value in network byte order
+ * @return the same value in host byte order
+ */
GNUNET_ntoh_double (double d)