"/usr/bin/traceroute *": [ "exec" ],
"/usr/bin/traceroute6 *": [ "exec" ],
"/usr/bin/nslookup *": [ "exec" ],
- "/usr/libexec/luci-peeraddr": [ "exec" ]
+ "/usr/libexec/luci-peeraddr": [ "exec" ],
+ "/usr/sbin/iptables --line-numbers -w -nvxL -t *": [ "exec" ],
+ "/usr/sbin/ip6tables --line-numbers -w -nvxL -t *": [ "exec" ]
"ubus": {
"file": [ "list", "read", "stat" ],
table_names.forEach(function(table) {
- L.poll(5, L.url('admin/status/iptables_dump', current_mode, table.toLowerCase()), null,
- function (xhr) {
- parse_output(table, xhr.responseText);
+ L.Poll.add(function() {
+ var cmd = (current_mode == 6) ? '/usr/sbin/ip6tables' : '/usr/sbin/iptables';
+ return L.fs.exec_direct(cmd, [ '--line-numbers', '-w', '-nvxL', '-t', table.toLowerCase() ]).then(function(output) {
+ parse_output(table, output);
+ }, 5);
entry({"admin", "status", "overview"}, template("admin_status/index"), _("Overview"), 1)
entry({"admin", "status", "iptables"}, template("admin_status/iptables"), _("Firewall"), 2).leaf = true
- entry({"admin", "status", "iptables_dump"}, call("dump_iptables")).leaf = true
- entry({"admin", "status", "iptables_action"}, post("action_iptables")).leaf = true
entry({"admin", "status", "routes"}, template("admin_status/routes"), _("Routes"), 3)
entry({"admin", "status", "syslog"}, call("action_syslog"), _("System Log"), 4)
local dmesg = luci.sys.dmesg()
luci.template.render("admin_status/dmesg", {dmesg=dmesg})
-function dump_iptables(family, table)
- local prefix = (family == "6") and "ip6" or "ip"
- local ok, lines = pcall(io.lines, "/proc/net/%s_tables_names" % prefix)
- if ok and lines then
- local s
- for s in lines do
- if s == table then
- luci.http.prepare_content("text/plain")
- luci.sys.process.exec({
- "/usr/sbin/%stables" % prefix, "-w", "-t", table,
- "--line-numbers", "-nxvL"
- }, luci.http.write)
- return
- end
- end
- end
- luci.http.status(404, "No such table")
- luci.http.prepare_content("text/plain")
-function action_iptables()
- if luci.http.formvalue("zero") then
- if luci.http.formvalue("family") == "6" then
- luci.util.exec("/usr/sbin/ip6tables -Z")
- else
- luci.util.exec("/usr/sbin/iptables -Z")
- end
- elseif luci.http.formvalue("restart") then
- luci.util.exec("/etc/init.d/firewall restart")
- end
- luci.http.redirect(luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin/status/iptables"))