+* Prevent PROCESS services from being starts-on-console without also being runs-on-console.
* shutdown command presently hangs if terminal output blocked (scroll lock
via ^S). Should use a buffer as dinit does, and pipe output from subcommands
via the buffer too.
For version 1.0:
-* Documentation including sample service definitions
- - Man pages
+* Man pages for all programs (done for dinit, not for dinitctl/shutdown/etc).
* Better error handling, logging of errors (largely done, still some patches
of code where it may be missing - check TODO's in code).
* Write wtmp entry on startup (see simpleinit)
the timeout (after a TERM) then hit them with a KILL.
* A (perhaps limited) way(s) to modify a service description after it is loaded -
eg add/remove dependencies, change properties.
+* Think about detecting runs-on-console dependency conflicts (i.e. if A runs-on-console and
+ B depends on A and runs-on-consle then B can never start).
Even later / Maybe never:
* Support recognising /etc/init.d services automatically (as script services, with