function action_flashops()
local sys = require "luci.sys"
- local fs = require "luci.fs"
+ local fs = require "nixio.fs"
- local upgrade_avail = nixio.fs.access("/lib/upgrade/")
+ local upgrade_avail = fs.access("/lib/upgrade/")
local reset_avail = os.execute([[grep '"rootfs_data"' /proc/mtd >/dev/null 2>&1]]) == 0
local image_tmp = "/tmp/firmware.img"
local function storage_size()
local size = 0
- if nixio.fs.access("/proc/mtd") then
+ if fs.access("/proc/mtd") then
for l in io.lines("/proc/mtd") do
local d, s, e, n = l:match('^([^%s]+)%s+([^%s]+)%s+([^%s]+)%s+"([^%s]+)"')
if n == "linux" or n == "firmware" then
- elseif nixio.fs.access("/proc/partitions") then
+ elseif fs.access("/proc/partitions") then
for l in io.lines("/proc/partitions") do
local x, y, b, n = l:match('^%s*(%d+)%s+(%d+)%s+([^%s]+)%s+([^%s]+)')
if b and n and not n:match('[0-9]') then
luci.template.render("failsafe/upgrade", {
checksum = image_checksum(),
storage = storage_size(),
- size = nixio.fs.stat(image_tmp).size,
+ size = (fs.stat(image_tmp, "size") or 0),
keep = false
- nixio.fs.unlink(image_tmp)
+ fs.unlink(image_tmp)
luci.template.render("failsafe/flashops", {
reset_avail = reset_avail,
upgrade_avail = upgrade_avail,