client:depends("wifi", "1")
client.rmempty = true
olsr = f:field(Flag, "olsr", "OLSR einrichten")
olsr.rmempty = true
+lat = f:field(Value, "lat", "Latitude")
+lat:depends("olsr", "1")
+lon = f:field(Value, "lon", "Longitude")
+lon:depends("olsr", "1")
share = f:field(Flag, "sharenet", "Eigenen Internetzugang freigeben")
share.rmempty = true
local community = net:formvalue(section)
local external = community and uci:get("freifunk", community, "external") or ""
+ local latval = tonumber(lat:formvalue(section))
+ local lonval = tonumber(lon:formvalue(section))
-- Delete old interface
uci:delete_all("olsrd", "Interface", {interface=device})
interval = "30"
+ -- Delete old nameservice settings
+ uci:delete_all("olsrd", "LoadPlugin", {library=""})
+ -- Write new nameservice settings
+ uci:section("olsrd", "LoadPlugin", nil, {
+ library = "",
+ latlon_file = "/var/run/latlon.js",
+ lat = latval and string.format("%.15f", latval) or "",
+ lon = lonval and string.format("%.15f", lonval) or ""
+ })
+ -- Save latlon to system too
+ if latval and lonval then
+ uci:foreach("system", "system", function(s)
+ uci:set("system", s[".name"], "latlon",
+ string.format("%.15f %.15f", latval, lonval))
+ end)
+ else
+ uci:foreach("system", "system", function(s)
+ uci:delete("system", s[".name"], "latlon")
+ end)
+ end
-- Import hosts
uci:foreach("dhcp", "dnsmasq", function(s)
uci:set("dhcp", s[".name"], "addnhosts", "/var/etc/hosts.olsr")
+ uci:save("system")
--- /dev/null
+local uci = require "luci.model.uci"
+local x = uci.cursor()
+local update_url = ",%.15f&olsrip=%s¬e=%s&robot=%s"
+local update_all = ( arg[1] and arg[1] == "all" ) and true or false
+local file
+x:foreach("olsrd", "LoadPlugin", function(s)
+ if s.library == "" then
+ file =
+ end
+if file then
+ local ln
+ local count = 0
+ while true do
+ ln = file:read("*l")
+ if not ln then break end
+ if update_all and ln:match("^Node%(") then
+ local ip, lat, lon, note = ln:match("Node%('(%S+)',([%d%.]+),([%d%.]+),%d+,'%S+','(%S+)'%)")
+ lat = tonumber(lat)
+ lon = tonumber(lon)
+ if ip and lat ~= 0.0 and lon ~= 0.0 and note then
+ note = note:gsub("[^%w%-%.]+", "_")
+ os.execute("wget -qO/dev/null %q" % string.format(update_url, lat, lon, ip, note, "luci-massupdate"))
+ count = count + 1
+ end
+ elseif ln:match("^Self%(") then
+ local ip, lat, lon, note = ln:match("Self%('(%S+)',([%d%.]+),([%d%.]+),%d+,'%S+','(%S+)'%)")
+ lat = tonumber(lat)
+ lot = tonumber(lon)
+ if ip and lat ~= 0.0 and lon ~= 0.0 and note then
+ note = note:gsub("[^%w%-%.]+", "_")
+ os.execute("wget -qO/dev/null %q" % string.format(update_url, lat, lon, ip, note, "luci-selfupdate"))
+ count = count + 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ os.execute("logger -t 'mapupdate' 'Updated %d entries in freifunk map'" % count)
+ file:close()