GNUNET_PeerIdentity *
target, int result);
- * Function that can be used by the transport service to transmit
- * a message using the plugin. Note that in the case of a
- * peer disconnecting, the continuation MUST be called
- * prior to the disconnect notification itself. This function
- * will be called with this peer's HELLO message to initiate
- * a fresh connection to another peer.
- *
- * @param cls closure
- * @param target who should receive this message
- * @param msgbuf the message to transmit
- * @param msgbuf_size number of bytes in 'msgbuf'
- * @param priority how important is the message (most plugins will
- * ignore message priority and just FIFO)
- * @param timeout how long to wait at most for the transmission (does not
- * require plugins to discard the message after the timeout,
- * just advisory for the desired delay; most plugins will ignore
- * this as well)
- * @param session which session must be used (or NULL for "any")
- * @param addr the address to use (can be NULL if the plugin
- * is "on its own" (i.e. re-use existing TCP connection))
- * @param addrlen length of the address in bytes
- * @param force_address GNUNET_YES if the plugin MUST use the given address,
- * GNUNET_NO means the plugin may use any other address and
- * GNUNET_SYSERR means that only reliable existing
- * bi-directional connections should be used (regardless
- * of address)
- * @param cont continuation to call once the message has
- * been transmitted (or if the transport is ready
- * for the next transmission call; or if the
- * peer disconnected...); can be NULL
- * @param cont_cls closure for cont
- * @return number of bytes used (on the physical network, with overheads);
- * -1 on hard errors (i.e. address invalid); 0 is a legal value
- * and does NOT mean that the message was not transmitted (DV)
- */
-typedef ssize_t (*GNUNET_TRANSPORT_TransmitFunction) (void *cls,
- const struct
- GNUNET_PeerIdentity *
- target,
- const char *msgbuf,
- size_t msgbuf_size,
- uint32_t priority,
- struct
- GNUNET_TIME_Relative
- timeout,
- struct Session * session,
- const void *addr,
- size_t addrlen,
- int force_address,
- GNUNET_TRANSPORT_TransmitContinuation
- cont, void *cont_cls);
* The new send function with just the session and no address
* -1 on hard errors (i.e. address invalid); 0 is a legal value
* and does NOT mean that the message was not transmitted (DV)
-typedef ssize_t (*GNUNET_TRANSPORT_TransmitFunctionWithSession) (void *cls,
+typedef ssize_t (*GNUNET_TRANSPORT_TransmitFunction) (void *cls,
struct Session *session,
const char *msgbuf, size_t msgbuf_size,
unsigned int priority,
GNUNET_TRANSPORT_TransmitFunction send;
- /**
- * New send function
- * Will be renamed to "send" when implementation is done
- */
- GNUNET_TRANSPORT_TransmitFunctionWithSession send_with_session;
* Function that can be used to force the plugin to disconnect from
* the given peer and cancel all previous transmissions (and their