function buildListQuery (model: typeof Model, options: BuildVideosQueryOptions) {
const and: string[] = []
- const cte: string[] = []
const joins: string[] = []
const replacements: any = {}
+ const cte: string[] = []
let attributes: string[] = options.attributes || [ '"video"."id"' ]
let group = || ''
'INNER JOIN "videoChannel" ON "videoChannel"."id" = "video"."channelId"' +
'INNER JOIN "account" ON "account"."id" = "videoChannel"."accountId"' +
- 'INNER JOIN "actor" ON "account"."actorId" = "actor"."id"'
+ 'INNER JOIN "actor" "accountActor" ON "account"."actorId" = "accountActor"."id"'
and.push('"video"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "videoBlacklist"."videoId" FROM "videoBlacklist")')
const blockerIds = [ options.serverAccountId ]
if (options.user) blockerIds.push(
- cte.push(
- '"mutedAccount" AS (' +
- ' SELECT "targetAccountId" AS "id"' +
- ' FROM "accountBlocklist"' +
- ' WHERE "accountId" IN (' + createSafeIn(model, blockerIds) + ')' +
- ' UNION ALL' +
- ' SELECT "account"."id" AS "id"' +
- ' FROM account' +
- ' INNER JOIN "actor" ON account."actorId" =' +
- ' INNER JOIN "serverBlocklist" ON "actor"."serverId" = "serverBlocklist"."targetServerId"' +
- ' WHERE "serverBlocklist"."accountId" IN (' + createSafeIn(model, blockerIds) + ')' +
- ')'
- )
- cte.push(
- '"mutedChannel" AS (' +
- ' SELECT "videoChannel"."id"' +
- ' FROM "videoChannel"' +
- ' INNER JOIN "mutedAccount" ON "mutedAccount"."id" = "videoChannel"."accountId"' +
- ' )'
- )
+ const inClause = createSafeIn(model, blockerIds)
- '"video"."channelId" NOT IN (SELECT "id" FROM "mutedChannel")'
+ 'NOT EXISTS (' +
+ ' SELECT 1 FROM "accountBlocklist" ' +
+ ' WHERE "accountBlocklist"."accountId" IN (' + inClause + ') ' +
+ ' AND "accountBlocklist"."targetAccountId" = "account"."id" ' +
+ ')' +
+ ' SELECT 1 FROM "serverBlocklist" WHERE "serverBlocklist"."accountId" IN (' + inClause + ') ' +
+ ' AND "serverBlocklist"."targetServerId" = "accountActor"."serverId"' +
+ ')'
- replacements.videoChannelId = options.videoChannelId
// Only list public/published videos
' OR' +
' EXISTS (' +
' SELECT 1 from "actorFollow" ' +
- ' WHERE "actorFollow"."targetActorId" = "actor"."id" AND "actorFollow"."actorId" = :followerActorId' +
+ ' WHERE "actorFollow"."targetActorId" = "videoChannel"."actorId" AND "actorFollow"."actorId" = :followerActorId' +
' )'
if (options.includeLocalVideos) {
joins.push('LEFT JOIN "videoView" ON "video"."id" = "videoView"."videoId" AND "videoView"."startDate" >= :viewsGteDate')
replacements.viewsGteDate = viewsGteDate
+ attributes.push('COALESCE(SUM("videoView"."views"), 0) AS "videoViewsSum"')
group = 'GROUP BY "video"."id"'
joins.push('INNER JOIN "userVideoHistory" on "video"."id" = "userVideoHistory"."videoId"')
and.push('"userVideoHistory"."userId" = :historyOfUser')
- replacements.historyOfUser = options.historyOfUser
+ replacements.historyOfUser =
if (options.startDate) {
const escapedSearch = model.sequelize.escape(
const escapedLikeSearch = model.sequelize.escape('%' + + '%')
+ cte.push(
+ '"trigramSearch" AS (' +
+ ' SELECT "video"."id", ' +
+ ` similarity(lower(immutable_unaccent("video"."name")), lower(immutable_unaccent(${escapedSearch}))) as similarity ` +
+ ' FROM "video" ' +
+ ' WHERE lower(immutable_unaccent("video"."name")) % lower(immutable_unaccent(' + escapedSearch + ')) OR ' +
+ ' lower(immutable_unaccent("video"."name")) LIKE lower(immutable_unaccent(' + escapedLikeSearch + '))' +
+ ')'
+ )
+ joins.push('LEFT JOIN "trigramSearch" ON "video"."id" = "trigramSearch"."id"')
let base = '(' +
- ' lower(immutable_unaccent("video"."name")) % lower(immutable_unaccent(' + escapedSearch + ')) OR ' +
- ' lower(immutable_unaccent("video"."name")) LIKE lower(immutable_unaccent(' + escapedLikeSearch + ')) OR ' +
+ ' "trigramSearch"."id" IS NOT NULL OR ' +
' EXISTS (' +
' SELECT 1 FROM "videoTag" ' +
' INNER JOIN "tag" ON "tag"."id" = "videoTag"."tagId" ' +
base += ')'
- attributes.push(`similarity(lower(immutable_unaccent("video"."name")), lower(immutable_unaccent(${escapedSearch}))) as similarity`)
+ attributes.push(`COALESCE("trigramSearch"."similarity", 0) as similarity`)
} else {
attributes.push('0 as similarity')
if (options.isCount === true) attributes = [ 'COUNT(*) as "total"' ]
- const cteString = cte.length !== 0
- ? 'WITH ' + cte.join(', ') + ' '
- : ''
- let query = cteString +
- 'SELECT ' + attributes.join(', ') + ' ' +
- 'FROM "video" ' + joins.join(' ') + ' ' +
- 'WHERE ' + and.join(' AND ') + ' ' +
- group + ' ' +
- having + ' '
+ let suffix = ''
+ let order = ''
if (options.isCount !== true) {
const count = parseInt(options.count + '', 10)
const start = parseInt(options.start + '', 10)
- query += buildOrder(model, options.sort) + ' ' +
+ order = buildOrder(model, options.sort)
+ suffix = order + ' ' +
'LIMIT ' + count + ' ' +
'OFFSET ' + start
- return { query, replacements }
+ const cteString = cte.length !== 0
+ ? `WITH ${cte.join(', ')} `
+ : ''
+ const query = cteString +
+ 'SELECT ' + attributes.join(', ') + ' ' +
+ 'FROM "video" ' + joins.join(' ') + ' ' +
+ 'WHERE ' + and.join(' AND ') + ' ' +
+ group + ' ' +
+ having + ' ' +
+ suffix
+ return { query, replacements, order }
function buildOrder (model: typeof Model, value: string) {
const { direction, field } = buildDirectionAndField(value)
- if (field.match(/^[a-zA-Z]+$/) === null) throw new Error('Invalid sort column ' + field)
+ if (field.match(/^[a-zA-Z."]+$/) === null) throw new Error('Invalid sort column ' + field)
if (field.toLowerCase() === 'random') return 'ORDER BY RANDOM()'
if (field.toLowerCase() === 'trending') { // Sort by aggregation
- return `ORDER BY COALESCE(SUM("videoView"."views"), 0) ${direction}, "video"."views" ${direction}`
+ return `ORDER BY "videoViewsSum" ${direction}, "video"."views" ${direction}`
let firstSort: string
if (field.toLowerCase() === 'match') { // Search
firstSort = '"similarity"'
+ } else if (field.includes('.')) {
+ firstSort = field
} else {
firstSort = `"video"."${field}"`
return `ORDER BY ${firstSort} ${direction}, "video"."id" ASC`
+function wrapForAPIResults (baseQuery: string, replacements: any, options: BuildVideosQueryOptions, order: string) {
+ const attributes = {
+ '"video".*': '',
+ '"VideoChannel"."id"': '""',
+ '"VideoChannel"."name"': '""',
+ '"VideoChannel"."description"': '"VideoChannel.description"',
+ '"VideoChannel"."actorId"': '"VideoChannel.actorId"',
+ '"VideoChannel->Actor"."id"': '""',
+ '"VideoChannel->Actor"."preferredUsername"': '"VideoChannel.Actor.preferredUsername"',
+ '"VideoChannel->Actor"."url"': '"VideoChannel.Actor.url"',
+ '"VideoChannel->Actor"."serverId"': '"VideoChannel.Actor.serverId"',
+ '"VideoChannel->Actor"."avatarId"': '"VideoChannel.Actor.avatarId"',
+ '"VideoChannel->Account"."id"': '""',
+ '"VideoChannel->Account"."name"': '""',
+ '"VideoChannel->Account->Actor"."id"': '""',
+ '"VideoChannel->Account->Actor"."preferredUsername"': '"VideoChannel.Account.Actor.preferredUsername"',
+ '"VideoChannel->Account->Actor"."url"': '"VideoChannel.Account.Actor.url"',
+ '"VideoChannel->Account->Actor"."serverId"': '"VideoChannel.Account.Actor.serverId"',
+ '"VideoChannel->Account->Actor"."avatarId"': '"VideoChannel.Account.Actor.avatarId"',
+ '"VideoChannel->Actor->Server"."id"': '""',
+ '"VideoChannel->Actor->Server"."host"': '""',
+ '"VideoChannel->Actor->Avatar"."id"': '""',
+ '"VideoChannel->Actor->Avatar"."filename"': '"VideoChannel.Actor.Avatar.filename"',
+ '"VideoChannel->Actor->Avatar"."fileUrl"': '"VideoChannel.Actor.Avatar.fileUrl"',
+ '"VideoChannel->Actor->Avatar"."onDisk"': '"VideoChannel.Actor.Avatar.onDisk"',
+ '"VideoChannel->Actor->Avatar"."createdAt"': '"VideoChannel.Actor.Avatar.createdAt"',
+ '"VideoChannel->Actor->Avatar"."updatedAt"': '"VideoChannel.Actor.Avatar.updatedAt"',
+ '"VideoChannel->Account->Actor->Server"."id"': '""',
+ '"VideoChannel->Account->Actor->Server"."host"': '""',
+ '"VideoChannel->Account->Actor->Avatar"."id"': '""',
+ '"VideoChannel->Account->Actor->Avatar"."filename"': '"VideoChannel.Account.Actor.Avatar.filename"',
+ '"VideoChannel->Account->Actor->Avatar"."fileUrl"': '"VideoChannel.Account.Actor.Avatar.fileUrl"',
+ '"VideoChannel->Account->Actor->Avatar"."onDisk"': '"VideoChannel.Account.Actor.Avatar.onDisk"',
+ '"VideoChannel->Account->Actor->Avatar"."createdAt"': '"VideoChannel.Account.Actor.Avatar.createdAt"',
+ '"VideoChannel->Account->Actor->Avatar"."updatedAt"': '"VideoChannel.Account.Actor.Avatar.updatedAt"',
+ '"Thumbnails"."id"': '""',
+ '"Thumbnails"."type"': '"Thumbnails.type"',
+ '"Thumbnails"."filename"': '"Thumbnails.filename"'
+ }
+ const joins = [
+ 'INNER JOIN "video" ON "tmp"."id" = "video"."id"',
+ 'INNER JOIN "videoChannel" AS "VideoChannel" ON "video"."channelId" = "VideoChannel"."id"',
+ 'INNER JOIN "actor" AS "VideoChannel->Actor" ON "VideoChannel"."actorId" = "VideoChannel->Actor"."id"',
+ 'INNER JOIN "account" AS "VideoChannel->Account" ON "VideoChannel"."accountId" = "VideoChannel->Account"."id"',
+ 'INNER JOIN "actor" AS "VideoChannel->Account->Actor" ON "VideoChannel->Account"."actorId" = "VideoChannel->Account->Actor"."id"',
+ 'LEFT OUTER JOIN "server" AS "VideoChannel->Actor->Server" ON "VideoChannel->Actor"."serverId" = "VideoChannel->Actor->Server"."id"',
+ 'LEFT OUTER JOIN "avatar" AS "VideoChannel->Actor->Avatar" ON "VideoChannel->Actor"."avatarId" = "VideoChannel->Actor->Avatar"."id"',
+ 'LEFT OUTER JOIN "server" AS "VideoChannel->Account->Actor->Server" ' +
+ 'ON "VideoChannel->Account->Actor"."serverId" = "VideoChannel->Account->Actor->Server"."id"',
+ 'LEFT OUTER JOIN "avatar" AS "VideoChannel->Account->Actor->Avatar" ' +
+ 'ON "VideoChannel->Account->Actor"."avatarId" = "VideoChannel->Account->Actor->Avatar"."id"',
+ 'LEFT OUTER JOIN "thumbnail" AS "Thumbnails" ON "video"."id" = "Thumbnails"."videoId"'
+ ]
+ if (options.withFiles) {
+ joins.push('INNER JOIN "videoFile" AS "VideoFiles" ON "VideoFiles"."videoId" = "video"."id"')
+ Object.assign(attributes, {
+ '"VideoFiles"."id"': '""',
+ '"VideoFiles"."createdAt"': '"VideoFiles.createdAt"',
+ '"VideoFiles"."updatedAt"': '"VideoFiles.updatedAt"',
+ '"VideoFiles"."resolution"': '"VideoFiles.resolution"',
+ '"VideoFiles"."size"': '"VideoFiles.size"',
+ '"VideoFiles"."extname"': '"VideoFiles.extname"',
+ '"VideoFiles"."infoHash"': '"VideoFiles.infoHash"',
+ '"VideoFiles"."fps"': '"VideoFiles.fps"',
+ '"VideoFiles"."videoId"': '"VideoFiles.videoId"'
+ })
+ }
+ if (options.user) {
+ joins.push(
+ 'LEFT OUTER JOIN "userVideoHistory" ' +
+ 'ON "video"."id" = "userVideoHistory"."videoId" AND "userVideoHistory"."userId" = :userVideoHistoryId'
+ )
+ replacements.userVideoHistoryId =
+ Object.assign(attributes, {
+ '"userVideoHistory"."id"': '""',
+ '"userVideoHistory"."currentTime"': '"userVideoHistory.currentTime"'
+ })
+ }
+ if (options.videoPlaylistId) {
+ joins.push(
+ 'INNER JOIN "videoPlaylistElement" as "VideoPlaylistElement" ON "videoPlaylistElement"."videoId" = "video"."id" ' +
+ 'AND "VideoPlaylistElement"."videoPlaylistId" = :videoPlaylistId'
+ )
+ replacements.videoPlaylistId = options.videoPlaylistId
+ Object.assign(attributes, {
+ '"VideoPlaylistElement"."createdAt"': '"VideoPlaylistElement.createdAt"',
+ '"VideoPlaylistElement"."updatedAt"': '"VideoPlaylistElement.updatedAt"',
+ '"VideoPlaylistElement"."url"': '"VideoPlaylistElement.url"',
+ '"VideoPlaylistElement"."position"': '"VideoPlaylistElement.position"',
+ '"VideoPlaylistElement"."startTimestamp"': '"VideoPlaylistElement.startTimestamp"',
+ '"VideoPlaylistElement"."stopTimestamp"': '"VideoPlaylistElement.stopTimestamp"',
+ '"VideoPlaylistElement"."videoPlaylistId"': '"VideoPlaylistElement.videoPlaylistId"'
+ })
+ }
+ const select = 'SELECT ' + Object.keys(attributes).map(key => {
+ const value = attributes[key]
+ if (value) return `${key} AS ${value}`
+ return key
+ }).join(', ')
+ return `${select} FROM (${baseQuery}) AS "tmp" ${joins.join(' ')} ${order}`
export {
- buildListQuery
+ buildListQuery,
+ wrapForAPIResults
import * as Bluebird from 'bluebird'
-import { maxBy, minBy } from 'lodash'
+import { maxBy, minBy, pick } from 'lodash'
import { join } from 'path'
import { FindOptions, IncludeOptions, Op, QueryTypes, ScopeOptions, Sequelize, Transaction, WhereOptions } from 'sequelize'
import {
import { VideoFile } from '@shared/models/videos/video-file.model'
import { getHLSDirectory, getTorrentFileName, getTorrentFilePath, getVideoFilename, getVideoFilePath } from '@server/lib/video-paths'
import { ModelCache } from '@server/models/model-cache'
-import { buildListQuery, BuildVideosQueryOptions } from './video-query-builder'
+import { buildListQuery, BuildVideosQueryOptions, wrapForAPIResults } from './video-query-builder'
export enum ScopeNames {
options: BuildVideosQueryOptions,
countVideos = true
) {
- const { query, replacements } = buildListQuery(VideoModel, options)
- const { query: queryCount, replacements: replacementsCount } = buildListQuery(VideoModel, Object.assign({}, options, { isCount: true }))
+ function getCount () {
+ if (countVideos !== true) return Promise.resolve(undefined)
- const [ count, rows ] = await Promise.all([
- countVideos
- ? this.sequelize.query<any>(queryCount, { replacements: replacementsCount, type: QueryTypes.SELECT })
- .then(rows => rows.length !== 0 ? rows[0].total : 0)
- : Promise.resolve<number>(undefined),
+ const countOptions = Object.assign({}, options, { isCount: true })
+ const { query: queryCount, replacements: replacementsCount } = buildListQuery(VideoModel, countOptions)
- this.sequelize.query<any>(query, { replacements, type: QueryTypes.SELECT })
- .then(rows => =>
- .then(ids => VideoModel.loadCompleteVideosForApi(ids, options))
- ])
+ return VideoModel.sequelize.query<any>(queryCount, { replacements: replacementsCount, type: QueryTypes.SELECT })
+ .then(rows => rows.length !== 0 ? rows[0].total : 0)
+ }
+ function getModels () {
+ const { query, replacements, order } = buildListQuery(VideoModel, options)
+ const queryModels = wrapForAPIResults(query, replacements, options, order)
+ return VideoModel.sequelize.query<any>(queryModels, { replacements, type: QueryTypes.SELECT, nest: true })
+ .then(rows => VideoModel.buildAPIResult(rows))
+ }
+ const [ count, rows ] = await Promise.all([ getCount(), getModels() ])
return {
data: rows,
- private static loadCompleteVideosForApi (ids: number[], options: BuildVideosQueryOptions) {
- if (ids.length === 0) return []
+ private static buildAPIResult (rows: any[]) {
+ const memo: { [ id: number ]: VideoModel } = {}
+ const thumbnailsDone = new Set<number>()
+ const historyDone = new Set<number>()
+ const videoFilesDone = new Set<number>()
+ const videos: VideoModel[] = []
+ const avatarKeys = [ 'id', 'filename', 'fileUrl', 'onDisk', 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ]
+ const actorKeys = [ 'id', 'preferredUsername', 'url', 'serverId', 'avatarId' ]
+ const serverKeys = [ 'id', 'host' ]
+ const videoFileKeys = [ 'id', 'createdAt', 'updatedAt', 'resolution', 'size', 'extname', 'infoHash', 'fps', 'videoId' ]
+ const videoKeys = [
+ 'id',
+ 'uuid',
+ 'name',
+ 'category',
+ 'licence',
+ 'language',
+ 'privacy',
+ 'nsfw',
+ 'description',
+ 'support',
+ 'duration',
+ 'views',
+ 'likes',
+ 'dislikes',
+ 'remote',
+ 'url',
+ 'commentsEnabled',
+ 'downloadEnabled',
+ 'waitTranscoding',
+ 'state',
+ 'publishedAt',
+ 'originallyPublishedAt',
+ 'channelId',
+ 'createdAt',
+ 'updatedAt'
+ ]
- const secondQuery: FindOptions = {
- offset: 0,
- limit: options.count,
- order: [ // Keep original order
- Sequelize.literal(
- => `"VideoModel".id = ${id} DESC`).join(', ')
- )
- ]
- }
+ function buildActor (rowActor: any) {
+ const avatarModel = !== null
+ ? new AvatarModel(pick(rowActor.Avatar, avatarKeys))
+ : null
- const apiScope: (string | ScopeOptions)[] = []
+ const serverModel = !== null
+ ? new ServerModel(pick(rowActor.Server, serverKeys))
+ : null
- if (options.user) {
- apiScope.push({ method: [ ScopeNames.WITH_USER_HISTORY, ] })
+ const actorModel = new ActorModel(pick(rowActor, actorKeys))
+ actorModel.Avatar = avatarModel
+ actorModel.Server = serverModel
+ return actorModel
- apiScope.push({
- method: [
- ScopeNames.FOR_API, {
- ids,
- withFiles: options.withFiles,
- videoPlaylistId: options.videoPlaylistId
- } as ForAPIOptions
- ]
- })
+ for (const row of rows) {
+ if (!memo[]) {
+ // Build Channel
+ const channel = row.VideoChannel
+ const channelModel = new VideoChannelModel(pick(channel, [ 'id', 'name', 'description', 'actorId' ]))
+ channelModel.Actor = buildActor(channel.Actor)
+ const account = row.VideoChannel.Account
+ const accountModel = new AccountModel(pick(account, [ 'id', 'name' ]))
+ accountModel.Actor = buildActor(account.Actor)
+ channelModel.Account = accountModel
+ const videoModel = new VideoModel(pick(row, videoKeys))
+ videoModel.VideoChannel = channelModel
+ videoModel.UserVideoHistories = []
+ videoModel.Thumbnails = []
+ videoModel.VideoFiles = []
+ memo[] = videoModel
+ // Don't take object value to have a sorted array
+ videos.push(videoModel)
+ }
+ const videoModel = memo[]
+ if (row.userVideoHistory?.id && !historyDone.has( {
+ const historyModel = new UserVideoHistoryModel(pick(row.userVideoHistory, [ 'id', 'currentTime' ]))
+ videoModel.UserVideoHistories.push(historyModel)
+ historyDone.add(
+ }
+ if (row.Thumbnails?.id && !thumbnailsDone.has( {
+ const thumbnailModel = new ThumbnailModel(pick(row.Thumbnails, [ 'id', 'type', 'filename' ]))
+ videoModel.Thumbnails.push(thumbnailModel)
+ thumbnailsDone.add(
+ }
+ if (row.VideoFiles?.id && !videoFilesDone.has( {
+ const videoFileModel = new VideoFileModel(pick(row.VideoFiles, videoFileKeys))
+ videoModel.VideoFiles.push(videoFileModel)
+ videoFilesDone.add(
+ }
+ }
- return VideoModel.scope(apiScope).findAll(secondQuery)
+ return videos
private static isPrivacyForFederation (privacy: VideoPrivacy) {