$proxy->start() or plan skip_all => "Unable to start up Proxy for tests";
-plan tests => 2;
+plan tests => 3;
ok(TLSProxy::Message->success(), "Basic renegotiation");
#Test 2: Client does not send the Reneg SCSV. Reneg should fail
ok(TLSProxy::Message->fail(), "No client SCSV");
+SKIP: {
+ skip "TLSv1.2 or TLSv1.1 disabled", 1
+ if disabled("tls1_2") || disabled("tls1_1");
+ #Test 3: Check that the ClientHello version remains the same in the reneg
+ # handshake
+ $proxy->clear();
+ $proxy->filter(undef);
+ $proxy->clientflags("-no_tls1_3");
+ $proxy->serverflags("-no_tls1_3 -no_tls1_2");
+ $proxy->reneg(1);
+ $proxy->start();
+ my $chversion;
+ my $chmatch = 0;
+ foreach my $message (@{$proxy->message_list}) {
+ if ($message->mt == TLSProxy::Message::MT_CLIENT_HELLO) {
+ if (!defined $chversion) {
+ $chversion = $message->client_version;
+ } else {
+ if ($chversion == $message->client_version) {
+ $chmatch = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ok(TLSProxy::Message->success() && $chmatch,
+ "Check ClientHello version is the same");
sub reneg_filter
my $proxy = shift;