=> "peers connected (transport)" now instantly goes to ZERO (core statistic),
but "established sessions" stays up...
- derived key generation [Nils]
-* DHT: [Nate]
- - implement DHT service
- - implement performance tests
+* PWNAT: [Nate/MW/Nils]
+ - W32 port
+* FS: [CG]
+ - implement 'GNUNET_FS_namespace_list_updateable', reconsider API!
- - right-clicking on search result should open menu that allows:
- + starting recursive download
- + aborting active download
- + copy URI to clipboard
- + save-as gnunet-directory
- events:
+ implement clear button in search tabs (to stop downloads)
+ search resume
- + search error
- + download error
+ download resume
+ publish resume
- + publish error
- namespaces:
+ implement advertise-pseudonym dialog
+ / activate menu item if pseudonym is available
+ / select namespace dialog
+ / edit advertisement data (keywords, metadata)
+ / publish operation
+ + namespace publishing
+ / fill tree store with full implementation of 'list_updateable'
+ namespace search
- + NS list in search dialog should use colors to offset our own namespaces from the others
- + double-clicking on NS list in search dialog should move 'root' to keyword line
- + right-clicking on NS list in search dialog should open menu that allows
- / viewing full meta data
- / deletion of namespace info
- - implement download by URI dialog; figure out where to display those downloads!
- - figure out where in the GUI we should show active uploads/unindex operations and allow aborts
+ / fill namespace list in dialog, use if selected
+ / NS list in search dialog should use colors to offset our own namespaces from the others
+ / double-clicking on NS list in search dialog should move 'root' to keyword line
+ / right-clicking on NS list in search dialog should open menu that allows
+ \ viewing full meta data
+ \ deletion of namespace info
- bugs:
+ handle 'lost parent' case for recursive downloads (need to move children!)
+ clean up TreeStores in main_window_file_publish on dialog close
-* MONKEY: [Safey]
- - better crash management (attach debugging support, capture and analyze
- debug output, detect random vs. deterministic crashes)
- - good to have for transport/DV evaluation!
-* DV: [Nate]
- - implement performance tests (needs tbench)
* Determine RC bugs and fix those!
- - good to have for DV/DHT evaluation!
- - GNUNET_DATASTORE_cancel method not tested
+ - GNUNET_DATASTORE_cancel method not tested [LT]
* TESTING: [Nate]
- test basic peer re-configure
- consider changing API for peer-group termination to
- better tracking of which config changes actually need to cause process restarts by ARM.
- handle gnunet-arm -k in combination with auto-start magic (what is the right thing here?)
- discover dependencies between services
- - test notification-based statistics API
- - implement statistics GUI
- - move peerinfo to new GUI?
- - extend peer dialog with green-yellow-red connectivity status lights
- - extend peer dialog with country flags and names
- - design & implement new setup tool
- optimize meta-data for directories in 'add_dir_at_iter'
- add progress dialog for 'add_dir_at_iter' scan (can take a while...)
+ normalize keywords (edit subdialog)
+ set/view previews (edit subdialog)
- add tool bar
+ - implement download by URI dialog; figure out where to display those downloads!
+ - figure out where in the GUI we should show active uploads/unindex operations and allow aborts
- implement unindex operation (use dialog with all indexed files for selection)
- do meaningful update to status line (starting up, peer running, #connections, shutdown, ...)
+ - events:
+ + search error
+ + download error
+ + publish error
+ + unindex error
* MONKEY: [Safey]
+ - better crash management (attach debugging support, capture and analyze
+ debug output, detect random vs. deterministic crashes)
- '-m EMAIL' option for alternative e-mail TO
- '-f FILENAME' option to write report to file instead of e-mail (for testing!)
* new webpage:
- convert documentation pages to books
- update books (especially for developers)
- - create good Drupal theme for GNUnet
- make a NICE download page and figure out how to enable developers to publish TGZs nicely
- port "contact" page
- add content type for "todo" items?
- datacache
- datastore
* Determine RC bugs and fix those!
+ - design & implement new setup tool
+ - good to have for transport/DV evaluation!
+ - good to have for DV/DHT evaluation!
+* DV:
+ - performance tests
+* DHT: [Nate]
+ - performance tests
+ - test notification-based statistics API [LT]
+ - implement statistics GUI
+ - move peerinfo to new GUI?
+ - extend peer dialog with green-yellow-red connectivity status lights
+ - extend peer dialog with country flags and names
+ - WiFi transport backend [DB]
- SMTP transport backend
- - HTTPS transport backend
- + improved HTTPS support in MHD
- + actual plugin
- Implement method of learning our external addresses from
other peers; need some kind of threshold-based
scheme, limiting both the total number of addresses that we accept
- implement gnunet-transport (transport configurator / tester)
- UPnP-based IP detection
(Note: build library always, build service when libxml2/etc. are available)
+* DV:
+ - proper bandwidth allocation
* FS: [CG]
- Remove KBlocks in gnunet-unindex (see discussion with Kenneth Almquist on gnunet-devs in 9/2009)
we have not 'used' (for their public keys) in a while; need a way
to track actual 'use')
- make sue we also trigger notifications whenever HELLOs expire
-* VPN
+* VPN [PT]
* UTIL: [CG]
- allow limiting UNIX socket access by UID/GID
(theoretically reduces overhead; bounds messgae queue size)
* FS:
- use different queue prioritization for probe-downloads vs. normal downloads (!?)
-* CORE:
- - encrypted P2P transmission (loopback) tops at 2 MB/s on my quad-core;
- why is it so slow? Fix! (see core_api_reliability test)
Minor features:
* TCP: