( $(SET_X); \
ld $(LDFLAGS) -r -o lib$(LIBNAME).o $$ALL lib$(LIBNAME).a $(LIBEXTRAS) ); \
- $(LINK_SO) && rm -f $(LIBNAME).o
+ $(LINK_SO) && rm -f lib$(LIBNAME).o
UNPACKDIR=link_tmp.$$$$; rm -rf $$UNPACKDIR; mkdir $$UNPACKDIR; \
fi; $(LINK_APP)
# For Darwin AKA Mac OS/X (dyld)
-# link_o.darwin produces .so, because we let it use dso_dlfcn module,
-# which has .so extension hard-coded. One can argue that one should
-# develop special dso module for MacOS X. At least manual encourages
-# to use native NSModule(3) API and refers to dlfcn as termporary hack.
+# Originally link_o.darwin produced .so, because it was hard-coded
+# in dso_dlfcn module. At later point dso_dlfcn switched to .dylib
+# extension in order to allow for run-time linking with vendor-
+# supplied shared libraries such as libz, so that link_o.darwin had
+# to be harmonized with it. This caused minor controversy, because
+# it was believed that dlopen can't be used to dynamically load
+# .dylib-s, only so called bundle modules (ones linked with -bundle
+# flag). The belief seems to be originating from pre-10.4 release,
+# where dlfcn functionality was emulated by dlcompat add-on. In
+# 10.4 dlopen was rewritten as native part of dyld and is documented
+# to be capable of loading both dynamic libraries and bundles. In
+# order to provide compatibility with pre-10.4 dlopen, modules are
+# linked with -bundle flag, which makes .dylib extension misleading.
+# It works, because dlopen is [and always was] extension-agnostic.
+# Alternative to this heuristic approach is to develop specific
+# MacOS X dso module relying on whichever "native" dyld interface.
-; \
+ SHLIB_SUFFIX=.dylib; \
ALLSYMSFLAGS='-all_load'; \
+ SHAREDFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) `echo $(SHARED_LDFLAGS) | sed s/dynamiclib/bundle/"; \
if [ -n "$(LIBVERSION)" ]; then \
fi; \