-- Checks if specified volume intersects a protected volume
-function core.intersects_protection(minp, maxp, player_name, interval)
+function core.is_area_protected(minp, maxp, player_name, interval)
-- 'interval' is the largest allowed interval for the 3D lattice of checks.
-- Compute the optimal float step 'd' for each axis so that all corners and
local d = {}
for _, c in pairs({"x", "y", "z"}) do
+ if minp[c] > maxp[c] then
+ -- Repair positions: 'minp' > 'maxp'
+ local tmp = maxp[c]
+ maxp[c] = minp[c]
+ minp[c] = tmp
+ end
if maxp[c] > minp[c] then
d[c] = (maxp[c] - minp[c]) /
math.ceil((maxp[c] - minp[c]) / interval) - 1e-4
- elseif maxp[c] == minp[c] then
+ else
d[c] = 1 -- Any value larger than 0 to avoid division by zero
- else -- maxp[c] < minp[c], print error and treat as protection intersected
- minetest.log("error", "maxp < minp in 'minetest.intersects_protection()'")
- return true
local y = math.floor(yf + 0.5)
for xf = minp.x, maxp.x, d.x do
local x = math.floor(xf + 0.5)
- if core.is_protected({x = x, y = y, z = z}, player_name) then
- return true
+ local pos = {x = x, y = y, z = z}
+ if core.is_protected(pos, player_name) then
+ return pos
return false
* `minetest.record_protection_violation(pos, name)`
* This function calls functions registered with
-* `minetest.intersects_protection(minp, maxp, player_name, interval)
- * Returns a boolean, returns true if the volume defined by `minp` and `maxp`
- intersects a protected area not owned by `player_name`.
+* `minetest.is_area_protected(pos1, pos2, player_name, interval)
+ * Returns the position of the first node that `player_name` may not modify in
+ the specified cuboid between `pos1` and `pos2`.
+ * Returns `false` if no protections were found.
* Applies `is_protected()` to a 3D lattice of points in the defined volume.
The points are spaced evenly throughout the volume and have a spacing
similar to, but no larger than, `interval`.
* `interval` defaults to 4.
* `interval` should be carefully chosen and maximised to avoid an excessive
number of points being checked.
+ * Like `minetest.is_protected`, this function may be extended or overwritten by
+ mods to provide a faster implementation to check the cuboid for intersections.
* `minetest.rotate_and_place(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing, infinitestacks, orient_flags)`
* Attempt to predict the desired orientation of the facedir-capable node
defined by `itemstack`, and place it accordingly (on-wall, on the floor, or