This file is part of GNUnet
- (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2011 Christian Grothoff (and other contributing authors)
+ (C) 2012 Christian Grothoff (and other contributing authors)
GNUnet is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
enum GNUNET_GNS_RecordType
+ // FIXME: should be based on GNUNET_DNSPARSER_TYPE's (standard DNS),
+ // and then maybe our extensions in the area > 255?
* Perform an add operation storing records in the GNS.
+ * FIXME: Yes, we need this kind of API, but should it not be with the
+ * NameDataStore, rather than the GNS-service?
+ *
* @param handle handle to GNS service
- * @param key the key to store under
+ * @param name the key to store under
+ * // FIXME: need to be precise here what 'name' is. Does it
+ // include '.gnunet'? What happens if we specify 'a.b.c.gnunet'
+ // but 'b.c.gnunet' has been delegated? (error?)
* @param desired_replication_level estimate of how many
* nearest peers this request should reach
* @param options routing options for this message
+ // FIXME: which are? where is the arg?
+ // FIXME: we should probably distinguish between 'private' and 'public'
+ // records;
* @param type type of the value
* @param size number of bytes in data; must be less than 64k
* @param data the data to store
+ // FIXME: what is the exact format of data?
* @param exp desired expiration time for the value
* @param timeout how long to wait for transmission of this request
* @param cont continuation to call when done (transmitting request to service)
* @param cont_cls closure for cont
+ * // FIXME: where are the continuations?
GNUNET_GNS_add_record (struct GNUNET_GNS_Handle *handle,
* Iterator called on each result obtained for a GNS
* operation that expects a reply TODO: eh?
+ *
* @param cls closure
* @param exp when will this value expire
* @param key key of the result
- * @param records the records in reply
+ * // how does the key relate to the name exactly? Why not give the name?
+ * @param record the records in reply
+ * // FIXME: shouldn't this then be an array of pointers?
* @param num_records the number of records in reply
* @param type type of the result
+ * // FIXME: not in signature
typedef void (*GNUNET_GNS_LookupIterator) (void *cls,
const GNUNET_HashCode * key,
* @param handle handle to the GNS service
* @param timeout how long to wait for transmission of this request to the service
+ * // FIXME: what happens afterwards?
* @param type expected type of the response object
* @param key the key to look up
+ * // FIXME: key, name, what format?
* @param desired_replication_level estimate of how many
nearest peers this request should reach
* @param options routing options for this message
+ * //FIXME: missmatch between documented and actual options...
* @param xquery extended query data (can be NULL, depending on type)
* @param xquery_size number of bytes in xquery
* @param iter function to call on each result