import { InfiniteScrollerDirective } from '@app/shared/video/infinite-scroller.directive'
import { NotificationsService } from 'angular2-notifications'
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable'
+import { fromEvent } from 'rxjs/observable/fromEvent'
import { AuthService } from '../../core/auth'
import { ComponentPagination } from '../rest/component-pagination.model'
import { SortField } from './sort-field.type'
const routeParams = this.route.snapshot.params
- if (isInMobileView()) {
- this.pagination.itemsPerPage = 5
- this.videoWidth = -1
- }
- if (this.videoWidth !== -1) {
- const videosWidth = this.videosElement.nativeElement.offsetWidth
- this.pagination.itemsPerPage = Math.floor(videosWidth / this.videoWidth) * AbstractVideoList.LINES_PER_PAGE
- }
- // Video takes all the width
- if (this.videoWidth === -1) {
- this.pageHeight = this.pagination.itemsPerPage * this.videoHeight
- } else {
- this.pageHeight = this.videoHeight * AbstractVideoList.LINES_PER_PAGE
- }
+ fromEvent(window, 'resize')
+ .debounceTime(500)
+ .subscribe(() => this.calcPageSizes())
+ this.calcPageSizes()
if (this.loadOnInit === true) this.loadMoreVideos(this.pagination.currentPage)
private maxPageLoaded () {
return Math.max(...Object.keys(this.loadedPages).map(e => parseInt(e, 10)))
+ private calcPageSizes () {
+ if (isInMobileView()) {
+ this.pagination.itemsPerPage = 5
+ // Video takes all the width
+ this.videoWidth = -1
+ this.pageHeight = this.pagination.itemsPerPage * this.videoHeight
+ } else {
+ const videosWidth = this.videosElement.nativeElement.offsetWidth
+ this.pagination.itemsPerPage = Math.floor(videosWidth / this.videoWidth) * AbstractVideoList.LINES_PER_PAGE
+ this.pageHeight = this.videoHeight * AbstractVideoList.LINES_PER_PAGE
+ }
+ // Rebuild pages because maybe we modified the number of items per page
+ let videos: Video[] = []
+ Object.values(this.loadedPages)
+ .forEach(videosPage => videos = videos.concat(videosPage))
+ this.loadedPages = {}
+ for (let i = 1; (i * this.pagination.itemsPerPage) <= videos.length; i++) {
+ this.loadedPages[i] = videos.slice((i - 1) * this.pagination.itemsPerPage, this.pagination.itemsPerPage * i)
+ }
+ this.buildVideoPages()
+ console.log('Re calculated pages after a resize!')
+ }