## Organization
-### Naming
-Follow these guidelines when naming files and folders, as well as
-layers and styles in your source files:
-- Adhere to [BEM naming convention](http://getbem.com/naming/): `block-name__element-name--modifier-name`
-- Readability above truncation: `background` instead of `bg`
-- `lowercase` everywhere
-- Separate words with dashes, `no-spaces`
-### Files and folders
-- [group-label]/ (e.g. platform)
- - [subject-labels]/ (e.g. settings)
- - projecthandle#issueID-title.sketch (e.g. ce#1337-awesome-design.sketch)
- - [projecthandle#issue-ID-title]/
- - projecthandle#issueID-title--state-one.sketch
- - projecthandle#issueID-title--state-two.sketch
- - assets/
- - asset.svg
-In any case, if the project becomes too complex (i.e. for a complete redesign proposal, please refer to the [design proposals section](#major-design-proposals).
### Pages and artboards
In terms of organization method, use the one that best suits you. However, if